home Staff news Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week

Roman Empire Book Display
Cozy Comforts Books Display

home Uncategorized MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

Assisted by the MU Libraries, humanities researcher Carsten Strathausen is constructing a comprehensive visual database encompassing all adaptations of Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” This resource aims to serve scholars and students for years to come.

Research Librarian Anne Barker consulted with Carsten on the project by identifying and acquiring materials, suggesting strategies for gathering data, and pointing him to other library staff who could assist. Seth Huber, head of cataloging acquisitions and collection development,
searched for and downloaded the catalog records of versions and translations of “The Trial.”
In addition, Steven Pryor, director of digital initiatives, developed a Python web-crawler to gather metadata on these resources and played a key role in organizing the dataset. He also helped to created an Excel sheet containing vital information to track advancements, which will be useful to continue these research endeavors.

The Interlibrary Loan team played a crucial role in acquiring numerous adaptations of “The Trial” from around the globe, including artworks, films, graphic novels and more. Ivy Hui, head of the ILL Borrowing/Requesting Unit, and her dedicated team maintained regular communication with Dr. Strathausen, updating him on their progress in locating these elusive adaptations of Kafka’s text.

Dr. Stathausen is continuing his work with a grant from the MU Center for the Humanities and is organizing an international symposium on “Digital Kafka” that will take place this fall at Georgetown University.

For more information on this project and an interview with Dr. Strathausen, visit Research, Innovation and Impact.

home Events and Exhibits The Roman Empire Book Display

The Roman Empire Book Display

What is your Roman Empire? If the answer is the Roman Empire, we’ve got the books for you! You can find some of our books on the Roman Empire on display in the Ellis Library colonnade. Feel free to check one out today!

home Events and Exhibits Cozy Comforts Book Display

Cozy Comforts Book Display

What makes you feel cozy? It’s time to break out those cozy comforts and slow down for winter break. Learn how to cook comforting meals, crochet some granny squares, meditate or improve your sleep. Here is the full cozy reads book list with links to the e-books.

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 11/28/2023

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 11/28/2023

LMT 11.28.23 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Members of Journalism Librarian Search Committee

Members of Journalism Librarian Search Committee

The search committee for the Journalism Librarian has been formed. Those serving are:

Search Committee:
– Vera Elwood, Chair, Head of Journalism Library
– Chris Pryor, Director for Health Sciences Library and Associate University Librarian for the Specialized Libraries
– Liz Brixey, Journalism School faculty representative
– Peter Kouba, Journalism Library staff representative
– Taira Meadowcroft, Specialized Library faculty representative

home Staff news Kelli Hansen Publishes Chapter on Comic Books in Libraries

Kelli Hansen Publishes Chapter on Comic Books in Libraries

“The Scarcity of Comic Books in American Research Libraries.” In Brian Flota and Kate Morris (Ed.), Comic Books, Special Collections, and Academic Libraries. Association of College and Research Libraries.

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Sorry, I’m a week late on posting these. -Shannon

A Christmas Carol: The Musical

Shelter Gardens Winter Wonderland

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Adapting Kafka”
Research, Innovation and Impact Newsletter, December 7, 2023

home Staff news Rebecca Graves Publishes in Medical Journal

Rebecca Graves Publishes in Medical Journal

Torrisi, C., Anderson, E. A., Patel, K., Graves, R., & Armer, J. M. (2023). Breast, chest and truncal lymphoedema occurrence following risk-reducing mastectomy: a review of the literature [Review]. Journal of Lymphoedema, 18(1), 1-6.