Book-A-Librarian: Data Management Plan Assistance

More and more, grants are requiring a data management plan in order to meet their funder requirements. A good data management plan will also help you manage your data and help others use your data if shared.

Our data management plan guide gives a great overview, but there’s a lot of information out there. Setting up time with a librarian can help answer all those questions and make the data management plan process easier.

You can schedule a time with Rachel Alexander, our research support librarian, to get the data management plan help you need.

home Resources and Services Research Computing Training

Research Computing Training

New at the Libraries:  Research Computing Support

Do you need help with analyzing, managing, storing, and archiving your data? Do you need to make your data accessible to others? Research Computing Support Services and the Libraries are working together this semester to provide information and training to support researchers.

Research Computing Training on Wednesdays in Ellis 4F51A (11/8 in Ellis 4D11)

New User Training – 10 am – 11 am – Susie Meloro, Business Technology Analyst, will help you access cyberinfrastructure assets and services, including high-speed research networks and high-performance computing clusters. She’ll also help you learn the basics of getting an account and running simple jobs on the Lewis Cluster.

Research Computing Open Consultation Hour – 11 am – noon – Jacob Gotberg, Cyberinfrastructure Engineer, will consult with you on how to best utilize the campus-supported computational, networking, and storage resources for your project and help with troubleshooting and optimizing your computational and data workflows.

Check the calendar for the latest training locations, times, and cancellations.

Do need a plan to share your data? Talk to your subject librarian about ways to make your data usefully accessible for the long term.

The Libraries also maintain helpful guides about data management plans, including submitting data to MOspace, and how to maximize your researcher identity and impact.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Questions about Data Management Plans? Just Ask!

Questions about Data Management Plans? Just Ask!

Working on a grant and putting together a data management plan?

Check out our Guide for some tips and tricks:

Contact Kate if you’d like a one-on-one consultation.