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home Gateway Carousel Journalism, Journalism Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Journalism and Communication

New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Journalism and Communication

Below are a few of the jounalism and communication ebooks we’ve recently added to our online collection. You can see the rest of our new ebooks here.

These ebooks were purchased with student success grant funds awarded by the Office of the Provost.


An Influencer’s World

What is the influencer lifestyle? How do influencers win their fight for relevance and create a brand that catches fire, while still leading an authentic, healthy life? Influencing is a business built around likes and hate, which can take a huge psychological toll on those who choose to play the game. An Influencer’s World pulls back the curtain and shines a light on the often-misunderstood realities of this dynamic industry.


Childhood and Celebrity 

Childhood and Celebrity brings together international scholarly writing and research about famous children, and representations of childhood, from a range of disciplines including Childhood Studies, Celebrity Studies, Cultural Studies and Film Studies in order to open up a theoretical space in which to explore and understand the complex relationship between contemporary childhood and celebrity culture.





Disaster Communications in a Changing Media World

The emergence of new media like the Internet, email, blogs, text messaging, cell phone photos, and the increasing influence of first informers are redefining the roles of government and media. The tools and rules of communications are evolving, and disaster communications must also evolve to accommodate these changes and exploit the opportunities they provide.




Imagined Audiences

Many believe the solution to ongoing crises in the news industry–including profound financial instability and public distrust–is for journalists to improve their relationship with their audiences. This raises important questions: How do journalists conceptualize their audiences in the first place? What is the connection between what journalists think about their audiences and what they do to reach them? Perhaps most importantly, how aligned are these “imagined” audiences with the real ones?




Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers

Who makes the news in a digital age? Participatory Journalism offers fascinating insights into how journalists in Western democracies are thinking about, and dealing with, the inclusion of content produced and published by the public.






home Staff news Congratulations to Paula Roper, Winner of MLA Outstanding Professional Librarian

Congratulations to Paula Roper, Winner of MLA Outstanding Professional Librarian

Dr. Paula Roper was named Outstanding Professional Librarian at the 2024 Missouri Library Association Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. First awarded in 2017, the Outstanding Professional Librarian Award recognizes a librarian with an MLS or MLIS degree who has made a significant contribution to the improvement and advancement of library and information services. Nominees must have at least five years post- MLS/MLIS work in the library profession.

Dr. Paula Roper has worked for University of Missouri Libraries for nearly 40 years, beginning her career at Ellis Library as part of the inaugural MU postgraduate “Intern-Scholar Program” in 1986. During her time at Ellis, Dr. Roper has worked closely with the MU School of Education and the Black Studies Department to aid both students and faculty, from the early days of online catalogs to the current challenges of navigating AI software. She has also advocated for the Library’s involvement across campus, including large, public events like Black History Month programming and National History Day. Her experience, knowledge, and drive is valued by both her library colleagues and the faculty at her liaison departments. As one of her colleagues puts it, Dr. Roper “encourag[es] and valu[es] her less experienced colleagues, spurring us to get out of our academic comfort zone, and embrace the power we have, as architects of ‘extracurricular curriculum’.”

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

If you need journal articles, book chapters, proceedings, technical reports, government documents, and any part of other printed publications found within the libraries, simply request that the item be scanned and delivered to you via email. This includes items in any library building, and our off-site depository.

There are many ways you can request items from the libraries:

  • In our MU Libraries catalog, you can request items we have in print using
  • When searching for articles in databases, you can request a copy throughFindit@MU
  • Fill out the blank interlibrary loan form if you already know what item you are looking for

There is no charge for MU Faculty, Staff, and Students. For more information on our Scan & Deliver service, please visit our Scan & Deliver page.

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Boone County Art Show

Night in the Haunted Library

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Marie Concannon receives American Library Association Award”
Show Me Mizzou, Sept. 29, 2024

home Staff news Library Management Team Notes 9/3/2024

Library Management Team Notes 9/3/2024

LMT Notes 09.03.2024

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home Resources and Services Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: All Gender Restrooms

Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: All Gender Restrooms

Did you know both Ellis Library has all-gender restrooms? And for our other libraries that don’t, there are several all-gender restrooms located near them.

We want Mizzou Libraries to be a welcoming space for students of all gender identities and expressions. 

Ellis Library: Rooms 203 & 412

Engineering Library (Lafferre Hall): Room C1211

Geology Library (Geological Sciences Building): Rooms 16, 212A & 315A

Journalism Library (Neff Addition & Neff Hall): Rooms 061, 137D & 106

Math Library Mathematical Sciences Building): Room 332

You can find the full list of all gendered restrooms on campus here.