home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Recent CVM Publications (May update)

Recent CVM Publications (May update)

3 May 2018

Below are College of Veterinary Medicine publications added to the Scopus database in the last 30 days.

PubMed Collection of MU CVM Publications 2018

Congratulations to all the recently published authors!

Journal Articles

Melendez P, Pinedo P, Marin MP, Arias A. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mannan-oligosaccharides on daily weight gain and health of pre-weaned Holstein calves in Chile. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 2018;13(1):1-6. doi: 10.3844/ajavsp.2018.1.6.

Maitz CA, Brockman JD, Yang M, Zhang S, Stannard J, Volgas D, Gahl JM. Demonstration of the bactericidal effects of the boron neutron capture reaction. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2018;137:190-3. Epub 2018/04/15. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2018.04.011. PubMed PMID: 29655123.

DeClue AE, Axiak-Bechtel SM, Zhang Y, Saha S, Zhang L, Tung DD, Bryan JN. Identification of immunologic and clinical characteristics that predict inflammatory response to C. Novyi-NT bacteriolytic immunotherapy. BMC Veterinary Research. 2018;14(1):119. Epub 2018/04/03. doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1424-1. PubMed PMID: 29606140; PMCID: PMC5879919. Open Access article

Adair S, Baus M, Belknap J, Bell R, Boero M, Bussy C, Cardenas F, Casey T, Castro J, Davis W, Erskine M, Farr R, Fischer T, Forbes B, Ford T, Genovese R, Gottschalk R, Hoge M, Honnas C, Hunter G, Joyce J, Kaneps A, Keegan K, Kramer J, Lischer C, Marshall J, Oosterlinck M, Radue P, Redding R, Reed SK, Rick M, Santschi E, Schoonover M, Schramme M, Schumacher J, Stephenson R, Thaler R, Vedding Neilsen J, Wilson DA. Response to Letter to the Editor: Do we have to redefine lameness in the era of quantitative gait analysis. Equine Veterinary Journal. 2018;50(3):415-7. Epub 2018/04/11. doi: 10.1111/evj.12820. PubMed PMID: 29633362.

Wessel AR, Crist BD, Stannard JP, Della Rocca GJ, Stoker AM, Bozynski CC, Cook CR, Kuroki K, Ahner CE, Cook JL. Assessment of Reamer Irrigator Aspirator System (RIA) filtrate for its osteoinductive potential in a validated animal model. Injury. 2018. Epub 2018/04/25. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2018.04.010. PubMed PMID: 29685704.

Galarza-Seeber R, Latorre JD, Wolfenden AD, Hernandez-Velasco X, Merino-Guzman R, Ledoux DR, Rottinghaus GE, Bielke LR, Hargis BM, Tellez G. Evaluation of Bacillus spp. as direct fed microbial (DFM) candidates for aflatoxin B1 biodegradation in broiler chickens. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 2016;11(1):29-35.

Chandler TL, Pralle RS, Dorea JRR, Poock SE, Oetzel GR, Fourdraine RH, White HM. Predicting hyperketonemia by logistic and linear regression using test-day milk and performance variables in early-lactation Holstein and Jersey cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2018;101(3):2476-91. Epub 2018/01/02. doi: 10.3168/jds.2017-13209. PubMed PMID: 29290445.

Melendez P, Whitney M, Williams F, Pinedo P, Manriquez D, Moore SG, Lucy MC, Pithua P, Poock SE. Technical note: Evaluation of fine needle aspiration cytology for the diagnosis of fatty liver in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 2018;101(5):4483-90. Epub 2018/02/27. doi: 10.3168/jds.2017-13346. PubMed PMID: 29477511.

Smith MJ, Pfeiffer FM, Cook CR, Kuroki K, Cook JL. Rotator cuff healing using demineralized cancellous bone matrix sponge interposition compared to standard repair in a preclinical canine model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2018;36(3):906-12. Epub 2017/08/10. doi: 10.1002/jor.23680. PubMed PMID: 28792082.

Hookey TJ, Backus RC, Wara AM. Effects of body fat mass and therapeutic weight loss on vitamin D status in privately owned adult dogs. Journal of Nutritional Science. 2018;7. doi: 1710.1017/jns.2018.7.

Bukoski A, Uhlich R, Bowling F, Shapiro M, Kerby JD, Llerena L, Armstrong JH, Strayhorn C, Barnes SL, University of Missouri Combat Casualty Training C. Perceptions of simulator- and live tissue-based combat casualty care training of senior special operations medics. Military Medicine. 2018;183(suppl_1):78-85. Epub 2018/04/11. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usx136. PubMed PMID: 29635549.

Jaffey JA, Backus RC, McDaniel KM, DeClue AE. Serum vitamin D concentrations in hospitalized critically ill dogs. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194062. Epub 2018/03/29. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194062. PubMed PMID: 29590167; PMCID: PMC5874018. Open Access article

Klakotskaia D, Agca C, Richardson RA, Stopa EG, Schachtman TR, Agca Y. Memory deficiency, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and amyloid-beta plaques in APP+PS1 double transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):e0195469. Epub 2018/04/12. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195469. PubMed PMID: 29641600. Open Access article

Kim SY, Torres BT, Sandberg GS, Budsberg SC. Effect of limb position at the time of skin marker application on sagittal plane kinematics of the dog. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2017;30(6):438-43. Epub 2017/12/05. doi: 10.3415/VCOT-16-12-0172. PubMed PMID: 29202507.

DeClue AE, Axiak-Bechtel SM, Zhang Y, Saha S, Zhang L, Tung D, Bryan JN. Immune response to C. novyi-NT immunotherapy. Veterinary Research. 2018;49(1):38. Epub 2018/04/25. doi: 10.1186/s13567-018-0531-0. PubMed PMID: 29690928. Open Access article


The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is always happy to highlight CVM Faculty Research!
Did we miss anything? Please let Kate know.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Study Spaces

Countdown to Finals: Study Spaces

Before those long hours of studying during finals week, find a study spot at Mizzou Libraries. We have spaces for everyone. If you like dead quiet, check out rooms 201 and 202 at Ellis Library. Check out this Ellis Libray floorplan to see all the quiet spots. Journalism also has four private personal study pods on the bottom floor that are first come, first served.

But if complete silence isn’t your thing, try the Information Commons (or the first main floor of Ellis Library). There is always The Bookmark Cafe on the ground floor for coffee and conversation as well.

If it’s a group study spot you are searching for, try to reserve one of the group study rooms in either Ellis, Engineering, or Journalism. They can be reserved for up to two hours for each group. But remember, it’s best to plan ahead. They fill up quickly! The Health Sciences Library also has a small number of study rooms on their third floor reserved for people enrolled in health-related programs.

Remember, if your program has its own library, be sure to check out those spaces, as they are often designated specifically for you!

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Account Status

Countdown to Finals: Account Status

Every student at Mizzou has many accounts they need to keep track of, and some of those accounts can help you out at the Mizzou Libraries!

Know the status of your Print Quota. Make sure you have money left if you need to do a lot of printing! If not, it will send the charges to your student account. To check the status of your Print Quota, click the link and log in with your username and password. You can also request refunds from this site if your print didn’t come out correctly.

Another account to keep in mind is your MERLIN Account. This is the account that keeps track of all the books and materials you have checked out from the Mizzou Libraries or MOBIUS. If you have anything checked out through Interlibrary Loan, you can see that information by logging into your separate ILL Account

Something else you always want to bring with you to the Mizzou Libraries is your Student ID. After 10 pm this is how you are granted access into Ellis Library, and this is also how you check out supplies during all hours the library services are open.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Stocking up on Supplies

Countdown to Finals: Stocking up on Supplies

If you’re short on supplies, you can buy more from a vending machine located near Ellis Library’s north entrance onto Lowry Mall. The bluebooks in this machine are free, so pick them up ahead of your first exams. The vending machine also stocks the following items:

  • Highlighter Sharpie
  • Wite-out Correction Pen
  • Binder Clips
  • Black Sharpie
  • G-2 Black Pen
  • Bic Pencil .7mm
  • Bic Pencil .5 mm
  • Memo Book
  • CD-RW
  • AAA Batteries
  • Mini Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Ear Plugs
  • Flash Drives
  • Scotch Tape
  • Sticky Notes
  • 4 Function Calculator
  • Envelopes 5 pack

You can find bluebooks and other supplies at the Mizzou Store if the library vending machine runs out.

Staplers are located near each set of printers in Ellis Library, but please be gentle! If a stapler runs out or jams, take it to the Research Help and Information Desk immediately. Along with providing research help, our librarians are skilled stapler surgeons.

home Resources and Services Countdown to Finals

Countdown to Finals

Finals are a week away, and Mizzou Libraries wants to help you be prepared. Check this post every day this week for tips on getting ready for your exams using library resources and services.

Staying a Step Ahead

Stocking up on Supplies

Account Status

Study Spaces

Hours of Library Services

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Staying a Step Ahead

Countdown to Finals: Staying a Step Ahead

Finals week can be overwhelming, but doing some things ahead will save time later. Before finals start:

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits, Resources and Services De-stress with Therapy Dogs and More in Ellis Library

De-stress with Therapy Dogs and More in Ellis Library

Trained therapy dogs will be in Ellis Library once again during finals week. Visit the dogs on the first floor of Ellis Library during the following times:

Sunday, May 6th: 3-5 pm AND 7-9 pm

Monday, May 7th: 7-9 pm

Tuesday, May 8th: 7-9 pm

Wednesday, May 9th:7-9 pm

Also check out the Zen coloring tables on the first floor, or if you need a quiet space to work on your final papers and projects, Room 213 (Electronic Classroom 2) is open 24/7 during finals as a quiet study space with computers.

All of the dogs are certified therapy dogs, and many participate in service activities in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and libraries. These therapy dogs are trained to interact with children, the elderly, and others facing difficult situations such as college students experiencing finals week stress.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Government Information, Resources and Services Prices and Wages Give Us a Glimpse into the Past

Prices and Wages Give Us a Glimpse into the Past

The Prices and Wages by Decade research guide has found fans across campus, the state, and the world since Marie Concannon, Head of Government Information, created it six years ago.

Esteemed research scientist Jay Zagorsky, who collects data for the National Longitudinal Surveys of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is one of the latest scholars to use the detailed lists of resources for prices and wages throughout the history of the U.S. Zagorsky investigated how prices at high end restaurants have changed since 1899 using menus found via the guide.

Marie enjoys making historical prices meaningful by placing them in context with average wages paid at the time. The guide directs users mostly to U.S. federal and state government information, supplemented by other primary sources when needed.

The audience for the Prices and Wages by Decade guide has dramatically increased each year. Maries notes that the vast majority of visitors find the guide through Google searches. She says, “I developed the site expecting that most people would look for hard-to-find information from the 1800s, but it turned out that the most popular decades are the 1920s, 1950s and 1970s.”











If you use the guide, let us know about your project and how the information you found on prices and wages made the research process easier.


home Resources and Services, Staff news Happy 20th Birthday, UMLD!

Happy 20th Birthday, UMLD!

Today we’re excited to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the first module (U1) of the University of Missouri Libraries Depository, and what better way to celebrate than to take a look at how our permanent UMLD location supports the wonderful campuses and libraries of the UM System! Happy birthday, U1, we hope you will continue to serve our students, faculty, and staff for many years to come!


home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: April 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: April 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, Rare Disease Mechanisms Identified by Genealogical Proteomics of Copper Homeostasis Mutant Pedigrees, was co-authored by Dr. Michael Petris, Professor of Biochemistry and Nutrition & Exercise Physiology. The article was published in Cell Systems (impact factor 8.406 in 2016).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: http://library.muhealth.org/resourcesfor/faculty/faculty-publications/apr2018/

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did we miss something? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu and we will add your publication to the list.