home Staff news Send Us Your Work From Home Selfies

Send Us Your Work From Home Selfies

We want to keep connected during this time of remote work. One way to do this is to share photos of your work from home setups, and photos of your new co-workers (AKA kids, pets and whoever you share your space with). Even if you are on administrative leave, we would love to see what you are up to. So if you would like to share some photos, please send to Shannon Cary carysn@missouri.edu or Taira Meadowcroft meadowcroftt@missouri.edu. We will post these in News Notes. If you give us permission, we will also post on the Libraries’ social media feeds. Thanks and happy working from home!

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“UPDATE: Campuses adjust dining and residential halls as classes move online”
Columbia Missourian, March 18, 2020

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Food During the Pandemic

COVID-19 Information

home Staff news Work From Home Survival Tips

Work From Home Survival Tips

If you have questions or want to share tips about working from home, please send them to Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu. I will post questions, answers and tips each week in News Notes. (Send urgent HR/IT questions to appropriate library staff.)

Here’s some advice from Laura Schopp, professor and chair of the department of health psychology in the School of Health Professions.

5 Ways to Maintain Community While Social Distancing

home Staff news Digital Services update: Current digitization projects

Digital Services update: Current digitization projects

Digital Services is carrying out several digitization projects to meet the needs of different units in the library and on campus. This is a quick overview of most of our current projects, several of which are long-term.

Typography books. The Journalism Library reviewed the University Libraries collections and identified books on typography which were not yet in the HathiTrust. We are digitizing these volumes and are contributing them to the HathiTrust.

HathiTrust collection: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/mb?a=listis;c=1491577794

Early British pamphlets. This project supports the goal of making resources in the English Short Title Catalog (ESTC) available in the HathiTrust. Special Collections and Rare Books has identified 15,000 titles in their collection that meet the criteria of ESTC. We have added 900+ titles to the HathiTrust so far and  have several items in the process of being added.

HathiTrust collection: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/mb?a=listis;c=1689078988

MU Extension material. We received copies of older Extension publications when Agricultural Economics weeded their collection of resources and from the duplicates SHS didn’t retain. We seized this opportunity to digitize these duplicates, because we can disbind and scan them quickly. We have added 800+ titles to MOspace since Summer 2019.

MU Extension collection in MOspace: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/355

Missouri Place names theses. Under the direction of advisory Robert L. Ramsey, students in the 1920s and 1930s completed theses documenting the origins of places names in Missouri, including names for “counties, townships, post offices, rivers. branches, creeks, ridges, prairies, mounds, hills, valleys, gaps, churches, and mills.” We have completed digitization of twelve of the eighteen so far, and they are available in MOspace. We have gotten requests to make these available from the general public and from Missouri government agencies.

Example: Place names in six of the west central counties of Missouri  https://hdl.handle.net/10355/64422

University of Missouri course catalogs. Partnering with the Registrar’s Office, we have been digitizing MU Course Catalogs. Early volumes included histories and reports of departments and the university. For some years, we have catalogs for individual schools and colleges, too. We are currently digitizing catalogs from the 1990s, and are filling in gaps for other decades.

MOspace collection: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/60693

University Missourian. This serial publication was added to the University Libraries collections in 2019. It began publication in 1871; we have issues through 1880. We have completed scanning it and It will be available in MOspace soon.

MERLIN record: http://merlin.lib.umsystem.edu/record=b2057091~S8

Shamrock. The Engineering Library had a duplicate set of the Engineering yearbook and asked to have them added to MOspace. These volumes provide an interesting look at the history of Engineering over the years.

MOspace collection: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/68822

Muse. We are partnering with the Museum of Art and Archaeology to make all issues of the MUSE, the annual publication of the Museum, available online. We are digitizing copies not in digital form and sharing copies with the Museum and are harvesting issues we need that are already available online.on the Museum site.

MOspace collection: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/66433
Museum website: https://maa.missouri.edu/muse

Focus. At the request of HSL, we have digitized over 300 articles published between 1967-2001 under the banner, “Highlights” or “Focus” in the periodical, Missouri Monthly Vital Statistics. This series of articles covers a range of topics related to the health and vital statistics of Missourians, and include statistical information. We hope to make these available in the HathiTrust, but will host them locally if full view cannot be provided in the HathiTrust.

As you can tell, we have been busy. We also are wrapping up other projects and processing one-time requests, on top of processing current MU theses and dissertations (Fall 2019 were added to MOspace this week) and other MU publications to MOspace.



home Staff news Reduced Digiprint Hours

Reduced Digiprint Hours

Beginning Monday, March 16, Digiprint Hours will be as follows (until March 29):

Monday – Friday:             7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Beginning Sunday, March 29, Digiprint will return to their regular hours listed below:

Sunday:                                1:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Monday – Thursday:       7:30 am – 9:00 pm

Friday                                    7:30 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday:                             Closed

home Staff news Notes from the Vice Provost

Notes from the Vice Provost

Hello Everyone,

I want to share with you the statement I sent to the provosts office that they can use in communications about the campus response to the coronavirus:

The University Libraries plan to remain open, with no changes to hours, but this may change as the situation changes. The University Libraries are equipped to provide information resources and services to faculty, student, and staff remotely, via the web site and Zoom. See the Libraries’ Remote Resources Guide for more information. In the event of a partial campus closure, the Libraries may need to reduce hours. In the event of full closure, the Libraries would continue to provide access to online resources. Chat reference services would continue, and subject librarians would be available for consultations via email. Changes to library hours or services will be posted on the Libraries’ website and to social media.

Please stay alert to news from campus leadership about the response in this fluid situation. For now, we plan to continue to keep the libraries open while the classes have shifted to online only.

Thank you for everything all of you are doing to keep the Libraries operating.

Deb Ward


home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

It Is Still Women’s History Month!

Pandemic Reading

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Do you keep a reading journal?

Happy Literary Novels

Weekend Fun: True/False, Profiles of Celebration, Gardening Workshop, Columbia Health Expo

home Staff news Congratulations to Kate Anderson and Rebecca Graves

Congratulations to Kate Anderson and Rebecca Graves

The Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association recently held elections. Kate Anderson is the new Chair Elect, and Rebecca Graves is the Chapter Council Representative. Congratulations!