home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: December 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: December 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article:

From Analysis of Ischemic Mouse Brain Proteome to Identification of Human Serum Clusterin as a Potential Biomarker for Severity of Acute Ischemic Stroke”, was co-authored by Hailong Song, Hui Zhou, Zhe Qu, Dennis Y. Chuang, Shanyan Chen, Grace Y. Sun, Jiankun Cui, and Zezong Gu of the Department of Pathology & Anatomical Sciences as well Agnes Simonyi of the Department of Biochemistry, along with other MU researchers of the Center for Botanical Interaction Studies. The article was published in Translational Stroke Research (impact factor of 8.266 in 2017).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: http://library.muhealth.org/resourcesfor/faculty/faculty-publications/dec2018

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did we miss something? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu and we will add your publication to the list.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: November 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: November 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article:

Mechanisms of Connexin-Related Lymphedema”, was co-authored by Dr. Jorge A. Castorena-Gonzalez , Dr. Scott D. Zawieja , Dr. Min Li , Dr. Luis A. Martinez-Lemus and Dr. Michael J. Davis of the Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology as well as Dr. Roger de la Torre of the Department of Medicine. The article was published in Circulation Research (impact factor of 15.211 in 2017).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: http://library.muhealth.org/resourcesfor/faculty/faculty-publications/nov2018/

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did we miss something? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu and we will add your publication to the list.

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Health Sciences Library Winter Break Hours

Health Sciences Library Winter Break Hours

Please note, the Health Sciences Library will be closed December 25th to January 1st for the holidays so our services will not be available. We will reopen January 2nd.

  • If you need assistance while the Health Sciences Library is closed, please email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu.
  • Any ILL requests will be processed when the library reopens.

Intersession Hours (Beginning Sunday Dec. 16th):

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm-5:00pm

Special Hours:

Tuesday, December 25th-Tuesday, January 1st: CLOSED
Monday, January 21st (Martin Luther King Day): CLOSED


University Libraries Hours

Have an excellent break!


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: December 10-14

Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: December 10-14

On December 10-14, the first floor will be restricted to first and second year medical students for testing between the hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm.

If you need a book from the first floor, please visit the Service Desk.

Remember, if you need to print, use the Health Sciences Library Copy Room printers located on the main floor of the library.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Health Sciences Library New Books

Check out this month’s new books at the Health Sciences Library. You can use the drop down menu to see previous month’s additions.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: November 20-21

Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: November 20-21

On November 20-21, the first floor will be restricted to third year medical students for testing between the hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm.

If you need a book from the first floor, please visit the Service Desk.

Remember, if you need to print, use the Health Sciences Library Copy Room printers located on the main floor of the library.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Health Sciences Library Thanksgiving Break Hours

Health Sciences Library Thanksgiving Break Hours

Our hours will be different during the Thanksgiving holiday break:

Fri, 11/16 : 7:00am-6:00pm
Sat, 11/17: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sun, 11/18: 2:00pm-11:00pm
Mon, 11/19: 7:00am-11:00pm
Tues, 11/20: 7:00am-11:00pm
Wed, 11/21: 8:00am-5:00pm
Thurs, 11/22: Closed
Fri, 11/23: Closed
Sat, 11/24: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sun, 11/25: 12:00pm – 12:00am

University Libraries Hours

Enjoy your well deserved week off!


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Save Time with Expert Searching

Looking to conduct research, develop guidelines, or write for publication and finding yourself spending too much time looking for evidence based literature? The Health Sciences Library expert search service is the time saver you didn’t know you needed.

With this service, you provide the details of your project and your librarian does the rest. They will search multiple appropriate databases, find the best evidence for your project, and package the results in an easy to read format. While your librarian expertly searches your topic, you have more freed up time to work on another aspect of your project.

Searches taking under an hour to complete are free.  Any additional time spent is heavily discounted to $10/hour.

Did you know that the Health Sciences Library conducted more than 760 expert searches for our users in 2017? Our librarians have a lot of experience and want to help you.

Want to take advantage of our expert search service? Fill out this form: http://library.muhealth.org/forms/bibsearch/

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Use MOspace to Measure the Worldwide Impact of Your Research

Use MOspace to Measure the Worldwide Impact of Your Research

Are you presenting at Health Sciences Research Day? Add your poster to MOspace to help boost your resume.

MOspace is the freely available online repository for scholarship and other works by University of Missouri faculty, students, and staff.

You retain copyright, and we provide access.

Once items are submitted, the platform can provide statistics like number of downloads, and from which countries.

Currently, all Health Sciences Research Day posters in MOspace have a total of 9,739 downloads from over 100 countries worldwide.

Interested in seeing the worldwide impact of your research? Submit your poster using our online form today.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: October 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: October 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article:

Characterization of Licensees During the First Year of Missouri’s Assistant Physician Licensure Program”, was co-authored by Dr. Jim Stevermer of the Department of Family & Community Medicine. The article was published in JAMA (impact factor of 47.661 in 2017).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: http://library.muhealth.org/resourcesfor/faculty/faculty-publications/oct2018/

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did we miss something? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu and we will add your publication to the list.