Paige Neff: BEODY

About the Project 

Going through college can be hard on yourself when you compare yourself to the peers around you. College is about learning and growing, but sometimes watching the world around you. Learning how to accept yourself and become your own person can be a challenge. BEODY was a project created to inspire people to be themselves and that they are always going in the right direction. The confidence that these posters inspire are to aid everyone to be able to show their own colors and strengths. We are meant to find our way, even if we stand out or blend in. Everyone has different paths, and everyone has a different look. As someone who struggled with fitting in while starting college, I would have loved to be able to find an outlet through art as I am now. These posters are my advice for anyone seeing them and to hope that they will help as they helped me. Be bright, be confident, be you.

About the Project 

  • Title of Work: BEODY
  • Medium: three 11x17 inch posters created on Adobe Illustrator
  • Student's Name: Paige Neff
  • Major: Art
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2022
  • Hometown: Springfield, MO, USA
  • Student's Mentor: Ric Wilson
  • Mentor's Department: Graphic Design


Sarah Humfeld

Paige, thanks for sharing your posters! I am personally most intrigued by the poster on the left (You Are Real) because of the juxtaposition of sun and clouds. Can you explore a little bit about the cloud shadow on the ground, as it would seem to have some really profound implications for 'positivity' as defined by culture. Personally, I really like that stray little cloud on a sunny day!


I love the concept! You did an awesome job!

Deborah Huelsbergen

Love this Paige! So darn proud of this and ALL the amazing work you do.


This is so inspiring.