History of Science
The history of the biological and physical sciences is strongly represented in landmark editions of works by Newton, Galileo, Darwin, Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Linnaeus, Jussieu, Gessner, and Audubon, among many others. The collection also includes anatomical works by Vesalius, Harvey, and Fabricius, as well as Renaissance medical herbals, including, Fuchs’ De Historia Stirpium(1542); Hortus Sanitatis (1517); Mattioli’s De Materia Medica (1583); and numerous other beautifully illustrated botanical works. Special Collections also holds numerous 18th-century scientific periodicals, including long runs of Memoires of the French Academie des sciences and the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
These works complement the University of Missouri’s emphasis on the life sciences, support interdisciplinary research, and provide an important access point for the study of intellectual history and scientific inquiry.
How to Use the Collection
With a few exceptions, the collections can be accessed and requested through the library catalog. Finding aids for individual collections are linked on this website. Materials are available for use in the Special Collections Reading Room (room 401) during regular hours. Materials do not circulate.
Finding Aids for History of Science
Donald Silver Rare Book Room, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

The Rare Book Room was given to the library by the Department of Surgery and is dedicated to Dr. Donald Silver, an Emeritus professor of the…
Gary E. and Janet J. Venable Antiquarian Atlas & Map Collection

The Venable Collection documents the history of cartography, geography, and exploration from the sixteenth through the early twentieth century.…
Historic Textbook Collection.

Scope and Contents The books are useful today as a survey of pedagogical methods and contents as well as a portrayal of the American popular mind of…
Rare Books

The Rare Books Collection is the default designation for materials in Special Collections that are acquired as individual items. Like Special…
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Selected Items
Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina : codex vindobonensis series nova 2644 of the Austrian National Library.

The original design of the ancient zodiacal and extra-zodiacal constellations, arranged on the present globes, which by their attitudes and positions prove the place of the summer solstice to have been in the middle of the goat, and the autumnal equinox in the ram : to which is added an account of the battle between Vicramaditya and Salavahana which arose from a combination of the precession and nutation of the earth's axis : also, further remarks on the long zodiac of Tantyra [sic].

Cours d'hippiatrique, ou Traité complet de la médecine des chevaux, orné de soixante et cinq planches gravées avec soin / Par M. LaFosse, Hippiatre.

Dedication with Charles-Eugene de Lorraine, the dedicatee's, engraved coat of arms on recto of ³pi2; engraved by Hubert.
Engraved head-pieces after…
Antonii à Leeuwenhoek ... Opera omnia, seu arcana naturæ, ope exactissimorum microscopiorum detecta, experimentis variis comprobata, epistolis, ad varios illustres viros, ut et ad integram, quæ Londini floret, sapientem Societatem, cujus membrum est, datis, comprehensa, & quatuor tomis distincta.

Editio novissima, prioribus emendatior, cum indicibus cuique tomo accomodatis.
Some ancient solar observations / by Edward G. Schauroth.

Offprint: Popular astronomy. Vol. 55, no. 2. (Feb. 1947).