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Seasonal Decoration Guidelines

With the calendar year coming to an end, it’s that time of year to review safety procedures for use of fresh cut trees/foliage and other seasonal decorations in University facilities.

Fresh cut natural trees and evergreen decorations must be sprayed with a fire retardant material. The MU Forestry Club will provide this service upon request when purchasing trees during their annual sale which is scheduled for December 2 and 3 from 8am to 8 pm at Entrance 2W to Memorial Stadium (west side). Live trees may not be used in unsprinklered facilities.

Seasonal decorations may be put up no earlier than November 22, 2017 and must be removed from the site on or before January 7, 2018. All trees/foliage and other decorations in residence halls and family student housing that will be unoccupied during the semester break should be disposed of before December 15, 2017. If trees or other decorations become dry before these dates they must be removed immediately. Please remember that the danger of fire increases each day the tree is up. Seasonal lights should be inspected for loose connections, broken or cracked sockets, or frayed or bare wires.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please call David Dorth or Josh Pauley at Environmental Health & Safety at 573-882-7018.

Additional Safety Guidelines