home Staff news We Got a Card from Scotland!

We Got a Card from Scotland!

We recently received a handmade card from some library lovers in Edinburgh, Scotland! The family are big fans of libraries and their young children created their own library while on break from school. They even made the card!

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

home Staff news Thank You to Everyone Who Helped with Homecoming!

Thank You to Everyone Who Helped with Homecoming!

Our Homecoming Open House was a big success! Thanks to everyone who helped out.

Megan Ballengee
Shannon Cary
Cindy Cotner
Emilee Flores
Zoe Homan
Jeannette Pierce
Nick Raines
Paula Roper
Tours: Abbie Brown and Mara Inge

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

Our “Celebrating Open Access Week” post was in the MU Healthy Today newsletter on Thursday.

home Staff news Huber Publishes on FOLIO Migration

Huber Publishes on FOLIO Migration

Seth Huber at the University of Missouri-Columbia has published an article “From Sierra to FOLIO: Cataloging Perspectives on Migration and Post-Implementation Impact” in the latest issue of the open access technical services journal TCB: Technical Services in Religion & Theology. (Note: The article is not in any way restricted to the field of religion and theology, but is part of a special issue dedicated to system migrations.) Some of the other articles in the issue cover data cleanup and migration planning more broadly.

Huber, Seth. 2023. “From Sierra to FOLIO: Cataloging Perspectives on Migration and Post-Implementation Impact”. TCB: Technical Services in Religion & Theology 31 (4):19-22. https://doi.org/10.31046/tcb.v31i4.3294.

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Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


Other Posts

home Staff news October Staff Advisory Group Meeting Recording

October Staff Advisory Group Meeting Recording

If you missed yesterday’s SAG meeting, here is a link to the recording:

home Staff news Happiness is a Library Endowment Fund

Happiness is a Library Endowment Fund

That’s the name of the newest endowment at University Libraries! Thanks to Anne Morgan, our colleague in Mizzou’s Office of Planned Gifts, we now have a “Happiness” fund that will provide funding for our library student workers. Anne committed to celebrate paying off her student loan and said, “I wanted to do something to pay it forward to my people. I love libraries and the people that work for them. I hope my gift will help a few students get through college with a little less debt.” The fund will be used to provide a modest hourly pay increase for selected Level II student workers.

Anne is generously creating this fund with a $100,000 pledge from her estate and has already begun making monthly gifts by payroll deduction to enable us to make use of the fund during her lifetime. Anne is encouraging others to give to the Happiness fund, and if you’d like to get in on the happiness, please contact Matt Gaunt or Nick Raines in the Libraries Advancement Office.

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Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


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In the News

“2022-23 faculty promotions and tenure”
Show Me Mizzou, Oct. 11, 2023