Health Sciences Library New Books

Check out this month’s new books at the Health Sciences Library. You can use the drop down menu to see previous month’s additions.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

WARNING: Fake Library Email Messages

An Important Reminder About Phishing Scams

The University of Missouri Libraries will never send you an email asking you to click on a link to activate your library account. Your library account is activated automatically based on your status with either the Registrar (as a student) or in myHR (as an employee).

Unfortunately, phishing scams sometimes target university email accounts with false claims and links to gather users’ account information.  If you receive such a message about your library account, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.  If you have questions about your library account, you can contact a librarian at

The Division of IT provides additional information on keeping your account safe from such attacks at MakeITSafe:

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Spring Break Hours: J Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

Spring Break Hours: J Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library will be open over Spring Break.

Sunday, March 25: 2:00PM-11:00PM

Monday, March 26- Thursday, March 29: 7:00AM-11:00PM

Friday, March 30: 7:00AM-6:00PM

Saturday, March 31: 10:00AM-7:00PM

Sunday, April 1: 5:00PM-12:00AM

University Libraries Hours

Have a safe and fun Spring Break!




Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library New Book Display: Stroke and Rehabilitation

New Book Display: Stroke and Rehabilitation

Did you know that stoke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of long term disability? Test your knowledge of brain health and stoke prevention. Come check out the Health Sciences new book display about stroke and rehabilitation. Learn about the different types of stroke, best treatment, prevention and rehabilitation.


Book Display Highlights:

In Nan Unklesbay’s book Swimming Against the Tide: Strong Recovery from Stroke, you can read a detailed account of a stroke survivors determination and persistence to overcome obstacles in recovery.  Unklesbay’s book is great for patients, educators and caregivers. It details the importance of occupational, physical and speech therapists in recovery and how vital the physician and nurse relationships are with the patient.


Lucky that way, by Pamela Gerhardt, is a daughters memoir of her father’s last days after a debilitating stroke. For anyone who deals with ageing parents, friends or patients this is an intriguing, humorous, and eye opening read about maneuvering the complexities of human emotions, rehabilitation and decision making.


Check out these books and many more at the Health Sciences Library. The book display is located across from the circulation desk, to the right of the main doors.




Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: March 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: March 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields, and a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, Digoxin and Mortality in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation , was co-authored by Dr. Greg Flaker, Sorenson Chair in Cardiovascular Research in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. The article was published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology (impact factor 19.896 in 2016).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month:

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did we miss something? Email and we will add your publication to the list. 

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Effects of therapeutic horseback riding on post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans: Open Access Blog

Effects of therapeutic horseback riding on post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans: Open Access Blog

This month’s open access article features Dr. Rebecca Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, Professor at the Schools of Nursing and Veterinary Medicine and Director of the Research Center for Human Animal Interaction (ReCHAI). Her research shows that companion animals provide a unique source of social support and facilitate wellness-promoting behaviors. Most recently, she’s been testing the effects on physical activity levels and PTSD of veterans paired with shelter dogs and those participating in therapeutic horseback riding.

Dr. Johnson, and her research team, published in Military Medical Research (MMR) in January 2018. MMR is a completely open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes findings on basic medical science and clinical research related to military medicine. All articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online and all article-processing fees are paid for by the People’s Military Medical Press. It is also indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals. For more information on the journal, click here.

Effects of therapeutic horseback riding on post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans focuses on the benefits of a 6-week long therapeutic horseback riding program for veterans diagnosed with PTSD. This randomized trial, with 29 participants, shows that those who participated in the program had statistically significant decreases in PTSD symptoms than those who were part of the controlled group who did not participate in the therapeutic horseback riding. Even those veterans who expressed initial reluctance to participate were found to enjoy the therapy in the end.

Health Sciences Library New Books

Check out this month’s new books at the Health Sciences Library. You can use the drop down menu to see previous month’s additions.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: March 22-23rd

Exams in Progress at the Health Sciences Library: March 22-23rd

From March 22-23rd, the first floor will be restricted to third year medical students for testing between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Wish our M3’s luck!

Remember if you need to print during these days, use the Health Sciences Library Copy Room Printers located on the second floor of the library.


Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.

Sharing Days Poster Help

Do you have a project that has shown significant process in the past year? If so, why not share your poster during the 5th Annual Sharing Days May 1-3 2018.

The Powerpoint for Posters guide provides resources for design tips, templates, MU Logos and Colors, infographics, and much more. Of course, there are other ways to create posters, by powerpoint is commonly used.

Of course, apart from the layout of your poster, it is important to consider the information that goes on your poster. Does your poster provide enough information? Does it have too much? Be sure to pay special attention to the Evaluating Your Poster tab, which provides a poster evaluation checklist, along with evaluation surveys and rubrics to help you determine if your poster has a focus.  You do want your poster to be visually appealing, but you also want your poster to be informative.

When you have the finished product, the Center for Health Care Quality (CHCQ) will print your poster for free on non-laminated paper. Be sure to check that option when you submit the poster in the QI Tracker. Remember, the deadline to submit your poster is April 15th, either through the QI Tracker or through SharePoint

For poster help contact Taira Meadowcroft at or call at 573-884-3575. Need poster inspiration? You can view last year’s posters at


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Downloading and Printing Ebooks

Through the library, you can access many ebooks, some of which allow downloading and printing. Those ebooks that do allow for printing and downloading sometimes come with restrictions which vary from publisher to publisher regarding the amount of pages that can be printed or saved.

We ask that you be aware of these restrictions because excessive printing and/or downloading can cause the publisher to turn off ebook access for everyone. Here are the guidelines for some ebook websites:

  • AccessMedicine – May download individual sections within a chapter.
  • ClinicalKey – You must sign up for a free account in order to download individual chapters.
  • ProQuest – print policy;download instructions
  • EBSCOhost – print policydownload instructions
  • R2 Digital Library – While you are not allowed to download eBooks from R2, you can print or email sections using the “Tools” icon across the top navigation bar. If more then 60 print or email requests or 20% of the books pages are downloaded/printed over a 24 hour period, then the printing and emailing functions will be turned off.
  • Safari Books – You can only download and print individual pages.

If you have a question or need assistance with ebooks, contact us at



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.