Darreon Carbin: Undiagnosed

Artist Statement

Undiagnosed is a series of self-portraits that explores my journey with mental health struggles. With this project, I wanted to provide visual representations of my feelings living with depression and social anxiety. During the fall semester of 2021, I struggled the hardest with my mental health and I decided to use art to heal myself and express my feelings.

With the state of the world and a global pandemic, it is important to take care of oneself and make mental health a priority. Many students may have felt or feel the same way as I and struggle alone. With this project, I hope to make the topic of mental health less taboo, bring awareness to things like depression and anxiety, and inspire artistic outlets.


About the Project 

  • Title of Work: Undiagnosed
  • Medium: four 28' x 42' photographs
  • Student's Name: Darreon Carbin
  • Major: Art
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2023
  • Hometown: St. Louis, MO, United States
  • Student's Mentor: Joe Johnson
  • Mentor's Department: Art


Linda Blockus

Nicely done!  Great artist's video too!

Darreon Carbin

Thank you!

Destyni Dickerson

Voting for Darreon Carbib

Darlene Davis

As usual, I am amazed at the relevancy and social and cultural significance of your work. I am over the top proud of you and super glad to be your "grandie".

Darreon Carbin

Thank you so much! I love you!

Tammy Phillips

You are so talented! Continue doing what you love! 

Darreon Carbin

Thank you so much!

Byron Phillips

Very well done! Keep making us proud Cuz!

Darreon Carbin

Thank you!

Ronald Bobo

Great job, Darreon!

Ronald Bobo

Proud of you! Great job!

Ronald Bobo

Proud of you! Great job!

Darreon Carbin

Thank you so much!

Susan Dunn

Excellent work Darreon !!

Darreon Carbin

Thank you!

Karen Phillips

An amazing thought provoking artist!

Tokyo Vann


Rosemarie Hauck

Excellent presentation. So proud if you. 

Christene Johnson

Great execution of very common struggle for many these days..

Chelsea ruffins

Amazing photos Darreon, this is a new era of photography.

Kaleb Lowe


Dennisha carbin

Nothing short of amazing, I'm so proud of you!! Great job !

Kim Scales

Great job! Thank you for being transparent. 

Brenda Powe

Powerful, creative & expressive photography! I'm very proud of you, Darreon! Your art will touch many.  I'm also impressed with your verbal articulation of your work. ❣️ Auntie Brenda 

Thomas Relerford

So dope! So inspiring! Keep doing your thing cousin!

V. Nicholas


I loved hearing you explain your photos. Keep up the good work!

Auntie Vanita 

Faith Sandler

Proud of who you are and what you have created, Darreon. To be seen and heard takes contemplation and courage. Both qualities come through in your photographs and your commentary. Bravo!

Esther Pruett

thanks for sending

Karina Arango

Thank you for sharing your art, creativity and humanity with the world. You and your art are incredible and real.

Julia Muller

Thank you.

Debra Kennard

Thank you, Darreon, for sharing so much of yourself. Your art is a beautiful conversation with the world and we're so lucky to have you in it. Keep creating!



Thank you for your powerful art. It bears witness to our common humanity. Keep creating. Keep healing. Keep sharing.