home Staff news Room use policy for room 406

Room use policy for room 406

Now that the new classroom in Special Collections is ready to use, we can make it available for non-Special Collections classes and groups. Please be aware of the following room use policy:

  1. Please book room 406 only when there are no other classrooms or meeting rooms available for your group.
  2. Bookings should be made no more than two weeks in advance to ensure that class sessions in Special Collections have priority use of the space.
  3. Please enforce our no food and drink policy in the classroom. Water in closed containers is acceptable when there are no Special Collections materials in the room.
  4. Feel free to rearrange tables and chairs, but please put the room back as you found it when you leave.
  5. Check in at the Special Collections reading room to have staff unlock the room for you.

LibCal scheduling is in the works, but for now, people can send requests for room 406 to SpecialCollections@missouri.edu.

Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Staff news Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, October 29th- November 2nd

Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, October 29th- November 2nd

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will send out upcoming opportunities every week we think will be of interest. We hope that you will help us continue to build a library culture of diversity and inclusion. At the end of each month, we will have an open forum for those who are interested in debriefing about the workshops/sessions/trainings you attended.

Invited Lecture: “New(er) Challenges of Equity and Representation in Bureaucratic Agencies.”– Dr. K. Jurée Capers, Georgia State University
Monday Oct. 29th 11am-12:30pm, Memorial Student Union, S206

As the nation becomes more diverse, bureaucratic agencies must contend with how to best serve a shifting population that has a range of distinct needs, while simultaneously upholding the nation’s commitment to equality and equity. Having a racially diverse bureaucracy is thought to be one way to ensure equity in service delivery, but this approach is likely to become less useful due to the diverse influx of new immigrants. Using New York City public school data from the 2005-2006 to 2015-2016 school term, this work examines the role of intra-racial group differences in bureaucratic decision making. The research contends that differences in socio-political experiences and interests may limit a bureaucrat’s willingness and ability to ensure equitable service delivery for newcomers that share a bureaucrat’s racial identity, but not his ethnic identity.  Empirical tests assess the extent to which native-born Black bureaucrats serve foreign-born Black clients—does representation cross ethnic lines?  The findings hold implications for understanding the role that bureaucrats play in meeting the interests and will of diverse communities as well as the potential limitations of representative bureaucracy.


“I Am Evidence” Film Screening and Discussion
Tuesday, Oct. 30th 6-8pm, Leadership Auditorium

I AM EVIDENCE tells the story of four survivors whose rape kits went untested for years, following them as they navigate their way through the criminal justice system and learn that so often, the system is broken. The film reveals the historic nature of the way we treat the crime of sexual assault in this country, and the positive effects that occur when perpetrators are held accountable and survivors are given an opportunity for healing and justice. I AM EVIDENCE has won the audience award for Best Documentary Film at both the Provincetown and Traverse City Film Festivals.


Wednesday Wonderings Weekly Discussion Series
Wednesday Oct. 31st 12-1pm, Townsend Hall 220

The purpose of this series is to provide the opportunity for the Mizzou Ed community to learn from one another, exploring different perspectives on current event topics. The goal for this discussion series is to aid participants in the understanding of our shared humanity while also valuing our different experiences and perspectives.


Understanding Bias
Thursday Nov. 1st, 10:30-11:15am, Lafferre Hall W1005 Ketcham Auditorium

Join Dr. Rahhal for an interactive session that facilitates an open dialogue about unconscious bias, creates shared understanding of how bias works and addresses how to counter its effects in order to drive more inclusive behaviors. Mara Inge signed up for this session and would love some company 🙂

Please sign up for this session here: http://tinyurl.com/CPUFALL18


Global Crossings: An International Student’s Journey of Adjustments and Readjustments
Thursday Nov. 1st 11am-12pm, Townsend Hall 220

Sijie Yao shares her experiences as a high school student living with an American host family, pursuing her undergraduate degree at Mizzou, returning to China, and coming back to the US for a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis.


A Talk with Miss Israel Titi Aynaw
Thursday, Nov. 1st 6-8pm, Strickland Hall 210

Titi Aynaw is a top Israeli model, former Miss Israel, television personality, Israel advocate and community leader. In 2013 she became the first Israeli-Ethiopian to win the Miss Israel title, opening the door for other Ethiopian models and causing advertisers to reassess their attitudes towards black models. She had never modeled previously and was unknowingly entered into the beauty competition by a high school friend. The win brought pride to the Ethiopian community and she is considered one of their leading role-models and spokespeople.


Delta Gamma Foundation Lectureship with Jeannette Walls
Thursday, Nov. 1st 7-9pm, Jesse Auditorium

Jeannette Walls is an excellent example of the America success story: coming from a three room house in West Virginia without heating, air conditioning or plumbing, to being a renowned author and journalist with a book on the New York Times best-seller list. Walls is widely known as the author of The Glass Castle, a memoir from her nomadic childhood family life. The book was later adapted into a feature film. She serves as an inspiration to all to be true to yourself, and pursue your highest dreams with determination to make them a reality.

Tickets are free for MU students with an MU ID and $20 for the vernal public. Tickers are available at the MU Student Center Ticket Office.


Fostering Personal and Community Resilience
Friday, Nov. 2nd 12-1:30pm, Women’s Center, MU Student Center

This session is apart of the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity’s series on Inclusions and Belonging.  The purpose of the series is to nurture personal, professional and community development to enhance belonging at Mizzou. The series seeks to create spaces for participants to develop inclusive strategies and deepen community connections on campus.

To register, you can email Alejandra Gudiño .


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, October 22nd-26th

Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, October 22nd-26th

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will send out upcoming opportunities every week we think will be of interest. We hope that you will help us continue to build a library culture of diversity and inclusion. At the end of each month, we will have an open forum for those who are interested in debriefing about the workshops/sessions/trainings you attended.

This month’s forum is October 24th, 3-4pm. Location: 4F51A


Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis
Monday, Oct. 22nd, 6-8pm, Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union

In his path-breaking book “Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City,” Colin Gordon combined GIS digital mapping techniques with extensive archival research to reach new perspectives on St. Louis’s decades-long struggles with depopulation, segregation, economic disparity, and urban decay. His current research continues to probe for deeper understanding of the underlying issues and failed policies behind urban crises such as the turmoil in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot and killed by local police on August 9, 2014.

This event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri; the University of Missouri’s Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity; and the Missouri Humanities Council. Learn more about the African American Experience in Missouri Lecture Series at http://bit.ly/2CQuy3c.


Core Concepts Series: Social Diversity and Inclusive Language
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 12-1:30pm, Townsend Room 206

This session is apart of the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity’s series on Core Concepts. Rachel Brekhus will be attending this session and would love some company. ?
To register, you can email Alejandra Gudiño .


Workshop: Allyship Series – International Experience
Oct. 24th, 3-4:30pm, 220 Townsend Hall

Dr. Shraddha Niphadkar, Psychologist with the MU Counseling Center and Liaison to the International Center, will facilitate a conversation regarding allyship to the International community.

The current political climate can have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of current international students in the U.S. Historically, this has been a difficult population to reach out to because of the diverse nature of this group, a lack of knowledge about the importance of mental health, and the stigma surrounding mental health help seeking frequently seen in this group. The purpose of this presentation is to help raise awareness about the challenges faced by international students, particularly in the current political climate, and to create dialogue about how we can be allies to this vulnerable population.

Registration requested at www.bit.ly/BridgeAllyshipSeriesFall2018


Love Your Body Week
Oct. 22nd-Oct. 26th

Love Your Body Week is our annual celebration of body positivity and self-love! Occurring every Fall, The Love Your Body Festival is the highlight of our week long interactive programming. Join the MU Women’s Center as we celebrate what makes us 100% unique! Click here for this year’s programming.


Social Justice Mediation Training
Registration is now available for this year’s Social Justice Mediation Training, hosted by the University of Missouri System Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The training will take place in Columbia, Mo., from January 2-4 and 7-8, 2019.

The training is open to all university employees from across the UM System. Please promote this to those staff and faculty who may be interested in a great professional development opportunity!

Applicants must complete the online application by Oct. 28.

home Staff news United Way Raffles and Request for Baked Goods

United Way Raffles and Request for Baked Goods

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Chili Kickoff!

On Wednesday, October 24 please bring in your baked goods, individually wrapped and priced. We will hold our United Way bake sale in 104 Ellis Library all day or until the treats run out! Anyone who brings in baked goods or buys baked goods will be entered in a raffle. The raffle prize is a pair of football tickets or a Libraries mug and umbrella.

There will be one final raffle drawing on Friday, October 26. Everyone who has participated by filling in the online or paper United Way form will be entered in this raffle.

Thanks to everyone for supporting our United Way campaign!

University Libraries United Way Committee
Sheila Voss, Chair
Michelle Baggett
Shannon Cary
Gwen Gray

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Halloween is Coming!

Weekend Fun: Centralia Pumpkin Fest, Missouri Autumn Carnival & Balloon Festival, and Late-ish Night Horror

home Staff news 2018 & 2019 Wellness Incentives

2018 & 2019 Wellness Incentives

Biweekly Staff:  If you participated in the 2018 Wellness Incentive program, your Tier 2 payout will appear on tomorrow’s paycheck (not on the Oct 31 paycheck).  Because October is a 3-paycheck month, Oct 17 is the last paycheck that will include benefits. Your October 31 paycheck will also be a little bigger because your before- and after-tax benefits will be excluded from that paycheck.

Monthly Staff: If you are monthly staff and participated in the 2018 Wellness Incentive program, your Tier 2 payout will appear on your October 31 paycheck.

Congratulations! and Good Work! to those that worked so hard to earn the Tier 2 2018 Wellness Incentive!

2019 Wellness Incentive: The 2019 Wellness Incentive program opens on November 1, 2018. The structure will be more flexible than ever with two “cycles” that can be completed together or independently with the ability to earn up to $225 per cycle. For more information, visit the website at https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/wellness_incentive_2019.


home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Harold’s Doughnuts Shared Engineering Library’s Post

Marketing Highlight: Harold’s Doughnuts Shared Engineering Library’s Post

home Staff news Request for Chili

Request for Chili

For the past few years, the libraries have hosted a chili cook off to raise money to support the local United Way. I have the job of finding chili cooks for this year’s event which is on Thursday, October 18. So far, we have five pots of chili but need at least five more.


Either Sheila, Shannon, or I will be at the loading dock on Thursday morning to meet people bringing chili.  We will take it to 4F51A and either reheat or make sure it stays warm.  We will also clean up your slow cooker afterward and store leftovers in a container that you can either pick up or leave for others to finish (assuming there are leftovers).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for considering,

Gwen Gray, grayg@missouri.edu

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Retweets Special Collections

Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Retweets Special Collections

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Springshare Tweet About Prices and Wages Libguide

Marketing Highlight: Springshare Tweet About Prices and Wages Libguide