Olivia Childs: Unseen Feelings


Artist Statement

You know the feeling you get as a kid when you can’t go to bed because something exciting is happening the next day. You're jumping up and down and your heart rate is up and you cannot sleep. Your mind is looking forward to something so bad that you create a perfect vision and want to spend every second soaking it up. I want to achieve the embodiment of those moments or strong feelings with this project. I want to give my community a space to feel seen and be able to speak about a feeling they felt very strongly. I asked close friends and family to describe a strong feeling they have felt and/or feelings and asked them to go into detail with it. I then consolidated that feeling into a visual representation. By placing all the feelings characters in a bigger setting, it creates this other worldly creation. All the unseen feelings then get their own place to feel seen, heard and wanted. My intention for this project was to listen to people who have felt something we don’t normally speak freely about and try to connect them to something bigger than themselves with this other world I illustrated where their feelings can run wild.

About the Project 

  • Title of Work: Unseen Feelings
  • Medium: two 18x24 Illustrated Digital Posters; six 4x6 Postcards with descriptions for poster
  • Student's Name: Olivia Childs
  • Major: Art
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2022
  • Hometown: Columbia, MO
  • Student's Mentor: Ric Wilson
  • Mentor's Department: Graphic Design


Benton Kidd

I love the ingenuity and energy of your images. They really capture the spirit of your message. Great job!

Sarah Humfeld

Olivia, I really love that these emotions live in community with each other, in a physical space. I'm wondering if you can tell us more about the city-scape in which they live. Some emotions are inhabiting high-rise apartments, while others are in the path of mass transit! Why a city instead of a forest or a single home. How does this space overlay additional meaning on your characters? Thanks for sharing!

Alex K

I absolutly LOVE this! The way you addressed adult emotions that most of us don't acknowledge with inviting and bright colors. You started a conversation others both want and need to be a part of and you did it in such a wonderful and interactive way! Congratulations on all the hard work it really shows!

Deborah Huelsbergen

Olivia I love this! You are a force of nature and I feel so honored to have gotten to be a tiny little part of your life over the last 4 years!