home Events and Exhibits, Staff news The New Jim Crow: One Read Program Events

The New Jim Crow: One Read Program Events

The following events and exhibitions have been scheduled to facilitate conversation regarding this year’s One Read Program selection: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. In this incisive critique, former litigator-turned-legal-scholar Michelle Alexander provocatively argues that we have not ended racial caste in America: we have simply redesigned it. The New Jim Crow challenges the civil rights community–and all of us–to place mass incarceration at the forefront of a new movement for racial justice in America.

A Brief Moment in the Sun Art Contest
Submissions beginning September 1st- October 18th
We want to feature your work based on The New Jim Crow. Submit a poem, mixed media, a sculpture, a painting, a photo; whichever medium speaks to you. Please contact Michelle Baggett for more information.

2018 One Read Keynote Speaker: Dr. Demetria Frank
October 19th, 12:30-2:30pm
Dr. Demetria Frank, Assistant Professor of Law at the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, will be discussing mass incarceration and The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness By Michelle Alexander, this year’s One Read selection.

July-October: The New Jim Crow – One Read Program Exhibit
An exhibit in the Ellis Library Colonnade features a timeline showing the increasing numbers of incarcerated Missourians over the past four decades. Key moments in law, the privatization of prisons, and stories of anonymous Mizzou Tigers impacted by incarceration are highlighted.
Ellis Library Exhibit Case


The One Read Program, which promotes conversations regarding diversity, inclusion, and social justice through students, faculty, and staff reading a particular book together, is sponsored by Mizzou Law and Univerisity Libraries.

For more information on the book, events, additional resources, and information on the One Read Program, see this guide. Copies of the book are available for checkout in Ellis Library, the Health Sciences Library, the Journalism Library, and the Law Library.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Recipe: Easy Sugar Cookies

Weekend Fun: Mizzou Football, Midway Antiques, and the Fall Bridal Showcase

home Staff news Newshub Training Open to All Libraries Staff, Sept. 14

Newshub Training Open to All Libraries Staff, Sept. 14

The Marketing Team is holding an open Newshub training for all staff on September 14 from 10 to 11 am in 213 Ellis Library. If you are interested in learning how to use WordPress to create a Newshub post, an engaging email or an online newsletter, you are welcome to attend the training. We will also discuss resources for writing blog posts and how to create the best content. We hope to see you there.

–Marketing Team

home Staff news Healthy for Life Update

Healthy for Life Update


September 6th
Free Flat Changing Clinic
Walt’s Bike Shop
6 pm
Teaching the ins and outs of changing a bike flat out of the road or trail!

September 15th
Lizzy’s Walk of Faith 5k walk/run
Twin Lakes Recreation Area
Proceeds for to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

September 15th
Spectrum’s Remarkable Race
Spectrum Health Care 
2-10 pm

September 15th
Sara Evans Concert for Mental Health Awareness  
Blue Note 8-12 pm


Pilates – Healthy for Life Wellness class

You can earn 10 points per class toward your Tier 2 Wellness incentive – up to 200 wellness points under Physical Activity.

  • Pilates is held Mondays and Wednesdays (12:10 – 12:50) in Townsend 206. Contact Tina England (engandt@missouri.edu) for information.
  • Strength/Core conditioning is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday (12:15 – 12:45) in Room 4F51 Ellis Library. Contact Nani Fudge (fudge@missouri.edu) for information.
  • Yoga is held Tuesday and Thursday(12:15 – 12:45) in Room 4F51 Ellis Library. Contact Glenda Moum (moumg@missouri.edu) for information.
home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Mizzou Football, MeatPalooza, and the Grateful Dead Experience

Recipe: 5-Ingredient Chicken Alfredo Bubble-Up Bake

home Staff news Marketing Update

Marketing Update

The Marketing Team has created a marketing calendar that consists of regularly occurring events throughout the year that we want to keep in mind for marketing purposes. These include local events (e.g. True/False), national month/day observances (e.g. Human Rights Day), and some library specific events (e.g. Open Access Week). We can market library resources/services/events during these times to have more impact.

The 2018-2019 Marketing Calendar is now available on the staff web page. Please contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu if you have suggestions for the calendar.



home Staff news Set Up Move Function to Stop Spam Messages

Set Up Move Function to Stop Spam Messages

  1. Right click on the email.
  2. Click Move.
  3. Choose Always Move Messages in this Conversation.
  4. Choose the destination. Trash or another folder you set up.
home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Getting to Know You: Kate Anderson” (page 14)
MCMLA Express: Newsletter of the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association, Spring/Summer 2018

home Staff news Notes From the Director, 8/28/18

Notes From the Director, 8/28/18

By now many of you have received notification you are getting salary increases.  Many of you have not received notification, which means your salary will be the same continuing through August of 2019.  Whether you received a raise or not, I want to thank for another year of service to the libraries, and encourage you with the knowledge that we are working to improve salaries for all.

Deciding how to assign raises was especially difficult this year.  The Libraries received a small raise pool from the University Budget Office, which we had not for about five years previously.  We also received separate, earmarked funding from the Provost’s Office for the promotion raises for librarians being promoted from Librarian II to III and III to IV.  These promotion amounts are set by the Provost’s Office each year.  Campus Human Resources emphasized we could not give a set percentage to everyone.

In assigning raises, the LMT looked at meritorious performance, time in rank, compression, rate penetration within rank and the ARL salary survey.  We did the best we could to do an equitable distribution.  We looked at all categories of employees.

As fall arrives and football begins, we know that campus life is picking up, and more students every day are visiting our libraries.  We are all committed to helping make their student experiences good one.  Thanks for all you do that contributes to the quality of the MU educational experience.

–Ann Campion Riley



home Staff news Presentation by Steven Pryor, August 29

Presentation by Steven Pryor, August 29

Please join me in welcoming Steven Pryor to the University of Missouri Libraries by attending his open presentation. Steven Pryor was recently hired as a Librarian II in the RAIS Division. I asked Steven to share his professional history with us and to comment on some current trends that influence his thinking about digital initiatives in libraries.

When:  Wednesday, August 29th at 9:00 a.m.
Where:  Ellis 114A

–Jeannette Pierce