home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week: November 13, 2017

Events for the weekend: Santa’s arrival and Holiday parade!

Recipe of the week: Holiday Edition – Holiday Cranberry Mimosas

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Curators approve plan’s next step to build $200 million MU research facility”
Columbia Missourian, Nov. 10, 2017

“Curators approve new program for ranking building needs”
Columbia Daily Tribune, Nov. 10, 2017

“MU reveals top priority projects in five-year capital plan, hopes to build new journalism building”
KMIZ, Nov. 10, 2017

home Staff news Notes from the Director

Notes from the Director

Hello everyone,

This morning I attended the Board of Curators meeting at which the campus capital plan including the expansion of the library depository (UMLD1) was presented.  Chancellor Cartwright talked about each item for our campus, called the deans with projects pending to microphone for questions (me included), and  all five proposed projects went through pending final financial approval at the spring (Feb. or March) Curators’ meeting.  I’ll talk more about this at next week’s Staff Advisory Group.  So expanding the depository, since we are not asking for state funds, is very close to certain now.  That’s the great news.

The good news, as you have heard before, is that the libraries have been able to make some salary adjustments as of Nov. 1.  All those receiving raises as well as their supervisors were notified this week.  There were only a few, based on excellence, market, and equity, and I’m really sorry we could not do more.  Next year we will try again for more raises for more people.  Thank you all for your hard work and patience as we try to address raising salaries overall within the limitations imposed on us by decreasing state funding, system budget cuts, and strict campus guidelines.  The budget outlook for next fiscal year is still very uncertain.

In other news, the campus Environmental Health and Safety office has issued some recommendations to us, including the restriction of access to the Ellis loading dock area to those who work there.  We want to keep everyone safe and avoid injuries.  This means when we change the door controls, which will happen by Nov. 18, that staff who use the loading dock door to enter Ellis Library will no longer be able to do so, unless they have a valid business reason, as determined by LMT.  It means a little more walking for some of you, and we’re sorry about that, and the short notice, but we can’t go against the recommendations without making ourselves liable, and the University Risk Management folks take a very dim view of that. We just have to comply.  If there is a disability access issue, talk to Sheryl, but the west doors are the official ADA-compliant entrance.  Kathy Peters will notify you if you will continue to have loading dock access, and will give access as needed.

Congratulations to the winners of the MULSA Halloween costume contest. (Laura Buck, the TARDIS from Dr. Who, looked amazing.)  And of course Thursday, the 16th, is the Thanksgiving Lunch, we many of us really look forward to! See you there, and at the Staff Advisory Group meeting, I hope.


home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

  1. We have our first Libraries’ Mizzou Made story on the campus Mizzou Made page. Mizzou Made stories are what we call Cycle of Success stories, but specifically focusing on students. You can see the story on the Newshub: http://library.missouri.edu/news/lottes-health-sciences-library/mizzou-opens-up-horizons and the Mizzou Made page: https://news.missouri.edu/category/mizzou-made/. We have more of these success stories of current and past students in the works, including our most recent Undergraduate Research Contest winner. Please along any student success stories you have to your Newshub reporters. Also, I want to thank all of the Marketing Team for their work in thinking about how we can best share the story of the Libraries’ impact on students, but I especially want to thank Taira Meadowcroft who worked to get the content together for the first three Mizzou Made stories we are publishing.
  2. Dr. David Crespy gave us a really nice write-up on the University of Missouri Press blog. https://missouribooks.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/the-lanford-wilson-collection-at-mu-libraries-special-collections-and-rare-books/
home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 11/9/17

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 11/9/17

LMT 11.09.17 Information and Action Items

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week: Nov.6, 2017

Events for the whole family this weekend! STEM Expo, Pokeman and Santa!

Recipe of the week: Getting into the holiday spirit? Send us your favorite holiday recipe, Thanksgiving or other holiday.

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for the following staff positions:

  • Library Information Specialist – Mathematical Sciences Library – 24821
  • Library Information Specialist – Digital Services – 24787

For additional information, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news Announcement of John Meyer’s Retirement

Announcement of John Meyer’s Retirement

John Meyer will be retiring from his position in the Math Library. His last day in the office will be December 15, 2017. Please join me in wishing him well and thanking him for his many years of service to the University Libraries.


home Staff news MULSA’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Coming Up

MULSA’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Coming Up

You are invited to……..

MULSA’s Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon!

When: Thursday, Nov 16, 2017

Time: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Where: Ellis Staff Lounge

What to bring: Side dish or dessert

This year our feast brought to us by Cracker Barrel, which will include turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans**, biscuits, and cornbread.

**Note: plain green beans, not green bean casserole

home Staff news The State Historical Society of Missouri Events

The State Historical Society of Missouri Events

Being Bussabarger: An Inside Look at One WWII Veteran’s Experience
November 11, 1:30 p.m.
The State Historical Society of Missouri’s Research Center-Columbia

Join SHSMO’s Joan Stack for a curator’s walk-through of the exhibition Being Bussabarger: Ceramics, Paintings, Sketchbooks, and More, which pays tribute to painter, sculptor, and ceramicist Robert Bussabarger’s creative spirit with a retrospective selection of his artworks from the 1950s to the 2010s. In honor of Veterans Day, attendees will also have a one-day-only opportunity to view additional artwork that Bussabarger created while serving in the military during World War II. The show will run through May 5, 2018 in the main gallery of the Columbia Research Center.

African American Experience in Missouri Lecture Series: Patrick Huber
November 14, 6:30 p.m. Lecture, Meet and Greet 7:30 p.m.
Stotler Lounge, Memorial Student Union
Patrick Huber, professor of history at Missouri University of Science and Technology, will present his work on the Ste. Genevieve Race Riot of 1930. The riot was a four-day disturbance, long shrouded in secrecy, during which vigilantes drove away most of the town’s black residents, many of whom were recent arrivals recruited to work in local lime kilns and stone quarries. Huber, a Ste. Genevieve native, received a fellowship through the State Historical Society of Missouri’s Center for Missouri Studies in 2015 in support of his research.
Sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri’s Center for Missouri Studies; University of Missouri’s Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity; and the Missouri Humanities Council.

Gift Shop Open House
December 2, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
The State Historical Society of Missouri’s Research Center-Columbia
Share your love of Missouri with items from the State Historical Society of Missouri gift shop. Whether it is an indulgence for yourself or the perfect present for that hard-to-shop-for person, the gift shop offers books, art, notecards, and other gifts that highlight your state heritage. At this event, you can browse while enjoying light refreshments. SHSMO members receive 10 percent off all purchases!

Jon Luvelli: Images from Central Missouri Walk-Through
January 13, 1:30 p.m.
The State Historical Society of Missouri’s Research Center-Columbia
Join SHSMO to learn more about the fine art photography of Jon Luvelli. A Missourian from a farm town near Columbia, Luvelli has gained national and international recognition for his street photography. His images are distinguished by their focus on Midwestern townscapes and underlying social messages. The stark contrasts of light and dark encourage viewers to find beauty in uncustomary forms. This exhibition of photos, the first installment of a permanent Luvelli collection at SHSMO, represents central Missouri and casts an aesthetic spotlight on contemporary life along its county roads and midtown streets.

Missouri Conference on History
March 14–16
Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City
You are invited to submit paper, panel, or student poster proposals for the sixtieth annual Missouri Conference on History by December 1. Hosted by the Missouri State Archives and sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri, the 2018 conference will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City. Proposals in all fields of history, including public history and historic preservation, are invited. Submissions of complete sessions, including panelists, chair, and commentator, are welcomed. Two awards with cash prizes are available to students presenting papers at the conference. For additional information, please visit the Missouri Conference on History web page at shsmo.org/mch.