home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 9/11/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 9/11/18

LMT 09.11.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Staff Advisory Group 9/6/18

Staff Advisory Group 9/6/18

Welcome – Erin Powell

Vice Provost Report – Ann Campion Riley

  • Reporting structure will change for Edward McCain; he will now report to Deb Ward.
  • Sheryl Cullina will be moving to Campus HR. We will fill her position with a medium level officer and change the structure to have this position report to Kathy Peters, aligning it with other Fiscal Officer responsibilities on campus.
  • We will be hosting a Homecoming Open House in Ellis and welcome University Libraries staff to volunteer.
  • One Read event: tonight in Ellis Auditorium the film Thirteen is being shown.
  • Events in 114A: Entrepreneurial Quest speakers and Poetry readings.
  • One stop shop that was imagined for the libraries will now be a virtual One Stop Portal.

Question: Has the Teaching for Learning Center moved in?

Answer:  Yes, they are now in Ann’s old office.

Question: What are the One Stop Shop effects for Ellis relocations?

Answer:  We will keep it as is for the time being and will review needs as plans for the new Depository solidify.


Projects Update – Kathy Peters

  • Key card system and 24 hours started this fall. North and West doors will open 15 min early and stay open 15 min after posted hours.  Make sure the door gets closed behind you when Ellis is locked.  New policy: if you need to be in the building when it is locked, please let Pat Jones know.
  • Long term strategic plan for University Libraries is underway. Please let Kathy know of any projects you have in mind. Library Management Team will review the list and set priorities for the next 2-5 years.
  • Roof leak in East Reference and Information Commons-I. Roof has been repaired and ceiling tiles will be repaired this week.
  • Light poles will be installed on the southwest and northeast side of building.
  • Ellis carpet and lounge chairs have been cleaned. One set will be reupholstered.
  • Study rooms were repainted and chair rails and whiteboards installed.
  • Information Commons: Information Commons-II tables were repaired, power options were added to Information Commons-I
  • Updates to specialized libraries were mentioned, scanners in Digital Services have been approved for purchase, sink will be replaced in Physical Processing and doors to loading dock are being painted.
  • Ellis 114 will have new booths.
  • Special Collections Room 406 is open for classes. Hallways will be repainted. Stair lift will be replaced or improved.

Searches – Sheryl Cullina

  • Human Resources will be posting Sheryl’s position soon.
  • Also reposting the HR Assistant position as full time.
  • Library Information Specialist position will close soon.
  • Interviews are scheduled for the Technical Services Librarian position.
  • Reopened search for Associate University Librarian for Special Collections, Rare Books and Archives. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 1st.

Specialized Libraries – Deb Ward

  • Focused on Facilities, Communications and Planning.
  • Bike Desks were purchased at Health Sciences Library
  • Health Science Library is planning on going to a one service desk model.
  • Math Library Improvements consist of moving shelving and replacing it with open tables and study area.
  • Geology now has plug pods that reach study tables in the center of the space.
  • Engineering Library now has a digital monitor.
  • One-page fliers were created for each specialized library. Zalk Veterinary Medical Library page was provided as an example.
  • Chris Pryor is now on board with us and National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
  • Grant application is in process with SISLT for health information certificate program.
  • Journalism Library working on digital asset management plan.

Research, Access & Instructional Services – Jeannette Pierce

  • Thank you to all RAIS members for all that you do to support the students and libraries.
  • Library Management Team approved a change to our guest computer access. We now have 6 computers in the alcove behind the reference desk. We don’t have the ability to use guest wireless. UM System employees and students can use their login with campus specific domain on our computers.
  • Courtesy borrowing cards are only available to defined groups.  Other guests may obtain a borrowing card by becoming a Friends of the Libraries for a $50 membership to obtain the courtesy card.
  • Ellis circulation staff is now working at the reference desk between 8-5.  Felicity, Erin, Ivy, and Sean are also helping at the reference desk.  Thanks to all participated in training this summer.
  • Special Collections reading room hours are reduced to allow staff to structure their hours better.  Patrons always welcome to schedule individual appointments outside of reading room hours.
  • The Staff Development Group will host an Open House for Special Collections on September 20.
  • The Special Collections has a new display of student work in the Colonnade.
  • Instructional Services website has a new update.
    • Workshop registration is going well.
  • West Reference office area is now structured to host consultations with students. Digital media commons appointments are available upon request. Ellis 3E21, which used to be a group study room, is now a room equipped with green wall for filming.
  • Chat service is going very strong.
  • Poster printing moved to Digiprint.
  • Projector in classroom 213 will be replaced with a monitor.
  • We are grateful to have Student Assistants return from the summer break.

Acquisitions Collections and Technical Services – Report from Corrie Hutchinson via Erin Powell

  • We have started sending microfilm to CRL.  We are working on cleaning out 404 to create room for microfilm we plan to keep.  As we do so, we’ll change the signs as appropriate.
  • We are ready to work on the duplicate item project again at U2.  Look for emails to that effect later this fall.
  • The TLC officially moved into 52 Ellis the last week of August.  We have done a lot of rearranging in our area to create more work space, opened up a conference room, and done some much-needed general clean-up.  I plan to have an open house of the area later this fall after a hopefully successful search for a new Technical Services Librarian.
  • I’m still working on loading OCLC MARC records instead of Serial Solutions MARC records into MERLIN.  It is unfortunately a slower project than I had hoped, but one that will allow us more control going forward.  It is likely to take me most of this fall to get all the records replaced.  UMKC is also working on the transition and UMSL and MS&T are likely to do so as well later this academic year.
  • CSC has commissioned a task force to begin working on a collection development policy for the depositories.  With the expansion coming, it is a good time to get a policy together.
  • Thanks to everyone who has worked with ACTS to move forward after Catalog Management was dissolved.  We are transferring materials, cataloging government docs, working on the microfilm project, and much more.  It will take time before everything is settled into a new workflow, but we are making progress and doing our best.

Next SAG Tuesday, Oct. 9th at 10:00am

home Staff news Healthy for Life Update: Wellness Incentive Ends on Sept. 30

Healthy for Life Update: Wellness Incentive Ends on Sept. 30

This is a reminder that the Wellness Incentive comes to an end on September 30th. You need to complete a total of 400 points for Tier 2. Your account should show a total of 450 points (with the Tier 1 points).

If you are having issues with your online workshops, logging into the portal or synching your device, please contact Cerner at 888-252-8150. If you have any other issues, please send a message to the wellness inbox wellness@umsystem.edu and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

REAL APPEAL – We received our last Real Appeal report today (9-11-18). If you were not on that, you to contact Real Appeal and have them send you a sheet showing your sessions (must complete 10 for points), you can forward that to wellness@umsystem.edu  I will upload them manually.

This is a common issue. Most people are trying to add too many points in the diversity section. Unfortunately, diversity points max out at 100.  We are aware that the Cerner program is allowing additional points to be submitted by the employee; however, they will not count at this time.  The problem is being remedied for the coming Wellness year.

home Staff news Upcoming Events in Ellis Library

Upcoming Events in Ellis Library

Here is a quick list of the events going on in Ellis Library this semester. If you have specific questions about an event, please contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu.

September 24, October 1, 8 and 15
Entrepreneur Quest
114A Ellis Library
5:30 pm to 8 pm

September 18
Wellness Resource Center De-Stress Event With Therapy Dogs
Ellis Library Colonnade
2 am to 4 pm

September 19
ACTS Interview Candidate
114A Ellis Library
10:30 am to 12:00 pm

October 11
Poetry Reading: Hadara Bar-Nadav
114A Ellis Library
7 to 9 p.m.

October 20
Homecoming Open House
Ellis Library Colonnade

November 1
Poetry Reading: LaTanya McQueen
114A Ellis Library
7 to 9 p.m.

November 17
Friends of the Libraries Fall Meeting
114A Ellis Library
9 am to 12 pm

home Staff news Concannon’s LibGuide Highlighted by HathiTrust

Concannon’s LibGuide Highlighted by HathiTrust

Congrats to Marie on having her Prices & Wages guide highlighted by HathiTrust.


home Staff news Homecoming Open House: Call for Volunteers

Homecoming Open House: Call for Volunteers

The Libraries will host its annual open house at Ellis Library after the Homecoming parade on October 20. The parade time has not been announced yet, but the open house will probably run from 9 to 11 am.

There will be refreshments and activities for families, including mini pumpkin and tiger mask decorating, coloring (thanks to Special Collections) and story time. If you would like to volunteer to help out with this event, please contact Shannon Cary (carysn@missouri.edu) or Sheila Voss (vosss@missouri.edu).

home Staff news Goodbye to Sheryl Cullina

Goodbye to Sheryl Cullina

Sheryl Cullina has accepted a position as a senior human resources consultant in campus Human Resources Services. Her last day with the Libraries will be Friday, September 21.

home Staff news MOspace to Include Digital Object Indentifiers

MOspace to Include Digital Object Indentifiers

MOspace, the University of Missouri institutional repository, will soon include DOIs. DOIs – Digital Object Identifiers – offer a persistent way to reference and access online documents.  Style guides, such as APA, require that DOIs be included in citations when they are available.

Assigning DOIs to items in MOspace will be advantageous for authors and researchers.  Authors will have a widely recognized identifier for their works.  Researchers will have a persistent way to cite and access MOspace items of interest to them.

This positive development for MOspace was made possible thanks to the advocacy of our librarians, exploration by MOspace staff, and approval and support from library administration.


home Staff news DSpace Community Annual Report 2017-July 2018 Now Available

DSpace Community Annual Report 2017-July 2018 Now Available

The DSpace Community Annual Report 2017-July 2018 is now available.  MOspace uses DSpace repository platform.

The Report provides an overview of the user community, membership, two brief community profiles, a technical overview, governance, finance, and events.  In this report you can learn more about the DSpace community, current initiatives, and progress towards the release of DSpace 7.  Members of the DSpace community helped in developing this report: Terry Brady (Georgetown University Library); Claudio Cortese (4Science); Tim Donohue (DuraSpace); Felicity Dykas (University of Missouri Libraries); Valorie Hollister (DuraSpace); Salwa Ismail (Georgetown University Library); (Mariya Maistrovskaya (University of Toronto Libraries); Michele Mennielli (DuraSpace); Carol Minton Morris (DuraSpace); Kristi Searle (DuraSpace); Samu Viita (National Library of Finland).

DSpace is a community-based, open source project that produces the DSpace repository platform. With a 16-year history, strong membership support, and active participation from a wide variety of stakeholder institutions located all over the world 2017-2018 was a year of progress toward the key community priority of developing and releasing DSpace 7 with a new, single Angular user interface and enhanced REST API.  The technical roadmap for 2017 is focused on DSpace 7 development. As a production repository DSpace needs to meet the needs of large and small stakeholder institutions, so minor updates have been released as needed. At the same time the bulk of technical efforts were focused on DSpace 7 which included a great deal of groundwork and foundation support for the new REST API. Plans for a Beta release of DSpace 7 with support for entities are on track for early 2019.  Building and sustaining a strong community is a central goal for the DSpace Project.