home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Construction Update for the Patient Centered Care Learning Center

Construction Update for the Patient Centered Care Learning Center

The School of Medicine's new Patient Centered Care Learning Center is set to be open in August 2017. University staff, students and workers celebrated the 'topping off' of the building in July 2016. The 'topping off' marked the end of the buildings vertical construction and attendees were able to sign the last beam hoisted on the building. In September, concrete was laid in the interior. Pipes and stairs have also installed in the new building. October brought electrical work and bricks being laid. Despite the weather turning cold, construction continues. Currently workers are installing glass, putting up drywall, and installing elevators. 

This project will allow thirty-two additional medical students to be admitted to MU every year, starting in August 2017. The school hypothesises that the project will add 300 physicians to Missouri and an annual $390 million to Missouri's economy. Watch the 97,088 square feet be completed in real time! 

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Changes to journal packages from Wiley, Springer, Sage and Elsevier – impact on the Health Sciences

Changes to journal packages from Wiley, Springer, Sage and Elsevier – impact on the Health Sciences

Negotiations have been completed with Wiley, Springer, Sage and Elsevier on the journal packages that we license with these publishers, reducing our total spend by $550,000, which will be applied to the $1.2 shortfall in the MU Libraries collections budget.  The cancellation decisions were informed by usage, cost, and user feedback.


As previously noted, these cuts are in addition to the $150,000 cuts already made from the Health Sciences Library resource budget.


Delayed access

As a result of these cuts, instant article access will not be available for these health sciences titles from Wiley, Springer and Sage.  While we will retain online access to back issues for the cancelled titles, articles from 2017 forward will need to be requested via Interlibrary loan.  Most articles arrive within two business days.


Alternate online access

Despite being removed from their respective packages, we will maintain complete online access to current issues for the following titles through alternate routes:

Clinical Rehabilitation (Sage)

The Neurohospitalist (Sage)

Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (Wiley)


Pay more, keep less

Instant access will be maintained to all of the Elsevier titles.  However,  in order to balance the budget, 90 titles, amounting to about $300,000 in subscriptions,  are being converted from purchase to rental access.  Seven of these  titles are health sciences journals.

Despite the loss of permanent archival access to articles in these 90 journals from 2017 forward, the total cost of the Elsevier package  is still over $1 million dollars a year, and will continue to increase by $50,000+ per  year for each of the next 3 years under the terms of the new contract.


We will be reviewing our Oxford University and University of Chicago journal packages during the spring semester of 2017 as steps towards preparing for an anticipated cancellation process in FY2018.

These cuts are especially difficult for us in the Health Sciences realm, since prior to this reduction our collections spending lagged a half of a million dollars below our peer health sciences libraries, and was only about one half the amount our aspirational peer health sciences libraries have available to spend on their collections.

Cuts this deep will undoubtedly be felt.  We will continue to monitor usage and impact,  and to address collection needs to the extent that our budget allows.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Downs and Dalabih: The risk of shorter fasting time for pediatric deep sedation (Open Access Article)

Downs and Dalabih: The risk of shorter fasting time for pediatric deep sedation (Open Access Article)

This week's Open Access article features two University of Missouri Faculty. 

  • Dr. Craig Downs, DO., is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Child Health. Dr. Downs primary interest is pediatric critical care. 
  • Dr. Abdallah Dalabih, MD., MBA, is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Child Health. He is involved in clinical research in pediatric critical care and sedatio, with one other study accepted for publication and four others that are in the process of submission. Those four projects will be published by two medical students and two pediatric residents all as first authors. Click here for Dr. Dalabih's faculty profile. 

Dr. Downs, Dr. Dalabih, and their research team published in Anesthesia: Essays and Researches, an open access peer-reviewed international journal by the Pan Arab Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists. The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to Anesthesia, pain management, intensive care and related topics including ethical and social issues.

Their research in The risk of shorter fasting time for pediatric deep sedation, investigates that safety of a shorter fasting time compared to a longer fasting time before pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia. The current guideline, adopted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, calls for prolonged fasting times. This prospective observational study tries to identify the association between fasting times and complications related to sedation. 


Dr. Dalabih took the time to answer some questions we had about open access:

Why did you choose to publish in an Open Access journal?

We selected a journal that is indexed at PubMed so it would be easy to find and that can be accessed all over the world. The journal of Anesthesia: Essays and Researches is an open access journal and is indexed at PubMed with no publication fees, so we elected that journal to showcase our research project.

Would you publish in an Open Access journal again?  If so, why?

Yes, with the increased prices of subscriptions, libraries and physicians are having some difficulty accessing articles they need. This is especially true at countries with poor economies. Open access journals allows those physicians to benefit from the study and will increase the distribution. 

Stand Out with ORCID

Now that Research Day is over, remember to consider depositing your Research Day poster in MOspace, MU’s permanent digital archive.  MOspace allows your poster to be seen, and searchable in places like Google.

As part of the process, you’ll be asked to include your ORCID researcher ID number if you have one. If you don’t have one, now is a great time to sign up! Your ORCID number will follow you throughout your career, helping you to claim your work, and stand out. 

Signing up is easy through orcid.org/register



If you have questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact the Health Sciences Library


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Register for your ORCID ID at Health Sciences Research Day

Register for your ORCID ID at Health Sciences Research Day

Novemeber 17th is the  University of Missouri’s Health Sciences Research Day and to conicide, the library is providing ORCID registration assistance at the information desk, from 9am-5pm.

Why should you register? 

  1. ORCID ID's help distinguish your publications and research from others with a similar name. Further, it allows you to combine publications that you might have written under a different name. This allows you to claim your work and to create a virtual CV that links to the publications and other cites. 
  2. Increase visability of scholarly publications.
  3. Affiliate with MU! 

If you can't make it to the information desk, or want to set up your profile on your own follow the steps below at ORCID.org



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Meet the Librarian: Diane Johnson, Assistant Director of Information Services and Resources, Health Sciences Library

Meet the Librarian: Diane Johnson, Assistant Director of Information Services and Resources, Health Sciences Library

Can you tell us a little about your background and experience and what led you to MU libraries?

I made up my mind to become a librarian when I was just a kid after seeing my hometown librarian, Anna Detjen, walk to a shelf, pull off a book, open it to a page, and say: “There’s the answer to your question.” How did she do that? How could I learn to do that? I wanted to be a public librarian – I didn’t even know medical libraries existed – but when I tried to set up an internship in college, none were available in public libraries. I was given the choice between an internship in a patient library in a hospital for the criminally insane or in a nursing school library, so I chose the latter. And once there, I found out about the Medical Subject Heading vocabulary, which is used for organizing medical journal articles and books. It made so much sense. I opted for medical librarianship and never looked back. 

I interviewed at MU back in 1980 when I was finishing library school at the University of Minnesota. It was a beautiful spring day, and I fell in love with Columbia and knew right away I wanted to come here.


What are some of the unique aspects of your job?

Here in the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, we spend a lot of time and effort trying to bring our services and collections to our users as part of their normal workflow. Some of us work with clinical teams, answering questions as they arise. In that context, we go beyond simply supplying bibliographies and reference lists to providing summary and synthesis of results.

I’ve also served as co-investigator on systematic reviews, a research method in which you search for, analyze and summarize all of the studies addressing a specific clinical question. I develop the searches and document the search strategies for the research protocol. Librarians are uniquely qualified for this role since it is our business to be familiar with the history, quirks and vagaries of different databases and search engines.

What are some of the ways technology has changed the way your library offers reference services?

Two recent exciting developments, proactive chat and co-browsing, have really helped us amp up our level of service. With proactive chat, if somebody sits on one of our webpages for more than a minute or two, a window pops up to ask them if they need any help. Another recent addition that people really seem to like is co-browsing. When somebody comes into the chat room and needs help doing a search, we can share our screen and talk them through each step in the search.  At the conclusion of one recent session, a user told me, "This may have been the most helpful customer service experience in my life."

It’s fun to look back at how far we’ve come. When I started in 1980, our library had two computers, which communicated over phone lines to the National Library of Medicine and the OCLC Library Catalog service. With the latter, we couldn’t just search for a book title, we had to use coded search keys. And we couldn’t search for organization names until after 4 p.m. because it would overwhelm the computer.

Even though the tools have changed dramatically, our core service of helping people get answers to their questions is still much the same.


What types of renovation are needed in the Health Sciences Library in order to better serve your patrons?

It will come as no surprise to anyone who has visited the Health Sciences Library that much of our carpeting and many of our chairs are older than most of our students!

Since the medical and health professions curriculum focuses on small-group learning, we need collaborative spaces where our students can work together in small groups without disturbing those studying around them.

I would like to have white noise machines installed so that people on the third floor can’t hear conversations from two floors below, and vice versa. We’ve had heating and cooling issues in this building ever since it opened, and it’s my fervent hope that we can address these issues in the renovations. 

I also think a renovation of the Health Sciences Library would provide an opportunity to retrofit an aging building to make it more energy-efficient. Library buildings much older than ours have achieved LEED gold certification by installing energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and plumbing and by choosing furnishings that make use of recycled content.

In this age of mobile computing, we are returning to an era when we can focus on designing spaces to meet the needs of people rather than machines. People will be bringing their increasingly portable computers with them, so we don’t need to have as many computer desks. Instead, we can focus on an inviting mixture of desks for individual study, small-group study areas, and soft seating where people can put their feet up.


home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library MU Libraries Participates in Women’s and Children’s Hospital Reverse Trick-or-Treat

MU Libraries Participates in Women’s and Children’s Hospital Reverse Trick-or-Treat

For the past few years, the Women's and Children's Hospital has organized reverse trick-or-treating. MU employees are invited to hand out treats to pediatric patients, siblings, and children of adult patients. This year, one of our medical librarians, Taira Meadowcroft, asked for volunteers to go with her this Halloween to participate.

This fantastic group put together halloween bags filled with stickers, pencils, instruments, play-doh, and many other goodies. In all their Halloween glory, they loaded up several boxes, and headed to the hospital. Once there, they were greeted by superheros, princesses, football players, and tinkerbells, all waiting to trick-or-treat. By the end, there was no goodie bags left!

Thanks to all who volunteered to be apart of the 200 MU and MU health staff who handed out treats. Be sure to take a peek at the MU Health instagram and story https://www.instagram.com/muhealth/



Our volunteers included: Grace Atkins, Cindi Cotner- Halloween , Stara Herron- Jack Skellington , Taira Meadowcroft- Netlflix, Kimberly Moeller- Ninja, Paula Roper, Caryn Scoville, Deb Ward- Wizard , Rhonda Whithaus


Follow Mizzou.Libraries on instagram!



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Next time you publish: claim your rights

Your article has been accepted for publication in a journal and, like your colleagues, you want it to have the widest possible distribution and impact in the scholarly community. In the past, this required print publication. Today you have other options, like online archiving, but the publication agreement you’ll likely encounter will actually prevent broad distribution of your work.

You would never knowingly keep your research from a readership that could benefit from it, but signing a restrictive publication agreement limits your scholarly universe and lessens your impact as an author.

Why? According to the traditional publication agreement, all rights —including copyright — go to the journal. You probably want to include sections of your article in later works. You might want to give copies to your class or distribute it among colleagues. And you likely want to place it on your Web page or in an online repository if you had the choice. These are all ways to give your research wide exposure and fulfill your goals as a scholar, but they are inhibited by the traditional agreement. If you sign on the publisher’s dotted line, is there any way to retain these critical rights?

Yes. The SPARC Author Addendum is a legal instrument that modifies the publisher’s agreement and allows you to keep key rights to your articles. Learn more.

This open access message has been brought to you by SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition. 

Promoting Open Access Research @ MU

Open Access week is an important week. A week dedicated to highlighting the importance of Open Access and advocating for free, and immediate online access to scholarly research. This year’s theme, “Open in Action,” is all about taking concrete steps to open up research and scholarship and encouraging others to do the same. This was the purpose in creating an open access blog; a way to share research MU faculty choose to publish open access.

Every few weeks, I post about an open access article, right here on our library news page. When typing up the post, I focus on the research itself, the academic accomplishments of the faculty, and the most important, the reasons why they chose to publish in open access. I’ve received several insightul thoughts on why they think open access is important, and to my great delight, all look fantastic as graphics. 😉 Marketing material aside, they are profound thoughts that I hope will strike a chord with other MU faculty, and scholars outside the university, further engaging others and promoting the open access initiative.




October 22nd-October 24th, I presented a poster at Merge&Converge’16, the 2016 Mid-Continent Medical Library Association conference. I wanted to show others that promoting open access, and engaging faculty is easier than we think. Faculty can be open access champions.



home Budget, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Some Taylor & Francis journal prices increasing as much as 25% in 2017

Some Taylor & Francis journal prices increasing as much as 25% in 2017

Pricing for 2017 subscriptions is starting to come in, and once again, their prices are increasing. These journals are among a list of 21 subscriptions that will cost the University Libraries $6000 more in 2017 than a year ago. That’s an increase between 15-25%. 

Meanwhile, US inflation for 2017 is projected to be about 2%; nowhere near the average increase of journal subscriptions featured in the list. 

Many disciplines are impacted by these subscription price increases, not just the health sciences:
