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New Muse Posts

Animals Aglow

The Rabbit hOle

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Students and mentors recognized for Show Me Research Week accomplishments”
Show Me Mizzou, April 17, 2024

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: UMLD Picker Naming Contest

Marketing Highlight: UMLD Picker Naming Contest

The marketing team is working with UMLD to do a naming contest for the new UMLD Picker. So far we have 13 names so far. Next week, we will do a bracket to start voting on names!

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


Other Posts

home Staff news Congratulations to Amanda Sprochi

Congratulations to Amanda Sprochi

Amanda Sprochi received a CORE Presidential Citation for her work as chair of the the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access. The Cataloging Description and Access Committee is critical to the library profession, but over these last years has suffered from a vacuum in leadership. This year Amanda jumped in to serve as chair without much notice and was able to lead this committee back to strength. The Core Board is grateful for her leadership.

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU honors students, faculty, staff at remembrance ceremony”
KOMU April 5, 2024

home Staff news Request for Student Worker Participation in Survey

Request for Student Worker Participation in Survey

NOTE: Please share this with your student workers.

The University of North Texas Libraries are conducting a research study on Career Readiness and Engagement in Student Library Employee Roles.

This study is seeking participants who are 18 years of age and older and are employed in a U.S. academic library in a part-time or student employee position who may qualify to participate in a research study evaluating the relationships between library student work, career readiness, and academic engagement.

Please share this survey link with qualified employees who may wish to participate. To request additional information contact Jenn Washburn.

Eligible subjects will complete an online survey that takes an estimated ten minutes and subjects will receive no compensation.

To complete the survey visit http://tinyurl.com/2psf32pz (https://unt.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6liVg0FvqQDBI3k)

Principal Investigator: Jenn Washburn

For more information, please contact Jenn Washburn Email: Jenn.Washburn@unt.edu Phone: 940-565-4832

home Staff news Welcome Back to Nicole Whyte and Goodbye to Jacqueline Eiben

Welcome Back to Nicole Whyte and Goodbye to Jacqueline Eiben

We’re pleased to announce that Nicole Whyte is returning to the University Libraries on April 15, to serve as executive assistant in the Administrative office.

Nicole will join us to help prepare the administrative office for transition, as Jacqueline Eiben will be leaving us in late May so she and her kids can join her soon-to-be husband in Olathe, KS. Nicole is an office professional with 20+ years of experience working for the University of Missouri. She holds a master’s degree in psychology, and she brings with her many years of experience as an executive assistant and HR support staff.

Nicole worked in the administrative office of the University Libraries as an HR specialist 2018-2021, before being relocated as part of the HR reorganization in 2021. She is delighted to return to the Libraries, and to be doing the type of work she loved doing for two schools here at MU before turning to HR work.

We are fortunate to bring Nicole back to the Libraries as someone who is already familiar with our organization. We’re looking forward to a smooth transition. Welcome back, Nicole!

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Unbound Book Festival

Was Monday Not Enough?

home Staff news Congratulations to Ellis Security and Safety Team Members

Congratulations to Ellis Security and Safety Team Members

Congratulations to Senior Officer Ronald Raines, Officer Michael Walker and Officer Nathaniel Burriss!
They are the first three Ellis Security and Safety Officers to complete the Campus Protection Officer Certification here at Ellis Library. Thanks for taking the time and effort to get this done. Keep up the good work and making Ellis Library safer for our staff and patrons. We are having all our officers complete this course regardless of part-time or full-time status or work experience. Knowledge is always the best first tool in crime prevention. Hopefully soon I will be able to give a better acknowledgement for this achievement. We’re looking to issuing award bars for completion of the course along with First Aid, CPR and AED Certification.

This course is intended to be an introduction to the campus safety profession and is an excellent course for newly hired officers but can also serve as a refresher course for seasoned officers. This Corse covers topics in Tactical Communication, Active Shooter Initial Assessment, Run, Hide Fight, S.A.F.E., CLERY,-Campus Security Authorities (“CSA”) are designated university employees who are required to disclose and report on-campus incidents of which they become aware, How to Identify Crime Risk Areas, What is FERPA?, Mindset in Policing, Community Policing.

This is a certification course, so many of the sections will have a test at the end.

Any questions about this course or the Ellis Security and Safety team can be directed to Sr Officer Larry Dietzel Phone 573-882-3240 or Email Dietzell@umsystem.edu