home Staff news Bookmark Cafe Update

Bookmark Cafe Update

Campus dining services will continue to run Bookmark Cafe for the fall semester. A new vendor will take over in January. We will let you know when the vendor selection has been finalized.

home Staff news Annual Departmental Swap Meet

Annual Departmental Swap Meet

On Wednesday, March 20th from 9 a.m. -11 a.m., we invite all departments to come look over all used supplies and equipment in our surplus area that you could use in your department. From 12 p.m. -1 p.m., some items departments cannot use will be available for all staff to take home for personal use. Personal items must be taken out of the surplus room by 2 p.m. and removed from the library by 5:00 p.m., unless other arrangements are made with security. The surplus room is located on the ground floor at the bottom of the center stairwell. If you have any questions please contact Pat Jones in security.

home Staff news Daylight Saving Time Returns This Weekend

Daylight Saving Time Returns This Weekend

Daylight saving time returns at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10. That means you should move your clocks forward one hour Saturday night before going to bed. It is also recommended that you use this as a reminder to change all batteries in fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

home Staff news Wash Your Paws Posters

Wash Your Paws Posters

New “Wash Your Paws” posters are being placed in restrooms across campus by custodial staff. Please do not remove them. Thanks.


home Staff news Access for Ellis Library

Access for Ellis Library

As we approach the end of the Fall 2018 semester, I wanted to remind everyone that you must have pre-authorization to access the building when Ellis Library is locked. This new security measure was announced at the All-Staff Meeting in Sep 2018. Please be sure to check the building hours on our website at  http://library.missouri.edu as you plan your intercession work schedule.

Winter Intercession is our first long-term implementation of this new security measure. Please be sure to check the building hours on our website at  http://library.missouri.edu as you plan your intercession work schedule.

Change in Access for Ellis Library

  • When Ellis Library is locked, you must request pre-authorization to access the building.
  • The North and West doors will unlock 15 minutes before posted Library Hours and stay unlocked for 15 minutes after posted Library Hours. Pre-authorization is not needed for staff entry/exit at those times; only during locked hours.
  • If you need access to Ellis Library when the doors are locked, send an email request to your supervisor and to Pat Jones. Be sure to:
    • Indicate the date(s) and time(s) that you need access.
    • State the nature of the work to be conducted while you are in the building.
  • Upon entry/exit, you MUST confirm that the door is securely locked behind you. It only takes a moment to push or pull the door for confirmation.
home Staff news Winter Preparation and Planning

Winter Preparation and Planning

To view the full snow removal map of campus, go to: http://mu-cf-map.col.missouri.edu/snowremoval/. Employees can plan to use any primary sidewalk (marked in green on the map) during inclement weather.

  •    Only the Chancellor can cancel classes or close the campus.
    • Discuss plans for snow days with your supervisor. Questions about leave time should be directed to your supervisor and/or Sheryl Cullina.
    • Make sure you have current emergency phone numbers and email addresses for communicating effectively during any winter weather emergency. Keep your cell phone charged.
    • If you drive, have your vehicle serviced and carry emergency items (blanket, flashlight, ice scraper).
    • If you ride the city bus, know your snow route and check the website for current route status.
    • Before heading out, let someone know where you are going and the route you plan to take. Call when you have arrived safely at your destination.
  • While at Work
    • All office windows should be firmly shut and locked.
    • Space heaters are not allowed in library facilities. Dress in multiple layers, if necessary.
    • Report any weather-related injuries to your supervisor, Security, and/or Sheryl Cullina.

Since  9th St is closed off and access to the loading dock is limited, where can I plan to be dropped off during winter weather if I carpool?

Answer: If I were dropping off a rider, I would plan to approach Ellis Library from Hitt Street. Before pedestrian campus hours, riders can be dropped off at the stop sign on Lowry Mall and enter the building through the North entrance –OR–  at the end of the South sidewalk and enter the building through the West entrance. During pedestrian campus hours, riders can be dropped off at the corner of Hitt/Univ and enter through the North entrance –OR–  at the corner of Hitt/Rollins and enter through the West entrance.

Keep in mind that both North and West entrances are cleared before the loading dock area. Staff should not plan to use the loading dock as a winter weather entrance/exit.

The closest MODOT maintained street to Ellis Library is College Avenue. The City has designated campus streets as a Priority Area (indicated in Orange on the map below). To view more information about City-maintained streets, please visit https://www.como.gov/comosnow/priority-snow-routes/. An interactive map is available to view the latest information about road conditions.

The Steam Tunnel project construction is currently scheduled to keep Ninth St closed through May 2018.

home Staff news Seasonal Decoration Guidelines

Seasonal Decoration Guidelines

With the calendar year coming to an end, it’s that time of year to review safety procedures for use of fresh cut trees/foliage and other seasonal decorations in University facilities.

Fresh cut natural trees and evergreen decorations must be sprayed with a fire retardant material. The MU Forestry Club will provide this service upon request when purchasing trees during their annual sale which is scheduled for December 2 and 3 from 8am to 8 pm at Entrance 2W to Memorial Stadium (west side). Live trees may not be used in unsprinklered facilities.

Seasonal decorations may be put up no earlier than November 22, 2017 and must be removed from the site on or before January 7, 2018. All trees/foliage and other decorations in residence halls and family student housing that will be unoccupied during the semester break should be disposed of before December 15, 2017. If trees or other decorations become dry before these dates they must be removed immediately. Please remember that the danger of fire increases each day the tree is up. Seasonal lights should be inspected for loose connections, broken or cracked sockets, or frayed or bare wires.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please call David Dorth or Josh Pauley at Environmental Health & Safety at 573-882-7018.

Additional Safety Guidelines