home Staff news Welcome to Jonathan Richardson

Welcome to Jonathan Richardson

Welcome to Jonathan Richardson, new librarian information assistant in Shelving, who started on Tuesday, February 18. Ryan Bish will be his supervisor.

home Staff news Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 2/11/20

Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 2/11/20

LMT Info and Action Items 2/11/20

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Paul Pepper: Joan Stack, State Historical Society of Missouri, ‘The Black Vote'”
KBIA, February 7, 2020

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wisdom Tree Bookcase

Weekend Fun: Mizzou New Play Series, Aaron Parks Trio, Rocheport Chocolate Crawl

home Staff news Welcome to Matthew Sigmon

Welcome to Matthew Sigmon

Welcome to Matthew Sigmon, who started as a library information assistant on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Kevin McFillen will be his supervisor.

home Staff news Welcome to Jennifer Walker

Welcome to Jennifer Walker

I’m delighted to share that the successful candidate for the Acquisitions Librarian is Jennifer Walker. She will start on 2/24. Thank you to everyone who participated in the search and/or provided feedback.

–Corrie Hutchinson

home Staff news Congratulations to Laura Buck on Her Retirement

Congratulations to Laura Buck on Her Retirement

Congratulations to Laura Buck on her retirement! Her last day in the office was January 31st (sob…gasp….). While she did not want a party, we want to thank her for her many years of joyful service to the University!

Laura began working for the Libraries in 1989, starting at the Health Sciences Library and moving to the Veterinary Medical Library in 1999. In 2019, she received a Dean’s Impact Award from Dean Carolyn Henry for her many contributions to the College of Veterinary Medicine. Over her career, Laura saw an incredible amount of change in how libraries operate. But no matter the process or the technology, she always had the needs of the students, faculty, and staff foremost in her mind.

We miss her already, but we are so excited for her! She’ll be able to visit her adorable twin grandsons more often and do whatever she wants whenever she wants.

And, thanks for your patience and understanding while the veterinary library is short-staffed.

Kate Anderson and Sue Giger







home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 1/28/20

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 1/28/20

In Attendance

Deb Ward – conference call, Shannon Cary, Corrie Hutchinson, Jeannette Pierce, Kathy Peters, Kate Anderson, Ernest Shaw, Support: Jacqueline Rash

Correction from 10.28.19 meeting

Homeless in Ellis

  • It was recommended by the Provost that, due to lack of Campus Policy regarding homeless, University Libraries is welcome to create our own policy.

Addition: MUPD has clarified that CRR 110.010 Regulations https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/collected_rules/facilities/ch110/110.010_regulations addresses conduct on campus. The Libraries will not create a separate policy.

  • Our policy practice is that homeless that enter the building before 10:00pm will not be asked to leave unless they are creating a disturbance. No one is able to enter the building after 10:00pm without an University ID card.

Table space in Colonnade

  • It was determined that we will keep our options open for future discussion about this topic as departments move into Ellis and may want a table in the library space to reach students.

Student staff transportation during breaks

  • Over interim breaks there is no student transportation across campus.
  • It was inquired if LMT would recommend Parking and Transportation provide parking passes for students during the interim breaks or provide bus transportation.

Action: Kathy will pass inquiry along to Parking and Transportation.

Window project

  • Campus wants to go ahead with the window project this summer.
  • Facilities will need to extend their timeline to complete the work by the end of September.
  • Generally, fourth floor, first floor and ground floor windows will be restored. Second floor windows will be replaced.
  • Seams, rooflines, downspouts and cracks will be repaired.
  • This is a $3 million project.
  • Restoration will begin after graduation in May.
  • Window replacements will arrive mid-July.
  • Concerns about humidity and temperature were discussed.
    • It was brought up that LMT would want to strategize to recommend order of windows to be replaced.
  • It was proposed that LMT discuss a communication plan to notify students and patrons.

Decision: LMT determined that, due to the need and opportunity and long-term gain, we should approve this project and proposed timeline.

Notary Services

  • University Libraries now offers notary services via Nicole Whyte in 104 Ellis Library.

FY 21 Budget

  • Since we are a cost center now, it is unsure if Deb and Kathy will meet with the Provost about our 2021 budget as was required in past years.
  • The budget office is not asking us to do a long-range plan at this time.
  • The flat rate benefit will go from $10K to $10.5K per person.
  • We have been asked to look at cost of operation for all of our current services.
  • Kathy is working with the Provost office to move funds to cover the order picker and materials trays for UMLDII.
  • Departments will be expected to prepare for a 10% pullback next year.
  • Open positions will be reviewed.
    • LMT members are asked to provide requests for additional positions to Kathy and Brenda.
    • Open positions and plans for changing positions will be reviewed.
    • Vice Provost search update will be requested.
    • Salary pool for campus has not been announced.
  • Other campuses are not doing the same budget model. It has been asked how we will coordinate with other campuses in obtaining funding for shared resources.
    • It was noted that $3.2M comes from state appropriations. We spent $3.8M so the difference was provided by University Administration.
  • It is a goal that the budget for the next year is established by December of the current year.


  • It was suggested that we create a new listserv for Ellis Library Occupants, separate from the MULIBSTAFF listserv, to deal with building issues.
  • Logistics about how to accomplish this were discussed.

Serial changes for FY20 communication

  • It was suggested that the Director announce the serial changes to faculty.
  • It was also suggested that the announcement include that the list is available on the website.

Action: Deb will work to prepare something in the next two weeks.

Scanner Replacements

  • ST Imaging has identified four scanners that need to be replaced.
  • We have a donor who is interested in funding this project.
  • Discussion ensued regarding placement and if usage would warrant four replacements.
  • It was suggested that as we have moved microfilm out of our collection that we wait to support a scanner at UMLD.

Action: Jeannette will discuss with her areas.

Student Budget

  • It was suggested that LMT members review the student budget numbers that were posted today.
  • Do we have enough student budget to make it to the end of the year or should we use lapse salary to cover overages?

Staff Evaluations

  • It was noted that the deadline for staff evaluations is not manageable.
    • Extensions to the established deadline was requested.
  • MULAC will be considered for deadlines next year.
  • It was also suggested that we follow the Provost’s website deadlines.

Decision: Self-evaluations deadline will be Feb. 7th, supervisor evaluation will be April 1st.


  • FMLA will be managed by an exterior organization.
    • Updates to FMLA procedure will be established and communicated in the near future.


Upcoming Dates

  • Library Management Team – Tuesday, February 11th from 2-3:30pm
  • All Staff Meeting – Thursday, February 13th from 2-3:30pm
  • Library Management Team – Tuesday, February 25th from 2-3:30pm



home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Books About Pandemics

Weekend Fun: Valentine’s Day Pet Photos, Indoor Garage Sale, First Friday

home Staff news Scoville Publishes in CJEM

Scoville Publishes in CJEM

Stickles SP, Carpenter CR, Gekle R, Kraus CK, Scoville, C, Theodoro D, Tran VH, Ubinas G, Raio C. The diagnostic accuracy of a point-of-care ultrasound protocol for shock etiology: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;21(3):406–417. doi:10.1017/cem.2018.498