Katie O'Russa: Don't Erase Me


Artist Statement

Research has shown that animals are going extinct between 1,000-10,000 times faster than the natural rate of decline, and humans are responsible for 99% of endangered species today. We must stop this. As someone who is passionate about public education, as well as animals, I developed a series of posters, flyers, and digital assets that speak to animal endangerment and conservation. “Don’t Erase Me” was developed from the concept of chalkboards being associated with education. The project aims to display a simple, yet effective message that animals will soon be "erased" without the intervention of humans. My goal was to create something that would leave a lasting impression on viewers and inspire them to become more educated on this topic.

Animal conservation is a main priority for accredited zoos and aquariums, so in developing this campaign I connected with my hometown zoo. After working closely with directors at Peoria Zoo, I was permitted to use their logo with the potential of them adopting it as part of their conservation efforts. I was provided with photos of animals from Peoria Zoo, which I then drew with chalk and photographed for my campaign. These included extremely endangered animals such as an Amur tiger, white rhino, and reticulated giraffe; all animals which are loved and recognized by the general population.

Animal conservation should be a major concern for people today. Without our help, species will continue to go extinct. My campaign is one step toward educating the public about this critical topic.

About the Project

  • Title of Work: Don't Erase Me
  • Medium: Four 18x24" poster prints (prints of digitally made pieces)
  • Student's Name: Katie O'Russa
  • Major: Art
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2022
  • Hometown: Peoria, Illinois, USA
  • Student's Mentor: Deborah Huelsbergen
  • Mentor's Department: Graphic Design


Diane Waddell

Well done and excellent message 

Susan DeClue

Vote for Katie!

Suzanne Sybert

Wow! She has so much talent, & she's using it in such a great way. Good luck, Katie!

Suzanne Lehr

Important topic.  Excellent project!



Janet Fite

Great job, Katie. 

Janet Fite

This is an important concern. 

D Madget

Great ideas

D Madget

Great ideas

D Madget

Great idea

April Michele

Good luck Katie!

Linda DeVore

You are a person after my own heart! All animals must be protected! Thank you, Katie!

Linda DeVore

You are a person after my own heart! All animals must be protected! Thank you, Katie!


An important topic. 

Judith Mitchell-Miller

Excellent in every way. The exquisite drawings, the poignant "Don't erase me" slogan, and the overall design of your posters compellingly communicate the environmental threats many animal species are facing.

Linda Blockus

I appreciate how thoughtful your artist video is...very well planned and edited!  - Dr. Blockus

Sarah Humfeld

Katie, I hope the Peoria Zoo will use your images; they are so powerful!  I am curious about what you think about illustrating groups of animals, in which a single swipe of the eraser removes half of the group? I'm also curious about the potential to display your chalk drawings in a way that is purposefully temporary and ephemeral... to watch an animal disappear over the course of a day as people brush past it. Thanks for sharing!

Deborah Huelsbergen

So proud of you Katie! You are an amazing designer but more importantly an amazing person! 

Richard O’Russsa

WOW!  What a great job and mission.  I am so proud of you.  You have a terrific future in this world.

Shirlene O’Russa

Great job!  I learned about the extinction of animals.