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Notes from the Vice Provost

Hello Everyone,

I want to share with you the statement I sent to the provosts office that they can use in communications about the campus response to the coronavirus:

The University Libraries plan to remain open, with no changes to hours, but this may change as the situation changes. The University Libraries are equipped to provide information resources and services to faculty, student, and staff remotely, via the web site and Zoom. See the Libraries’ Remote Resources Guide for more information. In the event of a partial campus closure, the Libraries may need to reduce hours. In the event of full closure, the Libraries would continue to provide access to online resources. Chat reference services would continue, and subject librarians would be available for consultations via email. Changes to library hours or services will be posted on the Libraries’ website and to social media.

Please stay alert to news from campus leadership about the response in this fluid situation. For now, we plan to continue to keep the libraries open while the classes have shifted to online only.

Thank you for everything all of you are doing to keep the Libraries operating.

Deb Ward