Molly Whiting: Knock Before Entering

Artist Statement

I have always been one to shut my bedroom door. I don’t know if it’s because I was trying to keep my parents out, or trying to keep my cat in. Growing up I’ve always had to share my space, so having one that is just for me has been incredibly important in my development as an individual. I can sing and read and cry in my room and no one will know. I feel the most comfortable in my room, I feel the most in control. “Knock Before Entering” is an interactive video projection installation that welcomes viewers to insert themselves into my safe space. Normal life is mundane. It’s mundane, and how we spend the majority of our living years. I want others to be able to get a look behind my closed door… without actually opening it. Through my work I want others to be able to get a look into the monotony of real life. Life is not just the most exciting moments; life is the experience of every day, hour, and minute. Viewers can sit and watch as long as they’d like, watch me in a meeting, napping, or sleeping as the sun goes down. This footage is unedited, and viewers can act as a fly on the wall. To get to know someone is to see them in every environment and situation, so pull up a chair and exist with me for a moment in time.

About the Project 

  • Title of Work: Knock Before Entering
  • Medium: a projection that is cast onto a standard sized door
  • Student's Name: Molly Whiting
  • Major: Digital Storytelling
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2022
  • Hometown: Independence, MO
  • Student's Mentor: Desiree Moore
  • Mentor's Department: School of Visual Studies


Ronda Williston

  1. Love the idea! 

Kari Moore

Great job Molly!

Steve Sander

Outstanding work. 

Shelly Schmidt

What a thought-provoking idea! Nicely executed!

Patty Askew

Molly, Good for you! Liking your alone time shows me you are Happy. 

Jane Whiting

I will definitely knock first. Frank's so cute. Great job, Molly! 

Jill Mabie

Absolutely beautiful!!! I couldn't agree more with the sentiment behind "closed doors"  

Impressive, unique, honest & thought provoking. 

Heather Felix

Great idea! We always wonder what people do behind closed doors. I love how your cat moves all over the place when you are sleeping. True adventures of a cat mom.

Ellie Lilly

Excellent work! 

Dale Hall

Nice work young lady!

Patty Simmons

Love the mundane, the monotony of the quietude and the music of the beat of your heart, Molly. 

This project is well done and inspires me to listen behind my closed door. 

Barbara McGinnis

These thoughts with pictures ring so true!  Love your creativity!!

Great job Molly! 

Kelly Black

Impressive!  Great job Molly!

Jill Mabie

Blown Away Molly!!! That was incredibly artistic & 100% true, for me too. The softer tone in your voice while narrating was PERFECT & spot on, as it was as comforting to me as the content you shared. I'm officially your biggest fan

Sydney McClintock

Molly, I absolutely love this piece as well as your video explanation. I'm so proud of you - keep up the amazing work!!

Robert Whiting

Interesting. Well done.

Melina Williams

Great job! I'm very impressed

Melina Williams

Great job!!! Very impressive. 

Maddie Carter

Very unique and creative! 

Heather Tomlinson

LOVE this and can relate!