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Kudos for Government Information

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New Muse Posts

Banned Books Week – Next Week!

Bookmarks as a Reference Tool for Difficult Topics

Books Being Made into Movies and Series

Weekend Fun: Heritage Festival and Craft Show, Paws in the Park, Goat Yoga Experience

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Family Weekend expected to bring extra visitors to campus, Columbia businesses prepare for an increase in sales”
The Maneater, September 13, 2019

“UPDATE: Lights back on on MU campus after widespread power outage”
Columbia Missourian, September 17, 2019

“Nashua’s long history of diversity is a reason to celebrate”
New Hampshire Union Leader, September 18, 2019

home Staff news Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 9/10/10

Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 9/10/10

LMT 09.10.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU research grant aims to provide health information services to underserved communities throughout Midwest”
The Maneater, September 8, 2019

“Turkey vulture knocks the power out at the University of Missouri”
fox4kc.com, September 11, 2019

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Spend the Night in This Library

Library of Congress Subject Heading Quiz

Weekend Fun: Share the Load of Mental Health, Corn Maze, and 4th Annual Cruisin’ to Fight Cancer

home Staff news Anderson Publishes in Veterinary Surgery

Anderson Publishes in Veterinary Surgery

Kate Anderson has published a systematic review with colleagues in the College of Veterinary Medicine. It’s available in the Early View section of the journal.

Reeves LA, Anderson KM, Luther JK, Torres BT. Treatment of idiopathic chylothorax in dogs and cats: A systematic review. Veterinary Surgery. 2019; 1– 10. https://doi.org/10.1111/vsu.13322

Additionally, Dr. Reeves will be presenting this work at the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Surgery Summit in October.

home Staff news Scholarly Communication Committee Notes 9/4/19

Scholarly Communication Committee Notes 9/4/19

The new Scholarly Communication Committee met for the first time on September 4th and discussed the following items:

Background on need for Committee – Jeannette Pierce thanked everyone for serving and indicated that LMT has long wanted this type of committee so that the Libraries can more systematically implement and coordinate services related to Scholarly Communication. The recommendations of the UM System Open Access Task Force will also be important to the Committee.

Open Access Week (October 21 – 27) – The Committee will take ownership of Open Access Week. This year, Kimberly Moeller, Steven Pryor, and Kate Anderson will coordinate a workshop on “Open Access Publishing – What Authors Need to Know” as part of the Libraries’ “U Publish” series. Date of session: Friday, 10/25, 1pm. Other activities for OA Week will include social media posts. This year’s theme is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge.”

Updates on OA MOspace project – Steven Pryor has been developing systematic ways to include articles by MU faculty in MOspace. He’s been pulling information from Scopus and figuring out which version of the article can be legally posted. He has templates that outline the requests to faculty and is working on baking metadata (e.g., DOI, article title) into the submission URL. We may potentially be able to announce project during Open Access week in late October. OA week (and the UM System Task Force on OA) provide great context for this project – the Libraries are invested in making MU research more visible and accessible.

Auditing institutional name variants in Scopus and Web of Science – As requested by the Office of Institutional Research and the Chancellor, Janice Dysart has investigated how MU records are showing up in affiliation searches in Scopus and has asked for several changes. For example, there are currently thousands of records affiliated to “University of Missouri System” that should be affiliated to “University of Missouri Columbia.” Similarly, Kate Anderson is working on the name variants in Web of Science. Cleaning up the affiliation data in these databases will help make it easier to search for MU research as a whole.

Goals for Fall semester: In addition to sponsoring Open Access Week activities, the Committee will try to get a better handle on how many MU faculty already have an ORCiD id. The UM System Open Access Task Force recommendations will also help direct the activities of the Committee.

Questions or Ideas for the Scholarly Communication Committee? Contact Kate Anderson, Chair

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU to train health librarians to serve in rural and underserved communities”
West Plains Daily Quill, September 5, 2019

“Velma Minner, July 4, 1926 — Sept. 2, 2019”
Columbia Missourian, Sept. 5, 2019

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Personal Book Curator

Weekend Fun: Loop Maker Fair, CoMo Flea Swap, Book Sale