home Staff news Stay at Home Challenge #1

Stay at Home Challenge #1

We are going to try something new this week. I will post a new stay at home wellness challenge each week. Anyone who wants to join can participate, and I will share the responses in the following week’s News Notes.

(I can add photos to posts again! Thanks LTS!) (Also, thanks to Grace Atkins who shared this idea from her new job at the University of Minnesota.)

Challenge #1

Family, friends, children, pets, social groups and community organizations. Those are all the things that give our lives purpose and meaning. But then there are the little things that bring us happiness and satisfaction in our daily lives. Maybe it’s that one favorite chair, blanket, pillow, subscription to audible, that special cooking pan, art tool, slippers, fireplace. What is the one item in your house you are happy you have right now?

Challenge: Take a picture of the item, and email it to me at carysn@missouri.edu by noon on April 16.

I can’t wait to see everyone’s favorite items!


home Staff news Town Hall Meeting Notes 4/1/20

Town Hall Meeting Notes 4/1/20

All Staff Town Hall 4.1.20

home Staff news Congratulations to Chris Pryor

Congratulations to Chris Pryor

Christina Pryor has been elected the 2020-21 President-Elect of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA). Pryor will serve her Presidential term during 2021-22.

2020-2021 President-Elect of RUSA Announced

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New Muse Posts

Grow Vegetables from Scraps

Atlas Obscura

home Staff news All Staff Town Hall 3/25/20

All Staff Town Hall 3/25/20

Notes from 3/25/20 All Staff Town Hall

home Staff news MOspace and DSpace News

MOspace and DSpace News

MOspace news

Digital Services is working on two new MOspace collections:

Global Journalist. Working with Journalism, we will be adding about 200 shows in the Global Journalism series to MOspace.  https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/72322

LIS radio. The Library School hosted a radio show from 2003-2015 in which librarians, state and national leaders, and others were interviewed about topics of interest to the library community. Radio show series included: On the job, Voice of literacy, and EDgeTech (K-12). In conjunction with SISLT, we are creating an archive of the shows in MOspace. We have uploaded many files already and more are pending. Metadata will be added next. It isn’t much to look at now, but check back in a month or two. https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/68701

Other MOspace work

We are continuing to process and add other items to MOspace, too. For example, before Ellis closed, we quickly digitized Extension guides that were easy to do and which could be added to MOspace remotely. This was a project we were working on, but WFH gave us a jump on the project. We added 250+ in March. https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/49797


DSpace news: DSpace 7 coming soon!

MOspace uses the DSpace software platform. DSpace code is undergoing a major rewrite and is scheduled to be released this summer as DSpace 7. The is an update we have been waiting for. The major advantage to DSpace 7 is that it will provide it is a more flexible system and will allow improvements to the design and functionality of the system. Right away, two changes will benefit MOspace.

  • New “entity” records. We will be able to create records for people, granting agencies, corporate bodies, etc. Creating records for our authors will enable us (and them) to see all the works they have in MOspace in one place.
  • We will be able to use these entity records to create records for collections, too. We use collections to organize material in MOspace now, but this new way pulling together related articles, presentations, etc., will provide a lot more flexibility.

We use Atmire (a company that manages DSpace sites) to do some of our MOspace programming work and we are working with them to evaluate MOspace and to plan for our upgrade to DSpace 7. Optimistically, the upgrade could happen late this fall.

A demonstration version of DSpace 7 is available. Note that it is still being developed, with a new beta version coming out each month through June. After June, outstanding issues will be addressed with a goal of having it ready for implementation by the end of the summer.

More information, including technical information, from a recent email to the DSpace community:

New features to look for

  • A completely new User Interface. This is the new Javascript-based frontend, built on Angular.io (with support for SEO provided by Angular Universal). This new interface is themable via HTML and CSS (SCSS). For early theme building training, see the “Getting Started with DSpace 7 Workshop” from the North American User Group meeting: slides or video recording.
  • A completely new, fully featured REST API (provided via a single webapp backend). This new backend is not only a REST API, but also still supports OAI-PMH, SWORD (v1 or v2) and RDF.
  • A newly designed search box. Search from the header of any page (click the magnifying glass). The search results page now features automatic search highlight, expandable & searchable filters, and optional thumbnail-based results (click on the “grid” view).
  • A new MyDSpace area, including a new, one-page, drag & drop submission form, a new workflow approval process, and searchable past submissions. (Login, click on the profile icon, click “MyDSpace”). Find workflow tasks to claim by selecting “All tasks” in the “Show” dropdown.
  • Dynamic user interface translations (Click the globe, and select a language)
  • A new Admin sidebar. Login as an Administrator, and an administrative sidebar appears. Use this to create a new Community/Collection/Item, edit existing ones, and manage registries. (NOTE: A number of Administrative tools are still missing or greyed out. They will be coming in future Beta releases.)
  • Optional, Configurable Entities feature. DSpace now supports “entities”, which are Items of a specific ‘type’ which may have relationships to other entities. These entity types and relationships are configurable, with two examples coming out-of-the-box: a set of Journal hierarchy entities (Journal, Volume, Issue, Publication) and a set of Research entities (Publication, Project, Person, OrgUnit). For more information see “The Power of Configurable Entities” from OR2019: slides or video recording. Additionally, a test data set featuring both out-of-the-box examples can be used when trying out DSpace 7 via Docker.
  • Support for OpenAIREv4 Guidelines for Literature Repositories in OAI-PMH (See the new “openaire4” context in OAI-PMH).
home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

New Merriam-Webster Dictionary Words

Make a Face Mask

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 3/24/20

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 3/24/20

LMT Information and Action Items 3/24/20

home Staff news Work From Home Survival Guide

Work From Home Survival Guide


home Staff news Send Us Your Work From Home Selfies

Send Us Your Work From Home Selfies

We want to keep connected during this time of remote work. One way to do this is to share photos of your work from home setups, and photos and video of your new co-workers (AKA kids, pets and whoever you share your space with). Even if you are on administrative leave, we would love to see what you are up to. So if you would like to share some photos or video, please send to Shannon Cary carysn@missouri.edu or Taira Meadowcroft meadowcroftt@missouri.edu. Due to some WordPress issues that make it difficult to post photos right now, we will be posting these photos on the Libraries’ main social media feeds. Links to those feeds are listed below. Thanks and happy working from home!

Facebook: MizzouLibraries

Instagram: @mizzou.libraries

Twitter: @MizzouLibraries