home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Upcoming Database Cancellation: Biological Abstracts

Upcoming Database Cancellation: Biological Abstracts

Access to Biological Abstracts will end on December 31st, 2013. Due to cost considerations, the MERLIN Library system (comprised of MU, UMSL, UMKC, and MS&T) has canceled the subscription to Biological Abstracts effective December 31, 2013.

Looking for alternatives? Try Scopus or these other biology databases.

Contact Kate Anderson if you have any questions or need help transitioning to another database.

Do you have an ORCID iD?

Distinguish yourself with an ORCID iD. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID lets you claim all of your work as yours (and not that other Jane Doe).

More info

Open Access: What It Is, What It Isn’t

Find out more about Open Access: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/openaccess

Six OA myths put to rest

Springer eBooks!

MU Libraries recently added over 400 ebooks from Springer's Biomedical and Life Sciences collection. Some titles of interest include:

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library New Resources for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine

New Resources for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine

The Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicince (University of Nottingham) has launched VetSRev and BestBETs for Vets!

Information on the new resources from Douglas Grindlay, Veterinary Information Specialist, CEVM:


Firstly, there is VetSRev (www.nottingham.ac.uk/cevm/vetsrev).

VetSRev is a freely-accessible online database of citations for systematic reviews of relevance to veterinary medicine and science. At present VetSRev contains around 330 systematic reviews, but more and more are being published each year.

To find out more about VetSRev and our inclusion and exclusion criteria, please see our document About VetSRev. We have also written a guide to using the database called Getting Started with VetSRev.

BestBETs for Vets

Our database BestBETs for Vets (http://bestbetsforvets.org) is also now available online.

“BET” stands for Best Evidence Topic. The BestBETs concept was first developed for doctors working in emergency medicine (http://www.bestbets.org/). In collaboration with our medical colleagues, we have developed a freely accessible database of BestBETs for vets, BestBETs for Vets.

BETs are simple reviews of the current best evidence available to answer simple, common and specific clinical questions. They are designed to be a quick and achievable method of enabling the incorporation of evidence into clinical practice.

BETs start with a very specific clinical question. A systematic literature search is then done to find available evidence. The relevant literature is critically appraised for quality and a “bottom line” (the answer to the question) is reached based on this evidence. BETs do not tell you what to do, they tell you about the evidence on a certain topic—we aim to give an unbiased view of the evidence found.

BETs can be used to help vets stay up to date on what the current evidence suggests on a specific topic. They can also be used as a discussion point for practice meetings, journal clubs and teaching.

If there is a particular topic or question which we have not yet covered, you could submit the question to us via the BestBETs for Vets website.

New CEVM website

Finally, we have a completely new CEVM website, with details of all our different projects:


Resources for VM-1s & VM-2s

Welcome and welcome back! Check out the VM-1 and VM-2 Resource Guide for essential information on library and information resources.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library New Service! Get Bound Journals from Other Campus Libraries

New Service! Get Bound Journals from Other Campus Libraries

You can now request that a bound journal from the Health Sciences Library (or Ellis or Engineering…) be sent to the Vet Library!

Request a bound volume via MERLIN:

  • Find the journal in the MERLIN catalog;
  • Click on the request button;
  • Log in with your Username;
  • Choose your pickup location. Don’t worry, you’ll choose the journal volume on the next page.
  • You’ll get an email when the journal is ready for pick-up.

Faculty, staff, graduate and professional students can borrow bound journals for 3 days; undergraduates can borrow them overnight.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library More online access to Wiley journals!

More online access to Wiley journals!

We recently purchased the “backfiles” of several Wiley journals. You now have electronic access to all years of:

Equine Veterinary Journal (1968 – present)

Journal of Small Animal Practice (1960 – present)

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (1991 – present)

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (1987 – present)

Veterinary Clinical Pathology (1972 – present)

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound (1960 – present)

Veterinary Surgery (1971 – present)

Previously, these titles were available online from 1997 to present.


JVME Online

The Journal of Veterinary Medical Education is now online back to 2001!



ScienceDirect eBooks!

We’ve just added 34 ScienceDirect eBooks to the collection!


The titles are:

  • Cancer Management in Small Animal Practice
  • Canine and Feline Gastroenterology
  • Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology
  • Canine and Feline Nutrition
  • The Cat
  • Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse
  • Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Birds and Exotic Pets
  • Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle
  • Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology
  • Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat
  • Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition
  • Equine Ophthalmology
  • Equine Surgery
  • Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents
  • Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Based Disorders in Small Animal Practice
  • Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine
  • Handbook of Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasound
  • Handbook of Veterinary Neurology
  • Kirk & Bistner’s Handbook of Vet Procedures & Emergency Treatment
  • Manual of Equine Field Surgery
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats
  • Sheep and Goat Medicine
  • Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods
  • Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology
  • Small Animal Critical Care Medicine
  • Small Animal Dermatology
  • Small Animal Endoscopy
  • Small Animal Pediatrics
  • Small Animal Toxicology
  • Veterinary Dentistry for the General Practitioner
  • Veterinary Hematology
  • Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology
  • Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery
  • Withrow and MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology
