Tyler Price: Sushi Dreams

Artist Statement

A disappearing plate of sushi, a guitar solo cut short, a serial bomber with a thick Southern accent - all parts of the same dream that makes zero sense when placed under a microscope. However, the context that these events occur in, even in a dream, reveal a great deal about the dreamer. Film is, in my eyes, the perfect way to explore this kind of idea or feeling, one that is difficult to put into words.

Dreams have been visualized in film countless times. The action of dreaming itself usually feels like watching a film written and directed by your memories. The result of this is something that often ends up equal parts surreal and hilarious. That’s exactly what I hoped to achieve with Sushi Dreams. When a close friend told me about a dream where her anxieties about transferring to a new school, moving across the country, and leaving friends and family behind are all apparent, I asked her permission to write a short film based on said dream. Adding in my personal worries about my filmmaking skills and experiences, I hoped to create a short film that could encapsulate the feeling of whiplash a dream can give while still managing to convey nuances of the subconscious.

Sushi Dreams is a dream put to film - nothing more, nothing less. Whether the dream is nonsensical or telling of one’s state of mind is entirely up to the dreamer, or, in this case, the viewer.

About the Project

  • Title of Work: Sushi Dreams
  • Medium: Film, runtime 4:26
  • Student's Name: Tyler Price
  • Major: Film Studies (Film Production)
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2022
  • Hometown: St.Louis, Missouri
  • Student's Mentor: Desiree Moore
  • Mentor's Department: Film Studies


Paige Harris

This Film has such an interesting concept and truly makes it feel like you're in a dream with the main character 

Emily Smith

I vote sushi dreams!

Dmitri Winkeler

Sushi dreams

Alicia price

Loved it!!! 

Cameron Aydt

  1. Great work bruv 

sami magee


Andrea Heiss

You have captured a great deal of the uneasiness of "dream logic," where non sequiturs abound.  I like the dreamer who is always trying to make sense of things.

Maria Perez

Watching this short film felt so dizzingly familiar. I think we have all experienced a dream that ended up revealing something about us that we did not realize. And I can definitely relate to the mental trip that is a cross country move and the emotions that it brings. Our feelings don't have to make sense and that's ok. Being able to capture something from the unconscious mind is truly a gift, which is what this is. Much support from TX!