Tractatus contra vicia.
Information About This Item
Tractatus contra vicia.
[per] industriu[m] Georgiu[m] Hussner ...
Anno salutis nostre Mccccxcviij, quinta die decembris [Dec. 5, 1498]
Title from leaf [1].
Imprint from colophon.
Error in pagination: leaf lxvii numbered lxvi.
Goff T-421a.
MU: Library's copy: First two leaves rubricated in red ink; marginal notes in contemporary ink on some pages.
MU: Purchased from Bernard Quartitch, London, 2009; sold by Sotheby Jul. 1, 1994, from the Donaueschingen Library.
MU: Bound with: Liber de muliere forti venerabilis domini Alberti Magni ordinis fratru[m] predicato[rum] quo[n]da[m] episcopi Ratisponen[sis] ... Impressus Colonie : Op[er]a at[que] impensis honesti viri Henrici Quentell ciuis eiusdem, Nonis Maij. anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimonono [7 May 1499] [and 1 other]
MU: Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pigskin, with repeated images of the Lamb of God, over wooden boards; two brass clasps with catches; raised bands; manuscript title on spine: Tractatus contra vicia; library labels on spine.
Imprint from colophon.
Error in pagination: leaf lxvii numbered lxvi.
Goff T-421a.
MU: Library's copy: First two leaves rubricated in red ink; marginal notes in contemporary ink on some pages.
MU: Purchased from Bernard Quartitch, London, 2009; sold by Sotheby Jul. 1, 1994, from the Donaueschingen Library.
MU: Bound with: Liber de muliere forti venerabilis domini Alberti Magni ordinis fratru[m] predicato[rum] quo[n]da[m] episcopi Ratisponen[sis] ... Impressus Colonie : Op[er]a at[que] impensis honesti viri Henrici Quentell ciuis eiusdem, Nonis Maij. anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimonono [7 May 1499] [and 1 other]
MU: Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pigskin, with repeated images of the Lamb of God, over wooden boards; two brass clasps with catches; raised bands; manuscript title on spine: Tractatus contra vicia; library labels on spine.
Catalog entry: Rare Vault BS1429 .A534 1499
BS1429 .A534 1499
OCLC/WorldCat Number: 249380257
Vice -- Early works to 1800.
Husner, Georg, -1505, printer.
Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Hofbibliothek (Donaueschingen, Germany) former owner.
10 unnumbered pages, lxvi [i.e. lxvii] leaves ; 22 cm (4to)
Imp[re]ssus Arge[n]tine (Strasbourg)