home Staff news Request for Chili

Request for Chili

For the past few years, the libraries have hosted a chili cook off to raise money to support the local United Way. I have the job of finding chili cooks for this year’s event which is on Thursday, October 18. So far, we have five pots of chili but need at least five more.


Either Sheila, Shannon, or I will be at the loading dock on Thursday morning to meet people bringing chili.  We will take it to 4F51A and either reheat or make sure it stays warm.  We will also clean up your slow cooker afterward and store leftovers in a container that you can either pick up or leave for others to finish (assuming there are leftovers).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for considering,

Gwen Gray, grayg@missouri.edu

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Retweets Special Collections

Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Retweets Special Collections

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Springshare Tweet About Prices and Wages Libguide

Marketing Highlight: Springshare Tweet About Prices and Wages Libguide

home Staff news United Way Chili Kickoff Is Oct. 18

United Way Chili Kickoff Is Oct. 18

The 2018 United Way campaign has begun! This marks the 71st year that Mizzou and the Heart of Missouri United Way have partnered together for this important cause.

Similar to last year, each division on campus will be asked to focus on giving during a 2-week mini-campaign. The Libraries campaign will be from Monday, October 15 to Friday, October 26. (You can also give before our mini-campaign starts.)

We will have a couple of events at the Libraries to encourage participation in the United Way campaign and to raise some additional money. The first event will be the Chili Kickoff on Thursday, October 18 from 11:30 am to 1 pm. Everyone is welcome, and a donation of $2 to $5 would be appreciated. We will also have some fun pay-to-play games during the Kickoff. In addition, this year we will have a bake sale on Wednesday, October 24 and a contest to see which department can donate the most pocket change. More details to come.

United Way supports a variety of very important programs in mid-Missouri. To learn more, please visit https://www.uwheartmo.org/.

You have several options for giving, either online or ask Sheila Voss for a pledge form. Don’t forget, you can give through payroll deduction.

Thanks to all of you for your time and participation in this year’s United Way campaign!

University Libraries United Way Committee
Sheila Voss, chair
Michelle Baggett
Shannon Cary
Gwen Gray

home Staff news How Does United Way Help Our Community?

How Does United Way Help Our Community?

Heart of Missouri United Way addresses the four key targets that contribute to poverty: lack of access to education, health, financial stability and basic needs services.

Heart of Missouri United Way supports crisis and intervention services, which include the following:

  • Basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, etc.)
  • Personal safety services for individuals and families who face threats to their immediate well-being, including but not limited to domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault
  • A coordinated system of information and referral services

Some of the local agencies that provide basic needs to community members and receive funding from United Way are listed below.

Harvest House
Heart of Missouri CASA
Love INC
Mid-Missouri Legal Services
Rainbow House
Services for Independent Living
Sustainable Farms & Communities
The Salvation Army
The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri
True North of Columbia
Turning Point at Wilkes Boulevard United Methodist Church
Voluntary Action Center

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Columbia Micro-Con, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, and the Show Me Fashion Extravaganza

Recipe: Julia Child’s Chicken Soup with Vegetables

home Staff news Staff Advisory Group, 10/9/18

Staff Advisory Group, 10/9/18

SAG Notes 10.09.18 Final

home Staff news Welcome to Ying Hu

Welcome to Ying Hu

Digital Services welcomed a new Library Information Specialist, Ying Hu, on Monday, October 8.

home Staff news Change to Bookmark Cafe Hours

Change to Bookmark Cafe Hours

The Bookmark Cafe hours will be adjusted in the evenings. Starting next week, the Bookmark Cafe will be closing at 10pm (currently closing at 9:30pm) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday hours will stay the same.

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/27/18 & 10/9/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/27/18 & 10/9/18

LMT 09.27.18 Information and Action Items

LMT 10.09.18 Information and Action Items