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Questions about Data Management Plans? Just Ask!

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MU Libraries Fall 2015 Newsletter

Welcome back!

Here are some updates about the MU Libraries since last semester:

Faculty and graduate students can now renew materials FIVE times online instead of two. If  you experience any glitches with the new renewal amounts, please contact Esther Schnase ( or 882-9158) for a quick fix.

Thanks to funding from University administration, Ellis Library hours will be extended to 24/5, starting September 8th.

BrowZine is now available for the desktop or laptop, although it does not sync with the app.

The temporary residents from Jesse Hall have vacated Ellis Library, so rooms 114 and 202 are undergoing some renovation before reopening later this semester.

As noted in Mosaics (p.16), the new census Research Data Center will open on the 2nd floor of Ellis Library before the end of 2015.

We are increasing our services in data and data management. DATA-ARCHIVES-L is an announcements service and forum for MU campus affiliates who use quantitative data for research, teaching and study.  To subscribe, go to and click on the Listserv tab or send an email to Marie Concannon, Data Librarian, at Our Data Management Plan guide offers resources and best practices for complying with data sharing requirements. For more information about data management plans, contact

We’ve also had some changes in personnel.  Ann Riley, Associate Director for Access, Collections, and Technical Services, is now Acting Director and responsible for all library operations. University administration will name a search committee for a new director later this fall.  Jim Cogswell will be continuing with the Libraries until his retirement next year.  Jim will be focusing on Advancement opportunities and the MU Libraries Centennial Celebration. 

We are delighted to welcome new librarians: Grace Atkins, User Engagement Librarian in Ellis Library, and Taira Meadowcroft, Information Services Librarian in the Health Sciences Library. Timothy Perry will join Special Collections later this fall.

We continue to recover from the mold outbreak of 2013. Salvaged materials and replacement copies are being processed back into the collections and will reappear in the MERLIN catalog as they become available for circulation. University Facilities Management is working with us on improving and expanding off-site storage options.

We also face significant budget challenges and are working with University administration on how to improve this situation. There will be a vote of the student body on a proposed student library fee in November. We are grateful for the support of MSA for this fee.

We also continue to seek solutions to the pressure of ever-increasing subscription costs. We are compiling data in preparation for a review of high-cost/low-use subscriptions to be considered for cancellation after faculty consultation later this semester. We will send more detailed information on this issue in a later communication.

Upcoming events

Friday workshops on various research tools and topics begin on August 28.  Recordings of past workshops are available online.

This year, we celebrate the centennial of Ellis Library and the history of all the MU Libraries, with these events:

  • September 23, a student-focused party on the North steps of Ellis Library
  • October 15, a celebration at the Health Sciences Library
  • January 15, a Rededication Celebration in the grand reading room with presentation of A Place of Visions, the centennial history authored by Prof. Steve Weinberg.
  • April 15, the grand finale with honored guest David Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States

Upcoming exhibits in the Ellis Library colonnade and in the Bookmark Café.

Banned Books Week, Sept. 27-Oct. 3, 2015.

Open Access Week, Oct. 19-25, 2015.


Ellis Library, under construction in 1914-15.

New Impact Factors Released!

The 2015 release of the Journal Citation Reports is now available!

Please note: this latest release provides data for 2014. You’ll see the “JCR Year” listed as 2014.

Have questions? Ask Kate!

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library SPIE Digital Library Now Available

SPIE Digital Library Now Available

SPIE Digital Library

SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics.

The SPIE Digital Library contains the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics research and provides tools for researchers to optimize their valuable time. With more than 425,000 papers spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging, the SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive research database available on optics and photonics research. Titles included are: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS)(2007-present), Journal of Biomedical Optics (1996-present), Journal of Electronic Imaging (1992-present), Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (2002-present), Journal of Nanophotonics (2007-present), Journal of Photonics for Energy (2011-present), Optical Engineering (1962-present), SPIE Letters (2004-present)(open access), SPIE Reviews (2008-present)(open access), Proceedings of SPIE (1963-present)

MU Libraries News Spring 2015

MU Libraries News Spring 2015

It has been an eventful year for the MU Libraries! We’d like to give you a brief update and forecast of things to come. While we face many challenges, we also find opportunity for new projects and developments.

You may have seen reports in the media of the proposed student library fee. With the encouragement of Chancellor Loftin and with input from the Missouri Student Association (MSA) and the Graduate Professional Council (GPC), the MU Libraries have proposed a student library fee.

  • If passed by the students, the fee will begin at $5.00 per credit hour in fall 2016 and will be followed by $2 annual increases over the five years to a total of $15.00 per credit hour.
  • The fee will dramatically increase funding to the Libraries and help Mizzou to deliver library services on par with our peer institutions.
  • The vote will take place in November 2015.
  • For more details and opportunity to give your input, see

The budget is indeed challenging. With expenditures of $18,643,152, the MU Libraries rank 53rd among the 62 AAU institutions that are members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Our expenditures per FTE student are 37.33% below the ARL average. (For more detail, see our Annual Statistical Report, attached, and our Operating Expenditures report.) Special challenges this year include:

  • Continued inflation of journal and database subscriptions.
  • The 2% reduction in the general allocation of funds, as for all University units.
  • Mandatory increases in minimum wage and for some staff classifications.
  • The need to replenish our self-insurance fund following the mold outbreak and fire of recent years.
  • Increased cost for rental of off-campus storage of materials.
  • Flat or reduced funding of the UM Library Systems Office and other state library organizations, resulting in some cancellations and shifting some costs to the MU Libraries’ budget.

We are considering options for dealing with these issues. If the proposed student fee does not pass, we will almost certainly face a very large journal cancellation. We will begin the work of compiling usage statistics and costs this summer and will be reviewing subscriptions with faculty in the fall in order to be prepared for this eventuality. We will also need to consider curtailing services. If you share our concern regarding library funding, please convey that to your department chair, your dean, and to the Campus Library Committee.

Despite these budget woes, we have been able to make some additions and improvements:

  • We are grateful to Vice Chancellor of Research Hank Foley for funding the subscription to Web of Science for MU. In addition to indexing major journals in many areas, Web of Science provides the metrics used by the AAU to measure the impact of scholarly work. Training videos are available at
  • We have also been able to extend our subscription to BrowZine, an app that facilitates access to online journals.
  • We have made some changes to our website and implemented upgrades to several technologies in order to improve access and usability.
  • Thanks to the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee we will have a new KIC scanner in the Journalism Library.
  • Thanks to engineering student Nick Bira and the Interdisciplinary Innovations Fund, we have a 3D printing service available in Ellis Library.
  • We will be transitioning to a new electronic reserves system, an improvement on eRes, this summer.
  • We continue to increase our capacity to support online learning through the creation of online learning tools, streaming of our workshops, and effective use of tools such as Blackboard’s Collaborate.

We have also done some reorganization. The former Ellis Library Reference Department has been reconfigured as a cluster of closely related teams with the aim of developing services for new students and experienced researchers, regardless of location:

  • Research Services
  • Instructional Services
  • Online Information Services
  • Government Information & Data Services
  • User Engagement

Recovery from the mold outbreak of 2013 is ongoing. Salvaged materials are returning to circulation as they are processed into the new storage facility. Applause are due to many behind-the-scenes staff who are putting in untold hours on quality control, physical processing, and record management as part of this project. Special thanks to Government Information Librarian Marie Concannon, whose coordination with other government libraries to replace documents has allowed us to use available funds to salvage more materials than would otherwise have been possible.

In July we will say farewell to our colleagues from Admissions, Financial Aid, and the Registrar’s Office as they return to Jesse Hall. Their occupancy of rooms 114 and 202 in Ellis Library has inspired us to think more creatively about our spaces. Most of the materials moved from those rooms will remain in their new locations; we have been able to open up some new spaces for study areas—notably The Nook on the 4th floor East.

In the course of the year we have also said farewell to many colleagues who have left us, either for retirement or for new jobs, and we’ve been able to welcome some new colleagues to our team. Searches are ongoing to fill several vacancies. We appreciate your patience as we go through these transitions.

Finally, we look forward to celebrating one hundred years of library service, occasioned by the centennial of the dedication of Ellis Library. Although our history has been marked by significant challenges, there are many positive memories and achievements and exciting possibilities for the future. We hope you will join us for exhibits, performances, book signings, and other celebratory events throughout the year. Signature events include:

  • September 23, a student-focused party on the North steps of Ellis Library
  • January 28, a Rededication Celebration in the grand reading room
  • April 15, the grand finale with honored guest David Ferriero, the archivist of the United States

3D Printing at Ellis Library

New 3D Printers at Ellis Library!

Print Anything at MU is located on the main floor of Ellis Library, near the reference desk:


Web of Science!

Web of Science now available at MU

With funding provided by the University, MU Libraries now have available the Web of Science database collection.  You can search Web of Science—All Databases or any of the databases individually, including the Web of Science Core Collection.

You also have access to an upgraded version of the Journal Citations Report (JCR; impact factors); Essential Science Indicators; and InCites, a benchmarking & analytics tool.

See the below for more details on the various components of Web of Science.

The Web of Science database collection includes:

  •  Web of Science Core Collection (1990-present): This collection indexes thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, conferences and more.  Citation information and analysis with cited reference searching available.  The collection includes Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present) and Index Chemicus (1993-present).
  • BIOSIS Citation Index (1969-present): BIOSIS provides access to journals, reports, books, meetings, and U.S. patents in all disciplines of the life sciences, including traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology, and microbiology, as well as related fields such as plant and animal science, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology.
  •  Current Contents Connect (1998-present): Current Contents Connect is a current awareness database that provides easy access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from more than 7,000 relevant, evaluated websites.
  • Data Citation Index (1990-present): Data Citation Index indexes data sets from selected repositories around the world, and also enables the user to find data sets which cite a particular work.  Coverage is 1990-present.
  • Derwent Innovations Index (1993-present): Provides worldwide patent information and can be searched by text or chemical structures.
  • KCI – Korean Journal Database (1980-present): KCI Korean Journal Database contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea.
  • MEDLINE (Web of Science) (1950-present): Premier life sciences database from the National Library of Medicine, covering biomedicine and life sciences, bioengineering, public health, clinical care, and plant and animal science. Search by topic, MeSH terms, and CAS registry numbers; link to NCBI databases and PubMed Related Articles. Includes times cited information from the Web of Science Core Collection.
  • SciELO Citation Index (1997-present): Access to scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.
  • Zoological Record (1985-present): Zoological Record provides access to worldwide zoological literature, including all major areas of the field: behavior, ecology, evolution, habitat, nutrition, parasitology, reproduction, taxonomy, and zoogeography.

InCites Journal and Highly Cited Data provides access to two web products, Journal Citation Reports, and Essential Science Indicators, as part of the Thomson Reuters Research Analytics solution InCites. Journal Citation Reports® offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world’s leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles’ cited references, JCR Web helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. Essential Science Indicators categorizes journals from the Web of Science into broad categories, and identifies the most highly and rapidly cited journal publications in each category. Counts of highly cited publications attributed to researchers, institutions and countries indicate volume and influence of their research activity.

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics provides a dataset consisting of profiles of institutions, journals, books, proceedings, in the form of graphs and tables, containing data and metrics compiled from three sources: a reputation survey conducted by TR; demographic and financial information from the institutions; journal and publication and citation information from the Web of Science. The data are compiled in a 10 year dataset and are refreshed twice per year. The data are presented via reports, tiles, and support custom analysis and exploration.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Online Access to SpringerProtocols Backfile (1980 – 2014)

Online Access to SpringerProtocols Backfile (1980 – 2014)

You now have online access to over 1,500 books and journals from SpringerProtocols. A major resource for laboratory protocols in the biomedical and life sciences, SpringerProtocols includes Methods in Molecular Biology and Methods in Molecular Medicine.

Please note: this is a special backfile purchase and not a current subscription. While some 2015 items are available (e.g., Frank Schmidt’s newly published RNA-RNA Interactions Methods and Protocols), items added to SpringerProtocols later in the year will not be included.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library New for 2015! Cell Host and Microbe; ILAR Journal

New for 2015! Cell Host and Microbe; ILAR Journal

You now have online access to Cell Host & Microbe!

You now have online access to the current issues of ILAR Journal!
