home Staff news Comments Requested Regarding Updated Policy

Comments Requested Regarding Updated Policy

Policy #47: Disruptive Behavior and Inappropriate Use of Library Facilities has recently been revised. This draft policy is being distributed for your review and comments. Please send any comments to Jeannette Pierce at piercejea@missouri.edu by Friday, August 24.

Policy 47:  Disruptive Behavior and Inappropriate Use of Library Facilities
University of Missouri Libraries
General Policy Manual Policy No. 47
Disruptive Behavior and Inappropriate Use of Library Facilities

  • Scope of Policy
    • This policy applies to all interior spaces that are part of the University Libraries.
  • Purpose
    • The Libraries strive to create and maintain environments that are conducive to the pursuit of scholarly activities.  This policy supplements existing University and Libraries’ policies with the purpose of defining inappropriate use and disruptive behaviors that negatively affect the ability of others to use library spaces and equipment.  In addition to the behaviors outlined in this policy, the Libraries comply with policies outlined in University of Missouri Collected rules and Regulations, Chapter 110: Use of Facilities and Equipment. 
  • Disruptive behavior and inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to:
    • Any act that is illegal under State or Federal law.
    • Any act or behavior prohibited in the University of Missouri Collected rules and Regulations, Chapter 110: Use of Facilities and Equipment.
    • Any behavior that is deemed harassing, threatening, or abusive (either spoken, written, or physically) by the recipient. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, speaking in a louder than normal tone, using threatening bodily motions (waving hands, pounding fists or books, etc.) or using inflammatory language (cursing, ethnic slurs, etc.) or exhibiting offensive behavior (racial or sexual in nature, exposing oneself, excessive staring, etc.).
    • Deliberate misuse, misappropriation, or damage to library collections, resources, furniture, buildings, or equipment.
    • Any disorderly behavior within the Libraries due to intoxication by alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.
    • Rowdy behavior that disturbs other patrons.
    • Behavior that poses a sanitary or health risk to others.
    • Unapproved solicitation of staff or other library users, in person or through distribution of informational materials.  For example, selling products, seeking signatures for petitions, unauthorized posting of marketing materials, etc.
    • Use of skateboards, skates, bicycles, and similar devices.
    • Presence of personal property that takes up excessive space such as shopping carts, bicycles, or bedding.
    • Smoking or use of tobacco products.
    • Pets and other animals are generally not permitted in the building unless approved by the Administration office.  Service animals are permitted.  For more information see the University of Missouri Business Policy and Procedure Manual:  Guidelines for Pets on University Property and MU Policy on Service Animals.
    • See also Policy 36:  Acceptable Use of MU Libraries’ Computers Regarding Sensitive Materials.
  • Enforcement
    • Disruptive behavior may be reported to library security or any staff member.
    • Regardless of who receives the initial complaint, Security and/or MU PD will be called to handle all cases in which the individual notified of the need to change behavior is not compliant or for any behavior that is verbally abusive or threatening to either persons or property.
    • Once notified, Security personnel determines severity of behavior and takes appropriate action.
      • Enforcement of this policy will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner.
      • Safety of employees and library users is the most important consideration in all disruptive situations.
    • Violators may be asked to leave the libraries and may be issued a trespass warrant.  Trespass warrants are generally issued for one full year from the date of the violation.
    • Violators who are students or University employees may be subject to applicable University policies and disciplinary processes.
    • Violators may face disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri.
  • Appeals
    • Concerns regarding the implementation or enforcement of this policy may be directed to the University Librarian.
    • Any person wishing to appeal a trespass should contact the University Librarian.

Approved by the Library Management Team: October 2016; revised March 2018.


home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/9/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/9/18

LMT 08.09.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Escape Ellis Library: Welcome Week Event

Escape Ellis Library: Welcome Week Event

The University Libraries have teamed up with Breakout CoMo to design an escape room activity in Ellis Library for Welcome Week. This is a fun opportunity for new students to set foot in the library. Teams of students will have 45 minutes to navigate the library, find clues, and solve puzzle. Approximately 40 students can participate at each start time: 5pm, 6pm, 7pm.

Librarian volunteers are needed to reset puzzles and provide hints if needed. Contact Grace (atkinsge@missouri.edu) if you can help for an hour or two (or three) in Ellis Library between 5-8pm on Friday, August 17.

For a full list of Welcome Weekend activities, see the org sync page: https://orgsync.com/174352/events?view=upcoming

home Staff news Welcome to Tamara Inge

Welcome to Tamara Inge

Please welcome Tamara Inge to the Engineering Library. Tamara will be working as a Sr. Library Specialist beginning on August 27, 2018.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Tacos and Tequila Fest, Boone Dawdle, and Ripcord!

Recipe: Asparagus Gruyere Tart

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Police arrest man after hidden camera found in restroom at Columbia Public Library”
KMIZ, August 3, 2018

home Staff news Librarian Promotions

Librarian Promotions

Please congratulate the following Librarians on their promotions.  These are all effective September 1, 2018.

  • Taira Meadowcroft: Promoted to Librarian II
  • Rachel Brekhus: Promoted to Librarian III
  • Kelli Hansen: Promoted to Librarian III


home Staff news Welcome to Cori Mayfield, Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

Welcome to Cori Mayfield, Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

  • Please welcome the following Librarians.  They joined the LIbraries on Wednesday, August 1, 2018.
    • Steven Pryor will be a Librarian II, working in Research, Access, and Instructional Services.
    • Christina Pryor will be a Librarian III in the Health Sciences Library.  She will be working as the NN/LM Coordinator.
  • Please welcome Cori Mayfield back to Ellis Library Circulation.  Cori will be a part time Library Information Assistant.  She started on July 30, 2018.
home Staff news In the News

In the News

“A craving for coffee spikes when you become a college student, but is it good for you?”
Columbia Missourian, July 26, 2018

home Staff news MOspace and DSpace Updates

MOspace and DSpace Updates


  • MOspace celebrated a 10th birthday on July 1.  We held a celebration for library employees this month and will plan for publicity for campus this fall.
  • DOIs are coming.  MU Libraries are in the process of joining CrossRef, a DOI registration agency.  Soon, we will assign DOIs to MOspace content, making it easier for users to cite our content.

DSpace updates

  • MOspace is delivered using DSpace, an open-source repository software platform. DSpace code is undergoing a significant rewrite and the new version, DSpace 7, will include major improvements.  Of note are easier ways to customize design and functionality and an increased ability to integrate with content from other sources such as ORCID.  In addition, there will be improved searching and display features.  An exciting development is the expansion of DSpace to accommodate entities other than resources (e.g., articles, presentations, and datasets).  DSpace 7 will include options to include author profile pages, journal issue viewers, and funding agency information.  DSpace 7 is due to be released in early 2019.  Felicity Dykas serves on the DSpace 7 Outreach Grou

For more on DSpace 7 see the following resources:

  • A 2017-mid-2018 DSpace annual report is almost completed. This will be the first annual report issued and highlights a focus on increased outreach and communication with the DSpace community and potential DSpace installations.

Felicity Dykas
Head, Digital Services Department
(573) 882-4656