home Staff news Library Management Team 4/16/2024

Library Management Team 4/16/2024

LMT 04.16.24 Information and Action Items

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Finals are upon us: Discover Mizzou’s premium study spots”
Show Me Mizzou, April 29, 2024

home Staff news April Student Archivists Newsletter

April Student Archivists Newsletter

The first newsletter with the 2024 Officers of the Society of American Archivists Mizzou Student Chapter (SAAMUSC) was recently published. Amanda May, a library information specialist in Ellis Library circulation, is the president of the chapter.

Volume 35 Society of American Archivists

home Staff news New Muse Post

New Muse Post

Some Humor For Your Weekend

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Pride Reel

Marketing Highlight: Mizzou Pride Reel

Thanks to Jara Anderson, Megan Ballengee, and Gabe Harman for being great sports filming this reel!

It’s been viewed 3400 times, has 256 likes, 18 comments and 49 shares. That’s amazing engagement!

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Countdown to Finals

Other Posts

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Ellis Library hosts tour of revamped Art and Archaeology, Anthropology museums”
KOMU, April 22, 2024
(similar story in several other publications)

“Amanda Sprochi: Tomato lover shares lifetime of gardening pleasure”
Columbia Missourian, April 18, 2024

home Staff news April SAG Recording

April SAG Recording

Here is the recording for the April SAG meeting. We will have the notes out soon. Thanks again to Marie for sharing all her valuable information about health care billing.

home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

home Resources and Services, Staff news Send a Friend (or Yourself!) a Finals Week Pet Gram

Send a Friend (or Yourself!) a Finals Week Pet Gram

Feeling stressed? Need a pick me up or know someone else who needs a a dose of serotonin? Send yourself, a friend, a coworker, or whoever else a pet gram to make them smile.

You can choose to feature a dog, cat, or bird. Or choose to be surprised! All pets featured are owned by a Mizzou Libraries employee and they are excited to have their beloved pets to spread some joy.

Send one or many, there is no limit! We will take requests from now until May 6th.

Request here: https://forms.gle/KahzbkveBJVsCdoe9

Have a question? Email mulibrariesprmc@missouri.edu


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.