[Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de sanctis ; Promptuarium exemplorum…
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Herolt, Johann.
[Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de sanctis ; Promptuarium exemplorum Discipuli ; Promptuarium Discipuli de miraculis Beatae Mariae Virginis].
[Printer of the 1483 Vitas patrum]
In four parts, a) Sermones de tempore; b) Sermones de sanctis; c) Promptarium exemplorum discipul secundum ordinem alphabeti; d) Promptuarium de miraculis Beate Marie Virginis.
Capital spaces, with guide-letters.
Printed in double columns in the types often attributed to the Printer of Paludanus (GfT 2154).
Goff H-111.
Hain 8489.
Polain 1897.
ISTC ih00111000.
MU: Library's copy missing first part Sermones de tempore (1-271 ff.).
MU: Binding: Attractive period style modern binding of full mottled calf, blind tooled, with central ornament stamped on both covers. First leaf lightly chipped at edges, and final leaf with a neat repaired tear (no loss).
MU: Library's copy's paper watermark of trefoil Latin cross above a triple mount, measuring 95 mm x 24 mm ; Exempla pages have watermark of Bull's head with eyes and nostrils witht the letter "T" above ; third part has watermark of letter "P" with trefoil cross above.
MU: Provenance: Purchased by MU Libraries from Johannson Books, formerly sold by Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc. ABAA.
Capital spaces, with guide-letters.
Printed in double columns in the types often attributed to the Printer of Paludanus (GfT 2154).
Goff H-111.
Hain 8489.
Polain 1897.
ISTC ih00111000.
MU: Library's copy missing first part Sermones de tempore (1-271 ff.).
MU: Binding: Attractive period style modern binding of full mottled calf, blind tooled, with central ornament stamped on both covers. First leaf lightly chipped at edges, and final leaf with a neat repaired tear (no loss).
MU: Library's copy's paper watermark of trefoil Latin cross above a triple mount, measuring 95 mm x 24 mm ; Exempla pages have watermark of Bull's head with eyes and nostrils witht the letter "T" above ; third part has watermark of letter "P" with trefoil cross above.
MU: Provenance: Purchased by MU Libraries from Johannson Books, formerly sold by Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc. ABAA.
Catalog entry: Rare Vault BX1756.H4485 S47 1484
BX1756.H4485 S47 1484
OCLC/WorldCat Number: 54252865
Catholic Church -- Sermons.
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint -- Early works to 1800.
Sermons, Latin -- Early works to 1800.
Exempla -- Early works to 1800.
Printer of the 1483 Vitas Patrum, printer.
440 ff. ; 30 cm
Impressum Argentine (Strasbourg)