home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Podcast: AI in Education & Daily Life

Peer Navigator Podcast: AI in Education & Daily Life

Written by: Alyssa Westhoff, Margaret Gillam, and Sophie Lanzone

Have you ever used chat GPT or taken an interest in artificial intelligence? As three of your Peer Navigators at Ellis Library, we have been researching and learning more about the topic of artificial intelligence within education and daily life. We would love to share some of our findings with you, so we created two 15 minute podcasts discussing the use of artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT.

The first podcast covers the potential benefits and risks of AI in educational settings, and while the second covers addresses entertainment and recreational settings. In both, we share our own personal experiences along with secondary information gathered over the past semester while working at the library.

As an up-and-coming topic that has the potential to affect your own work, education, and day-to-day life, AI can be a game changer, but there are some drawbacks as well. It is important to understand what these risks are to make sure you use AI to its full potential in the safest ways. Tune in to both and find this information useful in all aspects of your life! 

Episode 1: AI in Education

Episode 2: AI in Daily Life

Sources Used in the Podcasts:



