home Ellis Library, Resources and Services How to Find Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

How to Find Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

Mizzou Libraries has access to many ebooks and we have an easy way for you to search for them.

Go to library.missouri.edu and type out your topic or the name of the book (put the title in quotation marks for best results) you are looking for in the search box. Click the search button (see the image below for an example).

For books in health sciences, take a look at the Health Sciences Library ebook page.

For books in veterinary medicine, take a look at the Zalk Library ebook page.

For books in journalism and communication, take a look at the Journalism Library ebook page.

If you get stuck or have a question, our 24/6 chat is on the right hand side of the screen. We are here for you.

Scroll down through the search results until you see Filter by Format on the left hand side. Choose Ebook. If Ebook doesn’t show up as an option, choose Show More, then click Ebook. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Open 24/5

Ellis Library Open 24/5

You may, or may not know, that Ellis Library is open 24/5 every week, except for holidays, breaks, and extended hours during Finals.

From Sunday to Thursday, enjoy studying in Ellis Library 24 hours a day. On Friday the library is open 12am – 8pm and Saturday from 9am – 5pm.

Make sure you bring your Mizzou ID with you for late night studying. From 10pm-7am a valid Mizzou ID is required to come into the library.

While the library is open for studying, services like the check out and help desks are closed. If you need to check out a book, you can use the self check out station located by the west doors.

If you need research help, consider using our 24/7 chat service.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Chat With the Librarians Wherever You Are

Chat With the Librarians Wherever You Are

Need research help? Working on a paper or project? You can ask a librarian for help using our chat service– almost 24 hours a day.

During the day you can chat with Mizzou librarians and library staff. At night, we offer access to a chat reference service called ChatStaff. They will be able to answer most research questions, except for some that are Mizzou-specific.

To access the chat service and see what hours chat reference is available, visit libraryanswers.missouri.edu.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Digital Media Lab at Ellis Library

Digital Media Lab at Ellis Library

The Digital Media and Innovation Lab (DMiL) in Ellis Library provides innovative technology and resources for your creative projects.  The DMiL has an Audio Recording Booth, Digital Art Tools, and 3D Scanners in Room 156; interview recording room in Room 157, and a film studio in Room 3E21.

The DMiL is complemented by the Information Commons computers and equipment checkout at the checkout & information desk.  The DMiL is available to students for class or personal projects.

You can make a reservation and check-in or stop by for a consultation in Room 153.

Monday – Thursday: 11:00am – 8:00pm
Friday: 11:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

Questions & Consultation email: ellisdml@missouri.edu

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Free Equipment Checkouts

Did you leave your laptop at home? Forgot your phone charger? Need a camera? The Circulation Desk at your library can help you out! Check out the available equipment here. All equipment is available with your student ID. Materials can be renewed in person at the desk. But be careful! There is a $2 fine for every hour it is returned late.

So, the next time you are studying all day at the library and your phone dies, don’t worry! Just head over to the Circulation Desk at your library.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library New Episode of Voice In Podcast – Study Abroad: Asturias and Lima

New Episode of Voice In Podcast – Study Abroad: Asturias and Lima

Voice In is a podcast about Mizzou students. This project of the Digital Media and Innovation Lab in Ellis Library was created to learn about students’ lives and their relationship to libraries.

This is the first in the series of short interviews on Studying Abroad. In this episode, Nav Khanal, head of e-learning technologies, talks to Andrew Whelihan about his study abroad experiences in Oviedo Spain, and preparations for an upcoming one in Lima, Peru.

Check back on our site every month or subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app. https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/dml/voicein.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Need Help in Ellis Library? Your Peer Navigators Can Help

Need Help in Ellis Library? Your Peer Navigators Can Help

Next time you need help when you are in Ellis Library, stop by our Ask Here desk in the colonnade on the first floor. Your Peer Navigators are there to assist you with your question whether it’s to point you to the best study space, using print anywhere, or connecting you with your librarian.

The Ask Here desk is open 12pm-10pm Sundays and 10am-10pm Mondays-Thursdays.

Need help and no one is at the desk? You can ask the librarians for help virtually. Click here to find the best way to contact your librarian. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

New Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

MU Libraries is pleased to provide reinstated access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

Access provided by the University of Missouri Graduate School.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Journalism Library New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to Early American Newspapers Series II.

Early American Newspapers Series II adds coverage our existing access and now covers 1690-1900. Images and full-content access to historic newspapers from the 18th to mid-19th Century, based on the collections of the American Antiquarian Society, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and 90 other institutions, from every region of the United States.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Books to Celebrate Disability Culture Month at Mizzou

Books to Celebrate Disability Culture Month at Mizzou

Mizzou began a tradition of celebrating Disability Culture Month, formerly Celebrate Ability Week, every September! Learn about how Mizzou is growing its understanding of disability with our Future is Accessible website, and learn about our rich history of inclusion with our Disability History at Mizzou timeline!

Below are a few we have available for check out. You can view the whole list of recommendations here.

Have a purchase recommendation? Use our book recommendation form

Being Heumann recounts Judy Heumann’s lifelong battle to achieve respect, acceptance, and inclusion in society. Paralyzed from polio at eighteen months, Judy’s struggle for equality began early in life. From fighting to attend grade school after being described as a “fire hazard” to later winning a lawsuit against the New York City school system for denying her a teacher’s license because of her paralysis, Judy’s actions set a precedent that fundamentally improved rights for disabled people.





Blackness and disability : critical examinations and cultural interventions by Christopher Bell

“Disability Studies diverge from the medical model of disability (which argues that disabled subjects can and should be “fixed”) to view disability as socially constructed, much in the same way other identities are. The work of reading black and disabled bodies is not only recovery work, but work that requires a willingness to deconstruct the systems that would keep those bodies in separate spheres. This pivotal volume uncovers the misrepresentations of black disabled bodies and demonstrates how those bodies transform systems and culture. Drawing on key themes in Disability Studies and African American Studies, these collected essays complement one another in interesting and dynamic ways, to forge connections across genres and chronotopes, an invitation to keep blackness and disability in conversation.


Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

In this collection of essays, Lambda Literary Award–winning writer and longtime activist and performance artist Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha explores the politics and realities of disability justice, a movement that centers the lives and leadership of sick and disabled queer, trans, Black, and brown people, with knowledge and gifts for all. Care Work is a mapping of access as radical love, a celebration of the work that sick and disabled queer/people of color are doing to find each other and to build power and community, and a tool kit for everyone who wants to build radically resilient, sustainable communities of liberation where no one is left behind. Powerful and passionate, Care Work is a crucial and necessary call to arms.


Defying Disability : The Lives and Legacies of Nine Disabled Leaders by Mary Wilkinson

This book tells the stories of nine disabled leaders who, by force of personality and concrete achievement, have made us think differently about disability. Whatever direction they have come from, they share a common will to change society so that disabled people get a fair deal.






Demystifying Disability : What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally by Emily Landau

People with disabilities are the world’s largest minority, an estimated 15 percent of the global population. But many of us—disabled and nondisabled alike—don’t know how to act, what to say, or how to be an ally to the disability community. Demystifying Disability is a friendly handbook on the important disability issues you need to know about





Disfigured : on fairy tales, disability, and making space by Amanda Leduc

Fairy tales shape how we see the world, so what happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty? If every disabled character is mocked and mistreated, how does the Beast ever imagine a happily-ever-after? Amanda Leduc looks at fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm to Disney, showing us how they influence our expectations and behaviour and linking the quest for disability rights to new kinds of stories that celebrate difference.





Disability aesthetics by Tobin Siebers

Disability Aesthetics is the first attempt to theorize the representation of disability in modern art and visual culture. It claims that the modern in art is perceived as disability, and that disability is evolving into an aesthetic value in itself. It argues that the essential arguments at the heart of the American culture wars in the late twentieth century involved the rejection of disability both by targeting certain artworks as “sick” and by characterizing these artworks as representative of a sick culture





Women, Disability, and Culture by Anna Siri

Women and girls with disabilities find themselves constantly having to deal with multiple, intersectional discrimination due to both their gender and their disability, as well as social conditioning. Indeed, the intersection made up of factors such as race, ethnic origin, social background, cultural substrate, age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, gender, disability, status as refugee or migrant and others besides, has a multiplying effect that increases discrimination yet further. The book seeks to pay the right attention to the condition of women with disabilities, offering points for reflection, also on the different, often invisible, cultural and social undertones that continue today to feed into prejudicial stereotypes.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.