home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services, Staff news New Study Space at the Health Sciences Library

New Study Space at the Health Sciences Library

Last summer, we started the process of removing the old information desk to create a new student space. Throughout the year, we’ve asked for student input from what they’d like to see in the space to voting on specific furniture types.

We are happy to announce that the new comfy seating area is finally up and running! A good portion of the new furniture was delivered and we are finalizing the setup of the new lounge area, so don’t be surprised if you see different iterations of the space in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your comments, ideas, and votes throughout the year. We hope you enjoy your new space!

The furniture was funded by the Enhance Mizzou Student Fee


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight: College Colors Day

Marketing Highlight: College Colors Day

The Vet Med library staff are showing off their college colors!

home Staff news Reminder About Events and Exhibits Team

Reminder About Events and Exhibits Team

The University Libraries Events and Exhibits Team consists of Libraries staff who are directly responsible for the implementation of library events and exhibits. If you have an event to propose, please fill out the Events Form at least 30 days in advance of the event. If you are interested in bringing in an outside exhibit, please check with the Events and Exhibits Team in advance. Please contact Shannon Cary or any member of the Team if you have questions.

Events and Exhibits Team
Shannon Cary, communications
Marie Concannon, exhibits
Dana Houston, security
PT Martin, LTS
Kathy Peters, budget
Jacqueline Rash, scheduling and catering
Sheila Voss, facilities

home Staff news Welcome to Britany Saunders

Welcome to Britany Saunders

We will be welcoming a new part-time Library Information Specialist Britany Saunders – next week. This is a position in Digital Services, and Felicity Dykas will be her supervisor.

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“University of Missouri seeks new appeal in grad workers case”
Boonville Daily News, August 29, 2019

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/27/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 8/27/19

LMT 08.27.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Chicago Tool Library

Become a Better Reader

Weekend Fun: Rumors, Rock Island Radler, loose loose

home Staff news Welcome to Taylor Kenkel

Welcome to Taylor Kenkel

I’m excited to announce that Taylor Kenkel will be the new Technical Services Librarian, i.e. ILS Manager, starting October 1. After they begin, we’ll be reaching out to schedule visits to UMKC, UMSL, and MS&T.  Thanks everyone for your participation in the process.

Corrie Hutchinson

home Staff news All Staff Meeting Notes 8/15/19

All Staff Meeting Notes 8/15/19

All Staff Meeting Notes 8.15.19

All Staff Meeting Presentation Slides Fall 2019

home Staff news IDE Updates

IDE Updates

Tapestry Summer 2019

The latest issue of Tapestry, a biannual publication from UM System, is out! View the Summer 2019 issue (pdf)! Tapestry highlights members of the university community engaged in creative and innovative efforts that impact diversity, equity and inclusion efforts systemwide. This issue features news about leadership across the UM System, features on students’ incredible achievements and faculty and staff doing groundbreaking work! Learn more and see past issues.





Middleton Documentary Premiere

Join the University of Missouri’s Academic Support Center for the premiere of its documentary “Only the Educated Are Free: The Journey of Michael A. Middleton” celebrating the life of the civil rights attorney and former University of Missouri System president! The free documentary (no tickets needed) will be shown at 7 p.m. Sept. 13, at the Missouri Theatre. View the trailer and RSVP on Facebook!




Fall Professional Development

Take a LEAP with IDE’s Fall 2019 Professional Development Series presented by the Office of Inclusive EngagementLearn more and register today! Our series include:




Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.