home Staff news Presentation by Steven Pryor, August 29

Presentation by Steven Pryor, August 29

Please join me in welcoming Steven Pryor to the University of Missouri Libraries by attending his open presentation. Steven Pryor was recently hired as a Librarian II in the RAIS Division. I asked Steven to share his professional history with us and to comment on some current trends that influence his thinking about digital initiatives in libraries.

When:  Wednesday, August 29th at 9:00 a.m.
Where:  Ellis 114A

–Jeannette Pierce

home Staff news All Staff Meeting Notes 8/16/18

All Staff Meeting Notes 8/16/18

Greeting and announcements – Ann Campion Riley, Vice Provost of Libraries and University Librarian

  • Ann extended a special welcome to people joining us through Zoom.
  • Since we have a lot of communication going out through monthly Staff Advisory Group Meetings and that Library Management Team notes are distributed in News Notes, Ann wanted to bring in a guest speaker for our All Staff meeting this year and we are so happy to welcome Provost Ramchand.
  • Please visit our new classroom in Special Collections.
  • PJ and Kathy continue to work on upgrades for student furniture.
  • Consider attending our upcoming Friends of the Library event on September 27.
  • We are Looking forward to being innovative with our space this coming year.

Staff updates – Sheryl Cullina, Senior Human Resources Manager

  • Sheryl announced new employees since our January All Staff meeting.
  • Sheryl also announced employees receiving promotion.

Marketing presentation – Shannon Cary, Communications Officer

  • Shannon shared the goals and resources for our Libraries’ marketing strategy.

Guest Speaker- Dr. Latha Ramchand, University of Missouri Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

  • Ramchand shared her aspirations for the University, her connections with libraries and addressed a few questions from the audience. She welcomed the Libraries to reach out to her with any ideas for progress.
home Staff news Library Instruction Web Page Update

Library Instruction Web Page Update

The new site for Library Instruction Services is now live: http://library.missouri.edu/instruction/ . The old link for on LibGuides “Events, Classes, Workshops” will redirect to the new page. You can send questions and comments to Joe Askins, Head of Instructional Services.

Accordingly, the menu on the Libraries websites (and guides) have changed slightly to reflect this update.

Also, users can access our new Workshops page at the easy-to-remember URL, http://library.missouri.edu/workshops. There, they can browse and register for upcoming workshops, view archived recordings of past workshops and request workshops.

This new URL will gradually replace the old, hard-to-remember tinyurl address on our marketing materials.

Thanks to Nav (and Dylan and Alora) for putting a lot of time and effort into getting these pages up and running.

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“PHOTO GALLERY: New MU students begin college journey”
Columbia Missourian, August 13, 2018

home Staff news Office Carpets in Ellis Library to Be Vacuumed Monthly

Office Carpets in Ellis Library to Be Vacuumed Monthly

Beginning the first week of September, Bonnie Johnson in our Receiving/Facilities team will begin vacuuming private office spaces in Ellis Library not currently covered under the University’s custodial contract.

As most of you know, private office spaces are no longer vacuumed as part of the University’s custodial contract. Even though vacuums were purchased almost two years ago and are readily available in all staff areas, it’s become clear that vacuuming of private offices by individuals has proven to be challenging in Ellis Library. Because we need to keep our floors to stay in good shape for many years, the carpets need to be vacuumed regularly to slow the aging process and to provide a clean environment for our staff.

Bonnie will vacuum private office spaces once per month. I have tried to personally speak with everyone affected. If I missed talking to you and you would prefer to vacuum your own space, please let me know. If your office area is on the list for vacuuming, you will receive a recurring calendar appointment in Outlook very soon to let you know when to clear your office floors. This does not affect anyone in the Specialized Libraries, Archives, or the remote storage facilities at this time. If there are issues with vacuuming in those areas, please let your LMT member know.

Please note:

  • Have floors cleared by the end of the work day prior to vacuuming.
  • Vacuuming will be done between 7:00-7:30am.
  • Bonnie has been asked to vacuum open floor spaces that can be reached easily. She has been asked to avoid moving anything, including chairs.
  • You are still responsible for removing trash and recycling.
  • If you lock your door, please continue to lock your door. Bonnie will key herself in and lock the door behind her (or ask Security for assistance).
  • If your office space cannot be vacuumed on the appointed day, the appointment will simply be missed. There are many other facilities tasks that need attention. If possible, Bonnie will let you know about conflicts in advance and I hope you will consider vacuuming on those rare occasions.

Thanks in advance!

Kathy Peters

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/14/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/14/18

LMT 08.14.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Healthy for Life Classes

Healthy for Life Classes

Escape from your desk! Lunchtime fitness classes are a great way to reduce stress, boost energy levels and improve your well-being. Bring your own mat and wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move and stretch fully. All levels are welcome! MU Faculty and staff, you can earn 10 points per class toward your Tier 2 Wellness incentive –up to 200 wellness points under Physical Activity.

  • Pilates: M/W (12:15-12:45) in 205 Townsend, $3 per class. Contact Tina England (engandt@missouri.edu) for information.
  • Strength/Core conditioning: M/W/F (12:15-12:45) in Room 4F51 Ellis Library, $1 per class. Contact Nani Fudge (fudge@missouri.edu) for information.
  • Yoga: T/R (12:15-12:45) in Room 4F51 Ellis Library, $1 per class. Contact Glenda Moum (moumg@missouri.edu) for information.

For more information on ways you can improve your health and well-being, visit the Total Rewards Culture of Health page: https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/wellness/culture_of_health


home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The Libraries have an immediate opening for the following staff position:

  • Library Information Specialist – Digital Services  27527

For additional information, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: NEXT2ROCK, the Kay Brothers, and Jill Orr

Would You Check Out a Necktie from the Library?

home Staff news College Colors Day 2018: Unleash Your Black and Gold!

College Colors Day 2018: Unleash Your Black and Gold!

Wear your black and gold on College Colors Day, Friday, August 31. Show your Mizzou spirit and be part of the best-dressed and best office decorations contests hosted by Staff Advisory Council. Visit the Council Facebook page for all the details on how you could win great prizes for yourself or your office. #showme #mustaffspirit18