Textus seque[n]tiaru[m] cu[m] optimo comme[n]to.
Information About This Item
Torrentinus, H. (Hermannus), -1520.
Textus seque[n]tiaru[m] cu[m] optimo comme[n]to.
[Heinrich Quentell]
Woodcut on t.p. depicting a teacher with 4 students.
Index lists 51 sequences; "Sequentie de nouo addite" (last twelve leaves) includes 10 more.
Sequences on the Nativity, St. Stephan, St. John, the Innocents, the Epiphany, St. Paul, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,on the Resurrection.
Commentary by H. Torrentinus. Cf. BM Gen. cat.
Initial spaces.
Date from folium 3[b] [verso of p. signed aiij].
Probably printed consecutively with the 1496 Expositio hymnorum.
Goff S-459.
Hain-Copinger 14686.
Copinger 5379?
BM 15th cent., I, p. 286 (IA. 4913)
MU:Title page repaired and mounted prior to binding (19th century). Library's copy bound in half red leather with decorated endpapers and boards. Spine decorated with floral motif between raised bands in gilt and embossed with "c.1494". Marginal annotations in Latin in contemporary ink. Initial spaces not rubricated; Bookplate of Glenmore Whitney Davis, journalist for the New York Globe, on rear lining papers.
Index lists 51 sequences; "Sequentie de nouo addite" (last twelve leaves) includes 10 more.
Sequences on the Nativity, St. Stephan, St. John, the Innocents, the Epiphany, St. Paul, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,on the Resurrection.
Commentary by H. Torrentinus. Cf. BM Gen. cat.
Initial spaces.
Date from folium 3[b] [verso of p. signed aiij].
Probably printed consecutively with the 1496 Expositio hymnorum.
Goff S-459.
Hain-Copinger 14686.
Copinger 5379?
BM 15th cent., I, p. 286 (IA. 4913)
MU:Title page repaired and mounted prior to binding (19th century). Library's copy bound in half red leather with decorated endpapers and boards. Spine decorated with floral motif between raised bands in gilt and embossed with "c.1494". Marginal annotations in Latin in contemporary ink. Initial spaces not rubricated; Bookplate of Glenmore Whitney Davis, journalist for the New York Globe, on rear lining papers.
Catalog entry: Rare Vault BV468 .C4 1496
BV468 .C4 1496
OCLC/WorldCat Number: 8031798
Catholic Church -- Liturgy -- Texts.
Catholic Church -- Liturgy -- Early works to 1800.
Catholic Church -- Hymns.
Sequences (Liturgy) -- Texts.
Sequences (Liturgy) -- Early works to 1800.
Quentell, Heinrich, -1501, printer.
Catholic Church.
Davis, Glenmore Whitney. Former owner.
cxxxiii, 13 unnumbered leaves : illustrations ; 22 cm (4to)