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New Muse Posts

Against Disruption: On the Bulletpointization of Books

Tryps Seussified Spring Break Camp for Kids

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In the News

“MU librarian to share on historic Boone County housing discrimination”
Columbia Daily Tribune, January 22, 2024

home Events and Exhibits On Display in Bookmark Cafe: Martha Daniel’s Grassland Expectations

On Display in Bookmark Cafe: Martha Daniel’s Grassland Expectations

Grassland Expectations
A plein air artist from rural Boone County, Martha Daniels enjoys sharing her love for nature through painting and art. Her background in wildlife conservation and nature education peeks through the paintings. Prairies are complex and fascinating habitats – the subject for many of her works. Martha sees art as a way to capture moments of beauty in the fields, woods, and rivers, then share those colors and forms with others as a connection to the outdoors. To her, art is a way to absorb the soul-soothing and spirit-calming aspects of the natural world.

On display throughout the spring semester in the Ellis Library Bookmark Cafe.

home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


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home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/9/24

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/9/24

LMT 01.09.24 Information and Action Items

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Featured Newshub Posts of the Week


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home Staff news Library Management Team Action and Information Items 12/12/23

Library Management Team Action and Information Items 12/12/23

LMT 12.12.23 Information and Action Items

home Data for Quantitative Research, Resources and Services MU Libraries Data Archives Service

MU Libraries Data Archives Service

The Data Archives Service at MU Libraries offers assistance to MU faculty, staff and students needing machine-readable datasets for new and original research projects. Through the library’s campus membership in the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, MU affiliates may browse and download any of thousands of datasets on a wide variety of topics. We also help users access the growing number of public use datasets on the internet.


Not for profit organizations
Commercial organizations
Academic organizations and individual researchers

U. S. Census Bureau: Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS)
U. S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: American Time Use Survey
National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago: General Social Survey
International Monetary Fund: International Financial Statistics
Pew Internet & American Life: Broadcast networks and news publishers offer opinion poll data
MU Libraries Data Archives Service website has links to ICPSR, the Roper Center, and more:

Contact Marie Concannon (concannonm@missouri.edu) to schedule a presentation/workshop on how to get data for research projects.

home Resources and Services Use ILL During MOBIUS Catalog Update

Use ILL During MOBIUS Catalog Update

In late spring, MOBIUS will transition to a new library catalog system. The MOBIUS catalog project will require temporary suspension of requesting and loaning services between MOBIUS libraries later in the Spring 2024 semester.

  • During the MOBIUS service freeze period, which is estimated to be April 18-May 22, all MU students, staff and faculty may continue to request items through our traditional ILL services which will remain active all through the MOBIUS transition period.
  • In addition, circulation of MU and UM library materials will continue as usual during this time.

If you have questions, please contact us at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.

Below is a general timeline for the MOBIUS catalog project:

  • 1/12/2024: Searching and borrowing from the Prospector Consortium ceases
  • 4/18/2024: MOBIUS lending/borrowing freezes for about five weeks; courier will continue,
    which will enable efficient delivery of ILL loans among MOBIUS
  • 5/22/2024: Go LIVE date: MOBIUS Borrowing/Lending resumes, MOBIUS catalog available

Founded in July 1998, the MOBIUS Library Consortium currently serves 80 member libraries, which include 64 academic libraries,11 public libraries, 4 special libraries, and the Missouri State Library, serving more than 200 physical branches. The consortium’s purpose is to share library materials, information, and services using accessible, cost-effective methods. The MOBIUS Union Catalog has expanded to include more than 29 million items, serving users in Missouri and into Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas and Texas. A courier service delivers library materials to member libraries once per day, 5 days per week. Faculty, staff, and students at Mizzou have utilized MOBIUS services frequently during its almost 25-year history.