Sermones de adventu, etc.
Information About This Item
Caracciolo, Roberto, 1425-1495.
Sermones de adventu, etc.
Ruberti d[e] Licio ex ordine Mino[rum] in theologia peritissimi ... P[rae]dicationes a prima d[omi]nica de aduentu quottidie inclusiue vsq[ue] ad quarta[m].
[Johann von Köln and Johann Manthen]
Title from incipit (leaf a2r).
Includes: Sermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae, and Dominicus Bollanus' De conceptione Beatae Virginis Mariae.
Imprint from Goff, who gives date of publication as: [ca. 1474-1475].
Signatures: a¹⁰, b-n⁸, o¹⁰ (g3 signed g2); a¹⁰, b¹².
Capital spaces with guide letters.
Printed in 2 columns.
Goff C-137.
GW 6045.
Polain, 4270.
MU: Library's copy bound with the author's Sermones clarissimi in sacra theologia magistri Fratris Roberti Caratzuli de Litio ordinis minorum De timore iudiciorum Dei. Imp[re]sst [sic] in ciuitate Uenetia[rum]: Imprensis Iohannis de Colonia ac Iohannis Manthen de Gherretzem, anno 1475.
MU: Library's copy rubricated in red and blue ink with marginal notes in ink. Bound in full leather over boards with brass catches mounted on rear board and iron, star-shaped bosses on the front board with red cloth tabs. Tooled with interlinking, angular chain pattern within several tooled line frames, all surrounding a centerpiece of a composite cross surrounded by 4 smaller composite crosses. Some wormholes in text and binding. Palimpsests in Latin on parchment used for pastedowns. Contemporary handwritten table of contents on flyleaf. MU Libraries purchased from Johanson Rare Book, Baltimore, Maryland, Feb. 21, 2011.
Includes: Sermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae, and Dominicus Bollanus' De conceptione Beatae Virginis Mariae.
Imprint from Goff, who gives date of publication as: [ca. 1474-1475].
Signatures: a¹⁰, b-n⁸, o¹⁰ (g3 signed g2); a¹⁰, b¹².
Capital spaces with guide letters.
Printed in 2 columns.
Goff C-137.
GW 6045.
Polain, 4270.
MU: Library's copy bound with the author's Sermones clarissimi in sacra theologia magistri Fratris Roberti Caratzuli de Litio ordinis minorum De timore iudiciorum Dei. Imp[re]sst [sic] in ciuitate Uenetia[rum]: Imprensis Iohannis de Colonia ac Iohannis Manthen de Gherretzem, anno 1475.
MU: Library's copy rubricated in red and blue ink with marginal notes in ink. Bound in full leather over boards with brass catches mounted on rear board and iron, star-shaped bosses on the front board with red cloth tabs. Tooled with interlinking, angular chain pattern within several tooled line frames, all surrounding a centerpiece of a composite cross surrounded by 4 smaller composite crosses. Some wormholes in text and binding. Palimpsests in Latin on parchment used for pastedowns. Contemporary handwritten table of contents on flyleaf. MU Libraries purchased from Johanson Rare Book, Baltimore, Maryland, Feb. 21, 2011.
Includes: Bollanus, Dominicus. De conceptione Beatae Virginis Mariae. 1474.
Catalog entry: Rare Vault BX1756.C315 S46 1474
BX1756.C315 S46 1474
OCLC/WorldCat Number: 84401850
Catholic Church -- Sermons -- Early works to 1800.
Sermons, Latin -- Early works to 1800.
Church year sermons -- Early works to 1800.
Johann, von Köln, active 1471-1491, printer.
Manthen, Johann, active 1471-1481, printer.
232 unnumbered pages, 44 unnumbered pages ; 22 cm (4to)