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MOspace and DSpace Updates


  • MOspace celebrated a 10th birthday on July 1.  We held a celebration for library employees this month and will plan for publicity for campus this fall.
  • DOIs are coming.  MU Libraries are in the process of joining CrossRef, a DOI registration agency.  Soon, we will assign DOIs to MOspace content, making it easier for users to cite our content.

DSpace updates

  • MOspace is delivered using DSpace, an open-source repository software platform. DSpace code is undergoing a significant rewrite and the new version, DSpace 7, will include major improvements.  Of note are easier ways to customize design and functionality and an increased ability to integrate with content from other sources such as ORCID.  In addition, there will be improved searching and display features.  An exciting development is the expansion of DSpace to accommodate entities other than resources (e.g., articles, presentations, and datasets).  DSpace 7 will include options to include author profile pages, journal issue viewers, and funding agency information.  DSpace 7 is due to be released in early 2019.  Felicity Dykas serves on the DSpace 7 Outreach Grou

For more on DSpace 7 see the following resources:

  • A 2017-mid-2018 DSpace annual report is almost completed. This will be the first annual report issued and highlights a focus on increased outreach and communication with the DSpace community and potential DSpace installations.

Felicity Dykas
Head, Digital Services Department
(573) 882-4656