home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Study Rooms

Peer Navigator Corner: Study Rooms

Written by: Alyssa Westhoff

One great resource Ellis offers that I was unaware of before becoming a Peer Navigator is the opportunity to reserve a study room. Many students, like myself, enter the library and just sit anywhere that seems accommodating enough, and hope we’ll be able to study without any distractions. Sometimes we need to know there will be no interruptions, rather than just hope. Study rooms provide an opportunity for just that! They are perfect for taking online proctored exams, attending zoom meetings, verbally explaining concepts while studying with a friend, or creating audio or visual recordings. 

These rooms are located on every floor of the library to simultaneously accommodate as many patrons as possible. There are single person options as well as group options which can hold up to 20 people at a time. Many study rooms have white boards on the walls. Extra tools such as dry erase markers can be checked out from the circulation desk to use as you study. I’m sure many students are not aware that study rooms even exist, let alone that they can be reserved to guarantee a private space to be productive.

The process of reserving a study room can be completed easily on the library website. Near the bottom of the homepage is a category titled “Quick Links.” Under that, the first subcategory is “Reserve a Study Room Info.” After clicking this link it takes you directly to the Study Room Reservation calendar where each room and time slot is shown. Any empty gray box indicates availability, while colored boxes with words mean the room is reserved. The study rooms labeled with numbers in the 100’s will be located on the first floor, 200’s on the second floor and so on. The occupancy of each room is listed after the room number in parentheses. In order to reserve a room, select the date you want, and click whichever gray box coincides with the time and room you would like to choose. You will be directed to a page that asks for a title which will appear on the calendar to let others know that this room is no longer available at that time. A single booking lasts a maximum of 2 hours. After filling in a title, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.” After completing these steps the room is all yours! 

home Resources and Services PowerNotes Available for MU Faculty and Students

PowerNotes Available for MU Faculty and Students

The MU Libraries and Campus Writing Program, with support from the Provost’s Office, are excited to announce that campus now has access to PowerNotes. This new tool is both a browser extension and outline creator that conceptually bridges the gap between research and writing.

PowerNotes is designed to “address the challenges inherent to source-based writing in the digital environment.” The extension allows you to automatically save text, take notes, and capture both citations and URLs all in one click, without ever leaving the article, PDF, e-book or website you’re currently reading. Highlighted quotes and accompanying details are saved as tiles or notecards in a outline that evolves as you research, which can be shared with collaborators and exported into Word, or just as the bibliography.

If you’re interested in learning more, the workshop on PowerNotes is available through the Libraries YouTube channel, and provides an in-depth demonstration in addition to discussing instruction applications. You can also check out the PowerNotes website for short video tutorials on specific features and educator resources.

Contact Kimberly Moeller for any questions, or if your department would like to schedule a presentation!

Funding for PowerNotes provided by the University of Missouri Libraries, the Campus Writing Program, and the Provost Strategic Initiative Fund.

home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library Meet Jennifer Gravley – The New Instructional Services Librarian

Meet Jennifer Gravley – The New Instructional Services Librarian

MU Libraries recently welcomed a new librarian to the Instructional Services Department! Jennifer Gravley was a former graduate student in the Library and Information Science program at Mizzou, and our library staff is excited to have her back in a professional capacity.  Here's a quick interview, so you can get to know and love her as much as we do.

Q: How did you come to be a librarian?

Jennifer: I suppose I went to library school as part of a midlife career change, but it wasn’t a new consideration. I am definitely not the first person from my creative writing program to go on to become a librarian! I’ve brought the experiences of having taught college courses and worked in scholarly publishing with me, but that’s part of why I love working at a university—there are so many people working in so many different ways to achieve the overall mission of education. Gaining understanding of the different aspects of the scholarly community helps me see more of the big picture.

Q: What aspects of your job at MU Libraries are you excited about?

Jennifer: I look forward to working with freshman writing instructors and students. Having taught freshman writing myself, I know that this is a course that challenges students to become more skillful researchers as well as more proficient writers. And that’s quite a task for any of us to undertake! Growth is uncomfortable but rewarding. It’s now my job to introduce these students to library resources and help them learn some basic research skills to use those resources more effectively.

I also never know what questions will come my way at the reference desk. This isn’t the most common transaction, but sometimes students will come to the desk for help and know what they are looking for, where to find it, and how to find it—but they don’t know that they know. Those opportunities to confirm someone’s research abilities, to help them gain the confidence to utilize the skills they already have, are just as important as helping students gain those same skills in the first place.

Q: Since we are librarians, we have to be stereotypical and ask about books. What was your favorite book you were assigned to read in college, and what are you reading now?

Jennifer: Beloved by Toni Morrison in college.  I recently read Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, which was incredible.

Stop by Ellis Library to say hi to Jennifer at the reference desk, or to ask about library instruction.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Resources and Services Encourage Your Students to Participate in the Library Scavenger Hunt

Encourage Your Students to Participate in the Library Scavenger Hunt

An early introduction to the library helps students understand that the library is there to support research needs both online and onsite, with resources beyond what existed in high school libraries.  The MU Libraries can help you achieve your goal of ensuring a smooth transition from high school to college, by introducing resources, skills, and habits which foster academic success.

The MU Libraries Scavenger Hunt is designed to introduce you to Ellis Library’s spaces and services – and to make the building a little less intimidating. It takes about 30 minutes to complete, so will easily fit into any break in your schedule. Students can take the Scavenger Hunt on their smart phone (http://library.missouri.edu/ScavengerHunt), or stop by the reference desk to pick up a paper copy.