Carta ejecutoria: Executoria a pedimiento de Pedro y Alonso Cavezudo.
Information About This Item
Pedro and Alonso Cavezudo filed their lawsuit in 1548, but this ejecutoria was not issued until 1569. It contains transcriptions of documents written during the reigns of Enrique IV of Castile (1425-1474), Isabel I of Castile (1474-1504), and Juana of Castile (1504-1555). In addition to these documents, the Cavezudo brothers provided witnesses who attested to their relationship to the hidalgos for whom these historical documents were originally written.
Contains: copies of documents written during the reigns of Enrique IV of Castile, Isabel I of Castile, and Juana of Castile. 84 parchment sheets; bordered letters; two sheets with notes and genealogical tree of the Cavezudo family; and full color handwritten shield on parchment of the Galician family. Measurements: 35 cm x 24 cm.
Valladolid (Spain).
Lawsuit beginning date
Cavezudo, Pedro.
Legal representatives
de Villafranca, Hernando.
Martín Cigales, Juan.
De Soto, Bartolomé.
Chamochin, Alonso.
Diaz, Alonso, el viejo.
Bravo, Pedro, el viejo.