home Budget, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Additional details about $150,000 Health Sciences Library collections cut

Additional details about $150,000 Health Sciences Library collections cut

You probably have already heard about the cut to the MU Libraries Collections planned for the coming year .  Here’s what we know as of now about what it will mean for the Health Sciences Library:

Our collections allocation will be reduced about $150,000 compared to last year – a 20% reduction.

Meeting this target will require us to:

  • Drastically reduce our book spending to only $21,000 in new purchases in FY2017.
  • Cancel $100,000 in Health Sciences Library journal subscriptions.  These cuts will be made based on a combination of factors, including:
    • Usage and cost per use.
    • Journals with subscription prices which far outstrip normal inflation are getting special scrutiny. Some examples
    • To the extent possible, we will try to maintain subscriptions to the journals you publish in, cite, or have identified as core to your work.
  • This $100,000 cut must be taken from the $577,000 in subscriptions under the direct financial control of the Health Sciences Library.
  • These cuts are in addition to reductions to University Libraries centrally-administered journal subscription packages from Elsevier, Wiley, Sage, Oxford and Springer.  Any cuts to journals in those packages will be in addition to, not in the place of the $100,00 journal cut facing the Health Sciences Library. 


A list of all journal subscriptions under review, with prices and publishers listed, is now live on the Health Sciences Library web site, along with additional details about the budget challenges facing our library. The list will be a continually updated with cancellation information until we reach our budget reduction goal.


Please let us know if you have questions and concerns.


home Events and Exhibits, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library In-Flew-Enza: Spanish Flu in Columbia

In-Flew-Enza: Spanish Flu in Columbia

In celebration of Ellis Library’s centennial year, the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library is hosting the exhibit “In-Flew-Enza: Spanish Flu in Columbia.” The exhibit is housed on the third floor of the library and will be open until Friday, Dec. 16. 

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Dr. Beucke: Out of the classroom and into the community (Open Access)

Dr. Beucke: Out of the classroom and into the community (Open Access)

Dr. Nathan Beucke, MD., is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Child Health at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. His research interests include General Pediatrics, Newborn Care, and Pediatric/Childhood Obesity. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Beucke, click here.

Dr. Beucke, along with several MU medical and graduate students, recently published in BMC Medical Education, an “open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the training of healthcare professionals, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education. The journal has a special focus on curriculum development, evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidence-based medicine.” Dr. Beucke’s article, Out of the classroom and into the community: medical students consolidate learning about health literacy through collaboration with Head Start, discusses the Eat Healthy, Stay Active! program, a pediatric obesity prevention program implemented at Head Start, over an academic year.

home Budget, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Health Sciences Library collection allocation reduced $150,000 for FY17

Health Sciences Library collection allocation reduced $150,000 for FY17

You probably have already heard about the cut to the MU Libraries Collections planned for the coming year .  Here’s what we know as of now about what it will mean for the Health Sciences Library.

Our collections allocation will be reduced about $150,000 compared to last year – a 20% reduction.

Even after drastically curtailing our book spending , we will still need to cut around $100,000 from the journal subscriptions managed by our library.

Also subject to the 20% cut are the centrally administered journal packages from Elsevier, Wiley, Sage, Oxford and Springer.  It will be some time before the cut lists for those packages are finalized.

But any cuts to journals in  those packages will be in addition to, not in the place of the $100,00 journal cut facing the Health Sciences Library.

The same goes for the electronic resources which are purchased at the 4-campus level via the MERLIN consortium.

We will share more information as it becomes available.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Dr. Mehr: Impact of a decision-making aid for suspected urinary tract infections on antibiotic overuse in nursing homes (Open Access)

Dr. Mehr: Impact of a decision-making aid for suspected urinary tract infections on antibiotic overuse in nursing homes (Open Access)

Dr. David Mehr, M.D., is a William C. Allen Professor in Family Community Medicine and Director of Research at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Dr. Mehr was awarded a $4.5 million federal grant to support a new Center for Patient-Centered Research Outcomes at MU. This interdisciplinary study is bringing together experts from across campus to investigate how to help patients and physicians understand which prevention and treatment options are best for each individual, especially patient who are older and/or dealing with complex chronic diseases.Construction is currenlty underway for the Patient-Centered Care Learning Center.

If you would like to read more about Dr. Mehr, click here for his profile.

Dr. Mehr recently published in BMC Geriatrics, an open access journal that publishes original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. The journal also welcomes research focused on the aging process, including cellular, genetic, and physiological processes and cognitive modifications.

McMaughan, D. K., Mehr, D. et al. (2016). “Impact of a decision-making aid for suspected urinary tract infections on antibiotic overuse in nursing homes.” BMC Geriatrics 16(1): 1-9.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Independence Day Holiday Hours

Independence Day Holiday Hours

The Health Sciences Library will be open Sunday, July 3 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will be closed on Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.

home Budget, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Grim news for Health Sciences Library book budget in FY17

Grim news for Health Sciences Library book budget in FY17

In order to address the $1.2M collections shortfall faced by the campus libraries, the Health Sciences Library will only have approximately $20,000 in total book funds available in FY2017.

This is approximately $40,000 less than we normally spend on books in a year. 

We will also lose access to roughly 3000 online clinical books July 1 when the MOBIUS consortium eMO subscription ends, as there is no money to continue it.

The only way to address this shortfall would be to cut even deeper into our journal budget, where we are already tasked with cutting about $71,000 in subscriptions. 

We plan to continue buying books on demand to the extent that we are able, given our reduced circumstances.  Once the book fund is exhausted, we will keep the requests on file to buy when money is available again. 

In the meantime, you can continue to request books on interlibrary loan at no cost to you. 

home Events and Exhibits, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Art Display by Brittany Williamson in the news

Art Display by Brittany Williamson in the news

See anatomy in a new way through mixed media artist Brittany Williamson’s bold interpretations. Come see her study of a model in motion and the striking 5 panel installation of ‘Visualized Anatomy’. Hallsville High school student and art apprentice, Rae, joined Brittany in creation of the installation pieces. The anatomy works will be on display through September 3.

Read more about the display in the June 26th Tribune article, "What a Piece of Work"


home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Seeking your input on Springer, Sage and Oxford journals

Seeking your input on Springer, Sage and Oxford journals

Faced with the prospect of cutting about 20% of our collections budget and having reviewed the subscriptions from the largest publishers, the campus libraries are beginning a  review our Springer, Sage and Oxford journal subscriptions, which account for close to $700,000/year of the library collection budget.

Based on past usage patterns and an analysis of alternate access to some of these titles, we will be trimming our subscription spending with these publishers by substituting article-based access and interlibrary loan for the  journals that are less used by our campus community, or duplicated elsewhere.

You’ve already “voted” with your usage, but if you wish to offer additional comments on these titles, you will find a list of low use titles in Health & Biological Sciences here.

Or, you can review the entire list of 2,600 titles if you prefer.

Update on Collections Cuts

Thank you for your input in the review of some of our low usage journals this spring.

  • 992 people participated in the review.
  • 352 of those users were from Health Sciences disciplines.
  • We received feedback on all 600+ journals on the list, and this information will be very useful to have in the upcoming journal package  negotiations.
  • You can view the responses here.

It will be some time before we know how much this review will help to address what now appears will be a $1,200,000 shortfall in the collections budget.

Since this shortfall represents 20% of the collection budget for the campus libraries, we have been asked  to prepare for a 20% cut across all of our collections.

That will amount to around $77,000 for the Health Sciences Library. 

Sadly, most of this will have to come from our journal subscriptions, since we had already pared back our book spending in 2011 when we started purchasing books only on demand.

We will do our best to minimize the impact of these cuts, but they will be painful because they are so deep. In many cases, we will have to settle for access rather than ownership of needed material – hardly a sound or sustainable strategy for building or maintaining a research library collection.