home Staff news Thank You to Special Collections Field Trip Volunteers

Thank You to Special Collections Field Trip Volunteers

Along with the museums, Special Collections hosted field trip visits for all the sixth grade classes in Columbia Public Schools during April and May. Over 1,300 kids and teachers visited and learned about palm leaf books from Southeast Asia, cuneiform tablets from ancient Mesopotamia, and papyrus from ancient Egypt. We have gotten feedback that the Special Collections visit was a great experience for both the kids and teachers!

We could not have offered programming at this scale without the help of many volunteers. Thank you all for your dedication, enthusiasm, and willingness to share library knowledge and resources with some of our youngest patrons.

Volunteers and Special Collections staff:
Abbie Brown
Cindy Cotner
Clare Starkey
Gabe Harman
Grace Brosi
Gwen Gray
Haley Lykins
Janet Hilts
Janice Dysart
Jara Anderson
Jill Kline
John Konzal
John Henry Adams
Marie Concannon
Megan Ballengee
Michaelle Dorsey
Noël Kopriva
Paula Roper
Rachel Brekhus
Stephanie Prou
Taira Meadowcroft
Ying Hu

home Staff news Preservation Update

Preservation Update

Michaelle Dorsey is now the contact person for all issues related preservation for all libraries. Contact her for questions about data loggers and environmental monitoring, advice on enclosures or repairs, and any other preservation issues. dorseym@missouri.edu

Special Collections Contacts
• Instruction services and tours: John Henry Adams, j.adams@missouri.edu
• Potential acquisitions and donations for Special Collections: Kelli Hansen, hansenkb@missouri.edu
• Not sure who to contact: SpecialCollections@missouri.edu

University Archives Contacts
• Reference questions, research visits, and tours: Gary Cox, coxgd@missouri.edu
• Donating University-related items or transferring University records to University Archives: Anselm Huelsbergen, huelsbergena@missouri.edu
• Hours, locations, and other questions: muarchives@missouri.edu

A couple of notes:
There is no public microfilm reader available in Special Collections, and most microfilms are no longer accessed through Special Collections. The public microfilm reader is now located just outside the Digital Media Lab. For access to microfilms that are located in Ellis Library General Collections, contact Cindy Cotner.

Special Collections no longer collects University of Missouri publications. The SPEC MU collection was transferred to University Archives. For questions about University of Missouri history or publications, contact muarchives@missouri.edu.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

John Henry Adam’s Wordy Wednesday series has been picked up by the John Carter Brown Library on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JCBLibrary/status/1755301245252739465

Make sure you’re following Special Collections and Archives to see more Wordy Wednesday posts!