home Staff news Welcome to Jonathan Richardson

Welcome to Jonathan Richardson

Welcome to Jonathan Richardson, new librarian information assistant in Shelving, who started on Tuesday, February 18. Ryan Bish will be his supervisor.

home Staff news Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 2/11/20

Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items 2/11/20

LMT Info and Action Items 2/11/20

home Events and Exhibits Upcoming Black History Month Events @ Your Library

Upcoming Black History Month Events @ Your Library

7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
114A Ellis Library

Lecture: Voyage into the Matrix of Race & the Truly Determined
Professor Rodney Coates examines the complex­ities of institutional racism and offers techniques for dealing with them.

Sponsored by: Black History Month Committee, Black Studies, and University of Missouri Libraries

1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
114A Ellis Library

Reparations panel/presentation
A panel of scholars will look at the problems posed by the question of reparations, one of the most contentious and championed causes of our time.

Sponsored by: Black History Month Committee, Black Studies, University of Missouri Libraries, and History Department

6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Friends Room, Daniel Boone Regional Library

Black History & Culture Trivia Night
Info & registration: library.missouri.edu/trivia.

Free dinner & prizes.

Sponsored by DBRL, University of Missouri Libra­rie, Columbia Honda, Black Studies and Black History Month Committee

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Paul Pepper: Joan Stack, State Historical Society of Missouri, ‘The Black Vote'”
KBIA, February 7, 2020

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wisdom Tree Bookcase

Weekend Fun: Mizzou New Play Series, Aaron Parks Trio, Rocheport Chocolate Crawl

home Staff news Welcome to Matthew Sigmon

Welcome to Matthew Sigmon

Welcome to Matthew Sigmon, who started as a library information assistant on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Kevin McFillen will be his supervisor.

home Staff news Welcome to Jennifer Walker

Welcome to Jennifer Walker

I’m delighted to share that the successful candidate for the Acquisitions Librarian is Jennifer Walker. She will start on 2/24. Thank you to everyone who participated in the search and/or provided feedback.

–Corrie Hutchinson

home Events and Exhibits Black History Month Events

Black History Month Events

Black Vote/Liberation: The intersectional themes of black voting and liberation are complex and global for peoples of African descent. Indeed, issues related to the two-party system, proportional representation, Pan-African ideals, competing concepts of “democracy” have challenged any simple notions of what “black voting” signifies in 2020. Therefore, this year’s Black History Month Theme: Black Vote/Liberation celebrates the ongoing struggle for Black Liberation and its changing sociocultural and political patterns and migrations of Africa and throughout the Diaspora.

View all events at https://blackstudies.missouri.edu/feature/mu-black-history-month-2020.

home Events and Exhibits Black History Month Events

Black History Month Events

Black Vote/Liberation: The intersectional themes of black voting and liberation are complex and global for peoples of African descent. Indeed, issues related to the two-party system, proportional representation, Pan-African ideals, competing concepts of “democracy” have challenged any simple notions of what “black voting” signifies in 2020. Therefore, this year’s Black History Month Theme: Black Vote/Liberation celebrates the ongoing struggle for Black Liberation and its changing sociocultural and political patterns and migrations of Africa and throughout the Diaspora.

View all events at https://blackstudies.missouri.edu/feature/mu-black-history-month-2020.

home Events and Exhibits U. S. Cartoonists Chronicle the History of African American Voting Rights

U. S. Cartoonists Chronicle the History of African American Voting Rights

Now on Display in the Ellis Library Colonnade

This exhibition explores the 2020 national theme of Black History Month, African Americans and the Vote, with a series of twentieth-century American editorial cartoons that address the issue of African American voting right in the United States. Most of the artworks displayed are original drawings from the nationally renowned cartoon collection of the State Historical Society of Missouri. These rarely seen artworks document the long struggle Americans of color have experienced in their attempts to exercise their fundamental rights as citizens.