De natiuitatibus.
Information About This Item
Firmicus Maternus, Julius.
De natiuitatibus.
[Cura, & diligentia Aldi Ro.]
[Mense octob. 1499]
Contents: Astronomicon, by M. Manilius--Phaenomena, by Aratos, in Latin and Greek with commentaries.--Sphaera, by Proclus Diadochus, in Latin and Greek.
Leaf [la] (t.p.): Iulii Firmici Astronomicorum libri octo...
Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) V, p.l 560. (IB24483)
Edited by Franciscus Niger.
MU: Rare copy has 2 parchment leaves from the 13th or 14th century trimmed to fit between panel areas between the bands, pasted together to form back lining of spine. Cords are stitched through manuscript leaves and attached to cover. Manuscript has a minute Gothic script with marginal notations (chiefly Roman numerals); red and blue Roman numerals and two pen-flourished initials.
Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) V, p.l 560. (IB24483)
Edited by Franciscus Niger.
MU: Rare copy has 2 parchment leaves from the 13th or 14th century trimmed to fit between panel areas between the bands, pasted together to form back lining of spine. Cords are stitched through manuscript leaves and attached to cover. Manuscript has a minute Gothic script with marginal notations (chiefly Roman numerals); red and blue Roman numerals and two pen-flourished initials.
Includes: Manilius, Marcus. Astronomicon.
Aratus, Solensis. Phaenomena.
Proclus, approximately 410-485. De sphaera.
Negri, Francesco, 1500-1563. De natiuitatibus.
Aratus, Solensis. Phaenomena.
Proclus, approximately 410-485. De sphaera.
Negri, Francesco, 1500-1563. De natiuitatibus.
Catalog entry: Rare Vault QB41 .F5 1499
QB41 .F5 1499
OCLC/WorldCat Number: 28534883
Astronomy, Greek.
Astronomy, Roman.
Astrology, Greek.
Astrology, Roman.
Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515.
108 unnumbered pages (the first 2 unnumbered pages blank) ; folio