Now through Oct. 31
The Spooky Books display was curated by Isabella Bickhaus, library intern, and Janet Hilts, Humanties Librarian.
Looking for even more spooky titles? Check out Morbidly Curious Books. . .
Your source for what's new at Mizzou Libraries
Now through Oct. 31
The Spooky Books display was curated by Isabella Bickhaus, library intern, and Janet Hilts, Humanties Librarian.
Looking for even more spooky titles? Check out Morbidly Curious Books. . .
Your article was recently accepted for publication and you want to make sure your research has the widest reach and impact. One way to make sure this happens is retaining your author rights.
Traditional publishing agreements sign your copyright away to the publisher, lessening your impact as an author. When you don’t hold your copyright, you might not be allowed to give copies to your class or distribute it among colleagues. And depending on what you sign, you aren’t allowed to put your article on your webpage or in an online depository, further limiting your exposure.
So how do you make sure you retain your copyright? Publishing agreements are negotiable. Know your rights and consider using the SPARC author addendum* to modify your agreement. The SPARC author addendum is a free and legal resource that helps you easily modify your publishing agreement.
Need help or have questions? Visit our know your rights guide or contact your subject librarian.
*The Author Addendum is a free resource developed by SPARC in partnership with Creative Commons and Science Commons, established non-profit organizations that offer a range of copyright options for many different creative endeavors.
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Teaching for Learning Center
Your students may not be aware of the information resources and services the library provides to help them be successful in your class. In this session, we will discuss how library resources and services can be integrated directly into your Canvas course.
The discussion will cover collaborative possibilities and practices for teaching and learning such as scheduling in-person or online instructions sessions, creating, and using interactive library learning modules and tutorials including self-guided tours for students.
You will also be introduced to the Digital Media and Innovation Lab (DMiL) in Ellis Library which offer tools for creative course projects and assignments.
Don’t Sign Away Your Rights!
Traditional publishers’ agreements often transfer copyright from the author to the publisher, giving them the right to reproduce and redistribute your work.
The most important thing you can do is read your copyright transfer agreement. Don’t like what it says? You can amend the agreements to retain the rights you need to make copies of your work and to share it with others.
Examine your publishers’ agreements
What is the publisher requiring of you? Those agreements that require you to transfer all your rights limit what you can do with your own work—that is, you are no longer the copyright holder.
If your publisher agreement reads something like: “the undersigned authors transfer ownership of copyright, including the right to publish and distribute the work by any means, method, or process whether now known or to be development in the future, to the Publisher,” consider amending the agreement.
Agreements that let you retain control of your work often have phrases like: “I grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish my work”; “I understand that no rights are transferred to the Journal”; or “I understand that a Creative Commons license will be applied to my work.”
Modify your agreements when needed
Publishing agreements are negotiable. Know your rights and consider using the SPARC author addendum to modify your agreement.
Deposit your work in MOspace
If you’ve retained the right to post to an online archive, submit your work to the MOspace Institutional Repository. An institutional repository, like MOspace, is one of the best ways to disseminate and preserve your work. As an open access tool, MOspace ensures that current and future generations of scholars benefit by finding your work.
More information on retaining your rights.
It’s MULSA’s 75th anniversary and we are working on a 75th anniversary cookbook! Please submit your favorite, treasured, fun, creative, etc. recipes:
Date: Friday, October 11, 2024
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Online via Zoom
The Introduction to Dimensions webinar will showcase how researchers can use this powerful database to find collaborators, track funded activity, identify trends and more.
Division of Research, Innovation & Impact
At MU Libraries, we’re committed to making access to research more sustainable, affordable and open. And we need your help!
In traditional publishing models, scholars surrender their copyright to commercial publishers in order to disseminate their research findings in scholarly journals. Publishers then sell or rent that same content back to the institution through journal subscriptions—at ever increasing prices. This unsustainable practice costs institutions millions of dollars every year and creates barriers to access for many. Open access publishing encourages scholars to retain their rights and make their work freely available online, increasing the availability and impact of research.
Retain Your Rights: No matter where you publish, the single most important thing you can do to make scholarly publishing more sustainable and equitable is Retain Your Rights. It’s your copyright – don’t just sign it away! Contracts are often negotiable. And read those agreements: you may have more rights to share your research than you realize.
Know Your Options: Choose the right venue for your research and know your open access options. If you’re an editor or manuscript reviewer, ask about the journal’s OA options.
Share Your Work: Deposit your research in MOspace, MU’s Digital Institutional Repository. Submitting your work to MOspace is easy. Just log in with your SSO and complete the Creative Commons license.
Learn More: Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area or request a Zoom workshop for your department, team or lab.
Have you always wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons and didn’t know where to start?
Thent his is for you! Learn to D&D will consist of 5 workshops where you can learn how to create your character, the setting, and how to play a campaign.
The first workshop in the series is D&D 101: The Basics
D&D 101: The Basics will cover everything you need as a beginner!:
Join us October 21st, 6-7pm in Ellis Library Room 114A. Not sure where that is? Here’s our map of the 1st floor.
Welcome, curious friends….
We have a new guide full of book recommendations for those who prefer the darker side of non-fiction.
Below are just a few of the books Mara has found, so be sure to check out the whole guide for more.
Stiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem.
Dark Archives by Megan Rosenbloom
On bookshelves around the world, surrounded by ordinary books bound in paper and leather, rest other volumes of a distinctly strange and grisly sort: those bound in human skin. Would you know one if you held it in your hand?
From paranormal investigator and host of Kindred Spirits Adam Berry comes Goodbye Hello, which blends supernatural and psychological research to explore the paranormal and afterlife to try and help answer big questions about the end.
Gardening Can Be Murder by Marta McDowell
This fun, engrossing book takes a look at the surprising influence that gardens and gardening have had on mystery novels and their authors. With their deadly plants, razor-sharp shears, shady corners, and ready-made burial sites, gardens make an ideal scene for the perfect murder.
It’s MULSA’s 75th anniversary and we are working on a 75th anniversary cookbook! Please submit your favorite, treasured, fun, creative, etc. recipes: