home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Tutors from the Writing Center will be offering one-on-one writing support in Ellis Library again this fall. All Mizzou students can take advantage of this service. Tutors can help with all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, revising, polishing a final draft. They are familiar with a variety of writing styles and formats.

Writing Tutors’ Schedule
Ellis Library, Room 151-E
Fall 2017

Sunday, August 27 through Finals Week
(no tutors during Thanksgiving Week)

Sunday 4:00 – 9:00 pm

Monday noon – 9:00 pm

Tuesday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Wednesday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Thursday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sign up for appointments on the sign-up sheet which will be posted on the door to Room 151-E at the start of tutoring hours that day. Appointments are for fifty minutes.

Visit the Writing Center’s website to find out more about the writing assistance they offer.

home Resources and Services Warning About Fake Library Email Messages

Warning About Fake Library Email Messages

We have reports that some students have received email messages that appear to be from the University of Missouri Libraries. The messages ask recipients to click on a link to reactivate their library accounts. These messages do not come from the Libraries. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. If you have questions, you may contact a librarian at libraryanswers.missouri.edu/.

Below is a sample of the fake email message.

Dear User,
Your access to your library account is expiring soon due to inactivity. To continue to have access to the library services, you must reactivate your account. 
For this purpose, click the web address below. A successful login will activate your account and you will be redirected to a database as random.Click here.

If you are not able to login, please contact Susan Jackson at jacksonsu@missouri.edu for immediate assistance.
Susan Jackson
University of Missouri

Library Services 
T: 573-882-2469


home Resources and Services Donate Your Eclipse Glasses

Donate Your Eclipse Glasses

Are you wondering what you should do with your eclipse glasses now that Eclipse 2017 is over? You can donate them! Astronomers Without Borders will soon announce a program dedicated to redistributing your donated glasses to schools in Asia and South Africa for the eclipses in 2019.

“This is an opportunity for schools to have a first-hand science experience that they might not otherwise have” Astronomers Without Borders President Mike Simmons told Gizmodo. “Many schools in developing countries don’t have resources for science education and this is a rare opportunity that inspires students and teachers and shows them that science is something they can do. It can be a ray of hope for young people who don’t otherwise see a path to a career like this.”

You can donate your glasses by dropping them off at any service desk at any of the following University Libraries:

  • Ellis Library
  • Engineering Library
  • Geology Library
  • Health Sciences Library
  • Journalism Library
  • Math Library
  • Zalk Veterinary Medical Library

We will make sure they will make it to the Eclipse Glasses Redistribution Program. Click here for more information.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Locations, Resources and Services Celebrating the King

Celebrating the King

Here at the University of Missouri Library Depositories, we’re all about the King. And while we couldn’t make it to Graceland to mark the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ death last week, we were still celebrating here in Columbia. If you would like a little more Elvis in your life–and who wouldn’t, really–give a listen to this 1976 copy of Elvis’ The Sun Sessions, available now for check-out.

home Locations, Resources and Services The Odd-Fellows’ Offering, vol.11 (1852)

The Odd-Fellows’ Offering, vol.11 (1852)

We’re often awed by the beautiful bookplates and illustrations we find at the University of Missouri Library Depositories, and some of the most impressive we’ve come across of late are from volume 11 of The Odd-Fellows’ Offering. Published in 1852, this volume is part of the series collecting “gems of American literature by distinguished members of the order and other eminent writers.” While we work to make it available for check out, why not have a look at some of the other volumes, available online through https://www.hathitrust.org/.

home Resources and Services Gotta catch ’em all: Archiving digital content such as social media should include linked objects

Gotta catch ’em all: Archiving digital content such as social media should include linked objects

In the digital media world, there’s no guarantee that material that appears one minute will be there the next.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Gotta catch ’em all: Archiving digital content such as social media should include linked objects

home Resources and Services Possible Technology Interruptions During Eclipse

Possible Technology Interruptions During Eclipse

As Mizzou prepares to celebrate the solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, students, faculty and staff should anticipate possible interruptions in some technology services. While we do not expect operations to be impacted severely, we should be prepared for some challenges due to the combined effects of the first day of classes plus visitors, both on-campus and in the surrounding community.

During times of peak demand, students, faculty, staff, and visitors may experience:

  • Overloaded cellular service, which could cause calls to fail and/or text messaging delays, along with the loss of data services;
  • Problems accessing TigerWifi and TigerWifi-Guest due to excessive load; less impact would be seen on wired connections;
  • Possible problems logging into University resources;
  • Slower commercial internet connectivity in the Columbia area. Users could experience delays or difficulty reaching websites or other resources;

Remote workers and learners also may be affected by strain on commercial internet providers and campus resources such as VPN services.

We appreciate your patience as we anticipate this once-in-a-lifetime event. If you have any questions, please contact our help desk at (573) 882-5000.


Gary Allen
UM Vice President Information Technology and MU Chief Information Officer

home Resources and Services Hjalmar Gislason: Keynote speaker: Digital salvage operations — what’s worth saving?

Hjalmar Gislason: Keynote speaker: Digital salvage operations — what’s worth saving?

Self-proclaimed data nerd Hjalmar Gislason is the vice president of data for visual analytics software company Qlik.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Hjalmar Gislason: Keynote speaker: Digital salvage operations — what’s worth saving?

home Engineering Library, Resources and Services Welcome Engineering Students!

Welcome Engineering Students!

Welcome! We are beyond excited to have you all back.

Learn more about us!

Engineering Library Staff:

  • Noel Kopriva – Noel is our Engineering Librarian. She is here to help you navigate and choose library databases and resouces for your research projects. Currenty, she splits her time between Ellis Library and here so schedule an appointment!
  • Michelle Baggett and Kate Wright – Michelle and Kate are Senior Library Specialists. They are here to answer any service related questions and to help you track down specific books and articles.

Our Space:

  • 67 DoIt Windows desktop computers and 1 Macintosh: these all come with complete list of DoIt software.
  • 4 study rooms: these rooms, large and small, come equipped with whiteboards, data ports, and 55-inch flat panel displays on the walls with laptop HDMI hookups.
  • Large group study tables and individual study carrels.
  • Printers, scanners and copiers.
  • Library hours

Our Services:

  • We checkout a number of equipment items (laptops, cameras, whiteboard markers, phone & laptop chargers, iPads, ect.). See a complete list.
  • Textbooks! Your professor may have put your class textbook on class reserve. We keep class textbooks behind the desk. Not sure if your textbook is on reserve? Search for it here or ask at the front desk.
  • We have access to a ton of books, journals, and articles. Check out the Engineering Library Collections.
  • What kinds of items can you check out and how long? See Borrowing Information

Questions or concerns? Stop by the circulation desk or contact us via phone or email.

Looking forward to a great semester!

home Events and Exhibits, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Health Sciences Library Book Display: Don’t Get Left in the Dark. Read!

Health Sciences Library Book Display: Don’t Get Left in the Dark. Read!

Have you ever wondered how traditional medicine has altered itself to conform to consumer capitalism? Does the shift alter our medical ethics? What impact does the health industry have on the environment?  How are psychoanalysts using rules, games and science to diagnose and treat patients? 

Check out the answers to these questions and more at the libraries new book display 'Don't Get Left in the Dark. Read!' Health care is constantly adapting to new discoveries and philosophies. Come read about some of these changes at the Health Sciences Library


Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.