home Staff news Welcome to Tamara Inge

Welcome to Tamara Inge

Please welcome Tamara Inge to the Engineering Library. Tamara will be working as a Sr. Library Specialist beginning on August 27, 2018.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Tacos and Tequila Fest, Boone Dawdle, and Ripcord!

Recipe: Asparagus Gruyere Tart

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Police arrest man after hidden camera found in restroom at Columbia Public Library”
KMIZ, August 3, 2018

home Staff news Librarian Promotions

Librarian Promotions

Please congratulate the following Librarians on their promotions.  These are all effective September 1, 2018.

  • Taira Meadowcroft: Promoted to Librarian II
  • Rachel Brekhus: Promoted to Librarian III
  • Kelli Hansen: Promoted to Librarian III


home Staff news Welcome to Cori Mayfield, Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

Welcome to Cori Mayfield, Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

  • Please welcome the following Librarians.  They joined the LIbraries on Wednesday, August 1, 2018.
    • Steven Pryor will be a Librarian II, working in Research, Access, and Instructional Services.
    • Christina Pryor will be a Librarian III in the Health Sciences Library.  She will be working as the NN/LM Coordinator.
  • Please welcome Cori Mayfield back to Ellis Library Circulation.  Cori will be a part time Library Information Assistant.  She started on July 30, 2018.
home Staff news In the News

In the News

“A craving for coffee spikes when you become a college student, but is it good for you?”
Columbia Missourian, July 26, 2018

home Staff news MOspace and DSpace Updates

MOspace and DSpace Updates


  • MOspace celebrated a 10th birthday on July 1.  We held a celebration for library employees this month and will plan for publicity for campus this fall.
  • DOIs are coming.  MU Libraries are in the process of joining CrossRef, a DOI registration agency.  Soon, we will assign DOIs to MOspace content, making it easier for users to cite our content.

DSpace updates

  • MOspace is delivered using DSpace, an open-source repository software platform. DSpace code is undergoing a significant rewrite and the new version, DSpace 7, will include major improvements.  Of note are easier ways to customize design and functionality and an increased ability to integrate with content from other sources such as ORCID.  In addition, there will be improved searching and display features.  An exciting development is the expansion of DSpace to accommodate entities other than resources (e.g., articles, presentations, and datasets).  DSpace 7 will include options to include author profile pages, journal issue viewers, and funding agency information.  DSpace 7 is due to be released in early 2019.  Felicity Dykas serves on the DSpace 7 Outreach Grou

For more on DSpace 7 see the following resources:

  • A 2017-mid-2018 DSpace annual report is almost completed. This will be the first annual report issued and highlights a focus on increased outreach and communication with the DSpace community and potential DSpace installations.

Felicity Dykas
Head, Digital Services Department
(573) 882-4656


home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Recipe: Quick and Spicy Tomato Soup

Blog: Awful Library Books

home Staff news Notes from the Director 7/19/18

Notes from the Director 7/19/18

The time after summer session ends and before fall begins is traditionally a peaceful time of year.  This year, late summer has brought with it lots of budget and space planning questions at the campus level.  What will happen to the lower level of Ellis Library is wrapped up in some of those discussions this year.

Most of you have heard by now about the possible changes.  I want to emphasize that no decisions are final yet except that the new director of the Teaching for Learning Center is moving temporarily, until new offices are ready for her, into my old office, Ellis 56.  Sharing information about other ongoing plans helps people be aware of what is under discussion, and I have to balance openness against creating situations that can generate unhealthy gossip and speculation.  I want to be as open as possible about things, and I know trusting people to hear and understand in an open-minded spirit is the right thing overall.

As we confront changes and challenges, the most important thing we can do is be calm and respect each other’s viewpoints. We need to be careful about thinking out loud sometimes, as we can unintentionally tread on the feelings of others. I am trying not to do that, and hope you will, too.

Many of you will be on vacation for a few days as the summer ends.  Deb Ward will be acting University Librarian while I am gone during the next few weeks.  I look forward to having productive discussions at our All Staff Meeting, featuring our new Provost, on Aug. 16!

Ann Campion Riley
Vice Provost and University Librarian



home Staff news Health Sciences Library Phone Number Change

Health Sciences Library Phone Number Change

The Health Sciences Library is moving to a single service desk, and we’ve consolidated our phone numbers. To contact both the circulation desk and the information desk, please call 573-882-4153. This switch has been changed in libanswers, libguides and the contact us pages.