Carta ejecutoria: Carta ejecutoria de hidalguia a pedimiento de Juan de Alvarado…
Information About This Item
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Carta ejecutoria de hidalguia a pedimiento de Juan de Alvarado difunto y Rodrigo de Alvarado su hijo.
Binding: Contemporary calf elaborately tooled in gilt using four distinct rolls, a double fillet, and at least ten stamps. Red silk pastedowns.
Additional internal documentations: On the recto of the leaf with the miniature of the family praying is a note showing that the notary who prepared the manuscript and was responsible for the miniatures and illumination was Francisco Perez Grandiola and that the fee was 1800 maravides. There was an additional charge of 12 pesos for silk and 80 pesos for the lead seal no longer present. (There is no information given as to who did the binding or its cost.)
Binding as above, worn over all, especially at board edges and spine at the raised bands; still, lovely, with evidence of silk ties at top, bottom, and fore-edges. Paint of initials and the miniature of the king in spots a little rubbed/faded; that of the full-page presentations bright and in notably excellent condition. The lead seal is not present but its silk cord remains; the vellum of the text leaves is clean.
Juan Alvarado, citizen of La Fuente, Spain, initiated a suit in December, 1583, to be recognized as an hidalgo. The process was lengthy but economically rewarding despite the litigation and other costs; he died before being granted the status but the case was continue by his son Rodrigo, who was granted the status in 1598. This is a contemporary and certified copy of the final carta ejecutoria de hidalguia, signed by the king of arms and two other royal officials. At the end the city officials of La Fuente also acknowledge the new Alvarado status.
The volume begins with a full-page miniature of the Alvarado family kneeling in a field praying, with rosaries, to the Virgin and Child above them in a gilt mandorla. The miniature is surrounded on three sides by a wide composite border, the two sides featuring feature flowers, fruits and berries, an urn, a bare-chested woman, and doves; the third element at the base of the page bears the name of the king gilt on deep blue within a baroque frame. The colors used for this page are black, gold, blue, red, green, white, rose, and brown. Opposite the miniature is another illuminated leaf with the family coat of arms below a large miniature of a battle scene in which an ancestor on horseback is slaying Saracens. The miniature and coat of arms are presented with borders on the left and right accomplished in gilt, rose, purple, white, brown, and green of flowers, birds, snails, butterflies, and ladybugs; their own colors are similarly bright and many.
The text is accomplished in a good semi-gothic hand, in black ink, with twelve large, 12-line illuminated initials on fields of red within a green frame; one four-line illuminated initial on a field of blue; and one15-line tall miniature of King Felipe II accomplished in silver, black, white, and gold on a red field with a green frame. The three leaves with miniatures retain their red silk guards."
Measurements: 32 cm x 21.75 cm
Additional internal documentations: On the recto of the leaf with the miniature of the family praying is a note showing that the notary who prepared the manuscript and was responsible for the miniatures and illumination was Francisco Perez Grandiola and that the fee was 1800 maravides. There was an additional charge of 12 pesos for silk and 80 pesos for the lead seal no longer present. (There is no information given as to who did the binding or its cost.)
Binding as above, worn over all, especially at board edges and spine at the raised bands; still, lovely, with evidence of silk ties at top, bottom, and fore-edges. Paint of initials and the miniature of the king in spots a little rubbed/faded; that of the full-page presentations bright and in notably excellent condition. The lead seal is not present but its silk cord remains; the vellum of the text leaves is clean.
Juan Alvarado, citizen of La Fuente, Spain, initiated a suit in December, 1583, to be recognized as an hidalgo. The process was lengthy but economically rewarding despite the litigation and other costs; he died before being granted the status but the case was continue by his son Rodrigo, who was granted the status in 1598. This is a contemporary and certified copy of the final carta ejecutoria de hidalguia, signed by the king of arms and two other royal officials. At the end the city officials of La Fuente also acknowledge the new Alvarado status.
The volume begins with a full-page miniature of the Alvarado family kneeling in a field praying, with rosaries, to the Virgin and Child above them in a gilt mandorla. The miniature is surrounded on three sides by a wide composite border, the two sides featuring feature flowers, fruits and berries, an urn, a bare-chested woman, and doves; the third element at the base of the page bears the name of the king gilt on deep blue within a baroque frame. The colors used for this page are black, gold, blue, red, green, white, rose, and brown. Opposite the miniature is another illuminated leaf with the family coat of arms below a large miniature of a battle scene in which an ancestor on horseback is slaying Saracens. The miniature and coat of arms are presented with borders on the left and right accomplished in gilt, rose, purple, white, brown, and green of flowers, birds, snails, butterflies, and ladybugs; their own colors are similarly bright and many.
The text is accomplished in a good semi-gothic hand, in black ink, with twelve large, 12-line illuminated initials on fields of red within a green frame; one four-line illuminated initial on a field of blue; and one15-line tall miniature of King Felipe II accomplished in silver, black, white, and gold on a red field with a green frame. The three leaves with miniatures retain their red silk guards."
Measurements: 32 cm x 21.75 cm
The original material is in a private collection not owned by the University of Missouri Libraries. Please contact Special Collections for more information.
Granada (Spain).
Fuente del Maestre (Spain).
Palomas (Spain).
Fuente del Maestre (Spain).
Palomas (Spain).
Lawsuit beginning date
de Alvarado, Juan.
de Alvarado, Alonso.
de Alvarado, Juan (hijo).
de Alvarado, Rodrigo.
de Alvarado, Gaspar.
de Alvarado, Alonso.
de Alvarado, Juan (hijo).
de Alvarado, Rodrigo.
de Alvarado, Gaspar.
Legal representatives
de Amezaga, Diego.
López Madero (licenciado).
San Martín de Rueda (licenciado).
de Zúñiga, Juan.
Mesía de Frías, Diego.
Varela, Blas.
López Madero (licenciado).
San Martín de Rueda (licenciado).
de Zúñiga, Juan.
Mesía de Frías, Diego.
Varela, Blas.
Diaz, Elvira.
Martín Vidal, Juan.
Salguero, Francisco.
Alonso de la Pompa, Fernando.
Pérez, Bartolomé.
Hernández, Martín.
Martín Vidal, Juan.
Salguero, Francisco.
Alonso de la Pompa, Fernando.
Pérez, Bartolomé.
Hernández, Martín.