Mara Mazzucchelli: Reflections

Artist Statement

The four compositions are done in acrylic paint on canvas. The first three compositions are still lifes of purposely chosen objects, while the last piece is inspired by a photograph of my 16 year old cousin. All the pieces are progressions of one another and are influenced by ideas of reflection, consumption, effect, and influences.

Effect was the first still life influenced by household items and their importance in daily life. The windex bottle and light bulb are intentional explorations of light as it is absorbed and bounced off surfaces. Similarly, Reflections is a black and white painting that continues this exploration but with a limited palette. Then, Consumption is a monochromatic still life piece that uses blue to manipulate the composition giving it a despairing tone. The figure is the focal point and is being swallowed by all the other objects.

Influence is a mixed media portrait piece inspired by the idea of social pressure. The portrait is of my 16-year-old cousin who is going through the struggles of social pressure through her time in high school. Magazines strips are adhered to the painted portrait to showcase how media influences one's persona. The collage reflects a figure blended with the very media meant to represent this group. The dark purple background brings emphasis to the figure and showcases the darkness surrounding her. Finally, a swipe of paint covers her eyes to emphasize that it’s not just my cousin but all women that are influenced by the media.


About the Project

  • Title of Work: Reflections
  • Medium: Four 18" x 24" acrylic on canvas paintings
  • Student's Name: Mara Mazzucchelli
  • Major: Architectural Studies (Interior Design)
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2023
  • Hometown: Glenview, IL
  • Student's Mentor: Fidencio Martinez Perez
  • Mentor's Department: School of Visual Studies


Cara Lanscioni

Love it!

Brooke Meyer

Awesome, good job Mara!